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  1. 1. We going down then or what? 10 - aye, doomed, no hope of salvation / 5 - can't call it / 0 - nah we're sound, can't wait for next season

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We'll be fine man. I think we'll need another 4 points probably but I think we'll get more. We nearly got a point today despite not playing well and we were obviously fucked over. Think we'll win our next 2 home games and I reckon we'll draw against Arsenal last day of the season at home. Probably a point picked up on the road as well somewhere.

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We won't be anywhere near relegation.


We've been near all season and we're still near now so not sure why you think things are going to massively improve.


Even the manager himself basically admits that it is impossible for him to pick up any points if he's got more than two or three injuries.

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We've not once been in the bottom three, and we're 6 points clear of the relegation zone. I don't consider that being close.


Yet sunderland are four points away and they're supposedly in big trouble?


Either way it's going to be an utterly grim end to the season.

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We've not once been in the bottom three, and we're 6 points clear of the relegation zone. I don't consider that being close.


Yet sunderland are four points away and they're supposedly in big trouble?


Either way it's going to be an utterly grim end to the season.

Our form is so much better than theirs, and I don't think they are in that big trouble anyway.

Our end of the season will depend heavily on how long Debuchy and especially Cabaye are out.

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Are we doing any better points wise from 17th than we were after the Reading game? Despite the influx of quite a few very talented players we seem no further forward in any area.


I don't think we'll go down but being 6 points off 17th (with a game more) after 30 games is a big worry, especially as we've been "too good to go down" before.

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It frightens me how little we've improved since the new players came in and moreso that we seem to be a downward spiral as we predictably coach them to be worse.


Certainly we have picked up but only relative to how bad we were before. We've beaten Stoke, Soton, Villa and Chelsea - three of those it would have been shameful not to have beaten anyway, but then we lose to Wigan so that balances that out. We've spent £20m and gone from a team that's possibly going to be relegated to a team that's probably not going to be relegated. That's hardly a massive leap forward.


All season Pardew's defenders said that the overwhelming cause of our poor football, offensively and defensively, was Simpson and Williamson. They've not played for ages now, can anyone honestly say our attacking game has improved?

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Take away Halsey's last minute mess up, we've essentially drawn that game. An improvement on normal.


Our attacking play is so predictable though, I think I've turned against having one up front - we rarely look a threat.

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Take away Halsey's last minute mess up, we've essentially drawn that game. An improvement on normal.


Our attacking play is so predictable though, I think I've turned against having one up front - we rarely look a threat.


At this point I'm not convinced any formation or even personnel changes would make the slightest bit of difference.

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We improved a lot between the new signings and before today.... we only had 2 losses in 10 games in all competitions with 6 wins, 2 draws and 2 defeats.


I find it staggering to suggest otherwise, we was bad today but again we had Coloccini, Cabaye, Ben Arfa and Krul all missing and Debuchy got injured at the beginning and besides the reason we lost was referee decisions.


You can say that is what squads are for but there are very few teams who could deal without that level of quality and still perform to a high standard.

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to put a 1 in perspective we have 4 away games left, you can literally not bank on a single point from any of those games, though we might sneak something somewhere


fulham, mackems, liverpool & arsenal at home are the other 4 games - how many do people realistically think we'll get from them, 6 points?  suppose that'd be us safe if so


the point of this post however is the hypothetical once again....HBA ain't coming back, doesn't look like we can rely on cabaye at the moment so it's evidently going to be down to sissoko to carry us and he's already looking like he's starting to feel the strain of being pardews only plan, debuchy & haidara now injured to add to colo...we've already seen that pardew can't handle injuries and suspensions, apparently he's just a passive bystander who should bear no responsibility when his first 11 aren't playing


lose to man city and fulham and it gets as nervy as fuck going into the derby imo


i don't think we'll go down, the wins bought by the new players in jan/feb have probably just seen to that, but as has been said this season has been little short of a disgrace on the pitch tbh...i've said in the past pardew deserves another year for continuities sake but really, does he?

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Conceding late in games as opposed to grinding out dull but extremely valuable points is killing us. The Swansea game and now Wigan. Handball or no handball you just shouldn't be conceding in a game like that in the 89th minute ffs.


Looks like the Fulham game is emerging as another must win game because I can't see us getting anything at City. Boy we do like to make things difficult for ourselves, christ.

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to put a 1 in perspective we have 4 away games left, you can literally not bank on a single point from any of those games, though we might sneak something somewhere


fulham, mackems, liverpool & arsenal at home are the other 4 games - how many do people realistically think we'll get from them, 6 points?  suppose that'd be us safe if so


the point of this post however is the hypothetical once again....HBA ain't coming back, doesn't look like we can rely on cabaye at the moment so it's evidently going to be down to sissoko to carry us and he's already looking like he's starting to feel the strain of being pardews only plan, debuchy & haidara now injured to add to colo...we've already seen that pardew can't handle injuries and suspensions, apparently he's just a passive bystander who should bear no responsibility when his first 11 aren't playing


lose to man city and fulham and it gets as nervy as fuck going into the derby imo


i don't think we'll go down, the wins bought by the new players in jan/feb have probably just seen to that, but as has been said this season has been little short of a disgrace on the pitch tbh...i've said in the past pardew deserves another year for continuities sake but really, does he?




Does anybody have any doubt that we'd have gone down if we hadn't signed them? For me it's a no-brainer, so then you have to ask yourself, at the start of the season, if you'd been told who was injured and told you'd go down, would anybody have said the manager deserved to keep his job in that scenario?


I think some people have painted themselves into a corner and now feel they'll look stupid by turning and saying the manager should go. That's the only explanation I can offer for those prepared to defend what has been an utter car crash of a season.

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Fulham and Mackems are must win games. That will give us 39 which this season might be enough. I'd rather we got 40-42 which would be truly safe. It's gonna be close if we lose one of those two home games.

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Fulham and Mackems are must win games. That will give us 39 which this season might be enough. I'd rather we got 40-42 which would be truly safe. It's gonna be close if we lose one of those two home games.


I think it'll be less than 39 mate, 37 or 38 will probably do it. Agree about the next two home games though, especially Fulham and if we were to lose that game we really are in troubling if you assume we're coming off a defeat to City. Wouldn't be surprised if we draw against the Mackems in a nervy affair as s*** as they are but I think we'll beat Fulham.

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The bookies still have us as a 20/1 shot, if some of you really are thinking it's a decent possibility you probably want to be smashing into that.


The mackems are as low as 7/2 now - shocking form and tricky fixtures looking like a potent cocktail....

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Funny that given we're only a few points apart. I suppose with a few games to go fixtures, form and the like are quite telling. I rage-bet on us at 4/1 or 5/1 a while back before we signed Debuchy, Gouff & Co. - think they'd have paid out already had we not!

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