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Jeff Hendrick


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Another waste of a signing  :idiot2: OK for free but what about wages?


A Burnley reject, 28 yrs old and a 4 year deal!? He'll be laughing all the way to retirement.


We have the Longstaff's that don't get many games and are young with potential, I hope they are pushed down the pecking order. (I suspect they will be.)

Sorry meant to say hope they are NOT pushed down the pecking order!  :snod:

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A Burnley reject, 28 yrs old and a 4 year deal!? He'll be laughing all the way to retirement.


How's he a Burnley reject? Dyche literally wanted to keep him.

Burnley didn't think he was worthy a new contract.

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A Burnley reject, 28 yrs old and a 4 year deal!? He'll be laughing all the way to retirement.


How's he a Burnley reject? Dyche literally wanted to keep him.

Burnley didn't think he was worthy a new contract.

I stand corrected sir  :rose:!


I will wait and see what he turns out like for us, though I am not holding my breath!



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Hendrick is an average player, should have saved the wages on someone that can improve the XI. At best, he's another body I guess :/


He does improve the XI. He's better than Bentaleb and the Longstaffs.

Sean offers more, Matt's worth is still tbd. He's at best equal to Bentaleb.

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Hendrick is an average player, should have saved the wages on someone that can improve the XI. At best, he's another body I guess :/


He does improve the XI. He's better than Bentaleb and the Longstaffs.

Sean offers more, Matt's worth is still tbd. He's at best equal to Bentaleb.


Sean was rubbish last season

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Hendrick is an average player, should have saved the wages on someone that can improve the XI. At best, he's another body I guess :/


He does improve the XI. He's better than Bentaleb and the Longstaffs.

Sean offers more, Matt's worth is still tbd. He's at best equal to Bentaleb.


Offers more what?

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I wish he was called Jeff Hendricks and not just Hendrick.  He would have been a cult hero.


He's probably an upgrade on Hayden anyway so there is that.


I know it's not saying much but Hayden was our best CM last season! Actually, probably the last two seasons!

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Mick McCarthy on Jeff Hendrick


Steve Bruce asked Mick McCarthy about him and this is what McCarthy told Bruce.




“Steve rang me to ask about him and whether he’d be a good signing – and I told him exactly what I’m telling you. I just said: “Yes. In a heartbeat.”


“They were my first words. I think it’s a great signing. You don’t get too many as good as Jeff on a free transfer, that’s for sure. It’s an unbelievable bargain for Newcastle and I think he’ll be great for Steve.


“He’s been doing it for Burnley for four years in the Premier League. For me he was brilliant. I think he’s a very good player, he’s athletic, he’s got a good touch, he can see a pass and he’s got a goal in him. I said to Brucey: ‘He’s all of those things and he’s 6ft 1ins, 6ft 2ins – he can defend corner kicks as well.’


“I think there’s more to come from him as well, he’s got more to offer than he’s shown so far.


“People will say Burnley this or that but they keep finishing well in the Premier League and he’s been involved in that.


“He played narrow on the right for them and what I love about that is it’s not really his position but does he moan? Does he whinge? Does he hell. He just gets on and plays.


“He does what he does, fits in and does a job. I loved him with Ireland. He was terrific for me. He scored the winner in our first game, getting into the box and he’s got an eye for goal.


“You talked about mentality up in the North East. He’s got no hang ups. He’s a proper bloke. I didn’t see any hang ups in him.


“He played international level – he played against good teams in Switzerland and Denmark and did very, very well. He was as good as anyone else on the pitch in those matches.


“We played 4-3-3 and he played centrally. He’s a nice option to have narrow on the right if you’ve got a man like Allan Saint-Maximin who wanders and does damage in the box in a freer role.


“Jeff is a very safe option in that formation because he’ll offer that back-up and I’m sure there’ll be some consideration of that.”

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Proper bloke


Safe option


Can defend corner kicks


6ft 2ins


Doesn’t whinge


Ok, I’m sold.


Aye - really picked the wrong bloke to sell it. Might as well have asked Sam Allardyce for his opinion tbh.

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Proper bloke


Safe option


Can defend corner kicks


6ft 2ins


Doesn’t whinge


Ok, I’m sold.


Aye - really picked the wrong bloke to sell it. Might as well have asked Sam Allardyce for his opinion tbh.


Did you not read the article properly? Clearly he said more and better things about him.


Oooos, sorry I forgot, you just wanted to whinge for the sake of it. My apologies.



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Aha, we’re demanding fans already!



And a massive club.




No he was right the first time. It was a massive club in history, now the massive clubs are Man City and Chelsea who wouldn't touch Hendricks with a barge pole.

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Aha, we’re demanding fans already!



Is he seriously taking the piss? Demanding fans?


We've sat through utter turgid dogshit for 13 years with no intention of even competing and we're 'demanding'.


Fuck this prick.

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A bit more demanding. Oh he's broke the eleventh commandment.


For those of you with more of a scientific approach, it's all relative, innit.


Maybe other clubs aren't demanding at all, which would make us a bit demanding. Oooh, paint me offended.

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