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332 members have voted

  1. 1. We going down then or what? 10 - aye, doomed, no hope of salvation / 5 - can't call it / 0 - nah we're sound, can't wait for next season

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Was 1, still 1.


Yes. Throughout all of the shite, too.

I might have been up to a 2 for a short time, but not worse than that.

How anyone can be more than a 2 now is beyond me. Look at the team that is likely to start our next few games after Swansea (Hatem won't start that), there is absolutely no chance that team will be even close to being relegated.

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But what was in front of our eyes was that way back in the first two months of the season, we went through a stage of only losing to the current English champions and current Europeans champions. I think it was only until we had that shocker of a game against West Ham (after Europe?) when we finally lost to another team.


Alright, so we hadn't been firing on the same cylinders as the end of the previous season, but there were some things happening off the pitch and we weren't doing a great deal coping with Europa (turning home wins into draws). Even so, we were still midtable and a couple of wins off the likes of Everton (who, by all accounts, had enjoyed a brilliant start to the season).


To take the 11 in 13 stat on it's own and apply it to the rest of the season does the players and management no justice; it just adds weight to the naysayers who want to ignore the realities of our season and carry on their tubthumping.


We've seen how influential Cabaye has been now that he's back from injury, both creating and covering - he was still going to come back without the new signings.


We've seen Cisse somewhat rejuvenated since getting his central position back and not being forced out wide due to Ba - this was still going to happen without the new signings.


We've seen a splash of Tiote's old form - I'm not sure how much this is affected by Sissoko or if he's just got his head down after Anita and Cabaye (after injury) have been pushing him for a place. I'd like to think he couldn't continue in his pre-Xmas slump for the last half of the season.


We've seen how much more robust the team is with Williamson given a much needed break - the lad was mentally shot in November and Pards hasn't had the luxury of giving him a breather. It's not that he's utterly shite (or whatever the hyperbole-spouters will preach), he's just shouldn't be starting regularly in a Premiership team (especially if they're struggling for form). Staylor had to come back from injury at some point - even if it's only for a month before he next breaks down - that gives Williamson a chance to rest up and get his head sorted. He's had no confidence.


Why was the 11 in 13 seemingly irreversible?


Can you point to another reason why we went on that run? Perhaps you think the manager is fundamentally poor at team selection, preparation and motivation at this level (evidence suggests otherwise, mind). Perhaps you feel (or felt) that we genuinely don't have a very good squad (not including the later January arrivals) and that the injured players wouldn't come back in time to have an impact on the league (Cabaye, Staylor, Cabaye, etc)? If you've been scarred by the Robson/Souness/Roeder years on unprecedented injury lists, I wouldn't blame you, but we've seemingly attracted more resilient players in recent years who don't cry off with a sore calf, tennis elbow, playstation thumb, etc.


I always felt that the November horror show was the nadir of our season; the performances were beginning to improve (even if the results weren't) and I took a great amount of encouragement from our 11 goals conceded at OT and The Emirates - a team that were playing out the string wouldn't have shown as much initiative as we did for 120 minutes of those games.



honestly ain't got time to pick that apart mate, i'll just say there was little in cabaye's form pre-injury to suggest he'd return the way he did (imo the new signings galvanised him) and do you really have to ask why i thought 11 in 13 was irreversible with the same squad of players? :lol:  it's 11 in 13 man, pardew's got previous in taking west ham to their worst losing run in 70 years before being sacked too, for example...but i'm sure that's not relevant eh?


he was lost and had no answers, i know it and others know it, but as we're dealing in speculation it's pointless arguing about really

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I don't think it's something you can even apply to a scale. You either think we're going down or you don't, so you can't really attach a number to it.


The only time I've thought "right, that's it - I don't know how we're going to stop this slide" is after Reading. I honestly can't think of a worse home result during my time supporting us. Sheff Utd and Birmingham (cup) under Roeder probably come closest. Reading are absolutely terrible and we were in the lead. We looked a relegated team that night. Actually turned out to be the most important result of the season.

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honestly ain't got time to pick that apart mate, i'll just say there was little in cabaye's form pre-injury to suggest he'd return the way he did (imo the new signings galvanised him) and do you really have to ask why i thought 11 in 13 was irreversible with the same squad of players? :lol:  it's 11 in 13 man, pardew's got previous in taking west ham to their worst losing run in 70 years before being sacked too, for example...but i'm sure that's not relevant eh?


he was lost and had no answers, i know it and others know it, but as we're dealing in speculation it's pointless arguing about really


Cabaye - I'm a massive fan of his, think he's been the best thing under the Ashley regime to happen for the club (left Champs League footy to sign onto the NUFC project - speaks volumes for me). Given that he'd been struggling with the groin injury from French duty (iirc) - they finally had to operate on him. For all your talk of him not being in form pre-injury, I think the team's performances after his absence says it all - even when he's not playing all that well (by his own standards) he's our most influential player. I'll accept that having his best mate in the team has boosted his morale a bit.


Pardew - yup, you don't like him. Not sure what relevance his WHU situation has for us. It's 10 years on, different team, different circumstances (nae shopping at Iceland). More recently, he's also presided over our best defensive start to a season.


I agree that he was starting to get a bit desperate but only because he'd realised that his 'squad' players were such a big drop off from the first XI - half of which sat out injured during that run (which was all competitions, remember). I think he, along with the fans, underestimated HBA's injury and that last season's good run/confidence allowed a number of 'squad' players to overperform. You can't underestimate mental strength when it comes to the pinnacle of professional sports - the athletes are all within a few % of each other physically, it's the ones who can deal with adversity who get the rewards.


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honestly ain't got time to pick that apart mate, i'll just say there was little in cabaye's form pre-injury to suggest he'd return the way he did (imo the new signings galvanised him) and do you really have to ask why i thought 11 in 13 was irreversible with the same squad of players? :lol:  it's 11 in 13 man, pardew's got previous in taking west ham to their worst losing run in 70 years before being sacked too, for example...but i'm sure that's not relevant eh?


he was lost and had no answers, i know it and others know it, but as we're dealing in speculation it's pointless arguing about really


Cabaye - I'm a massive fan of his, think he's been the best thing under the Ashley regime to happen for the club (left Champs League footy to sign onto the NUFC project - speaks volumes for me). Given that he'd been struggling with the groin injury from French duty (iirc) - they finally had to operate on him. For all your talk of him not being in form pre-injury, I think the team's performances after his absence says it all - even when he's not playing all that well (by his own standards) he's our most influential player. I'll accept that having his best mate in the team has boosted his morale a bit.


Pardew - yup, you don't like him. Not sure what relevance his WHU situation has for us. It's 10 years on, different team, different circumstances (nae shopping at Iceland). More recently, he's also presided over our best defensive start to a season.


I agree that he was starting to get a bit desperate but only because he'd realised that his 'squad' players were such a big drop off from the first XI - half of which sat out injured during that run (which was all competitions, remember). I think he, along with the fans, underestimated HBA's injury and that last season's good run/confidence allowed a number of 'squad' players to overperform. You can't underestimate mental strength when it comes to the pinnacle of professional sports - the athletes are all within a few % of each other physically, it's the ones who can deal with adversity who get the rewards.



so, my intial point was that without the reinforcements he received in january, given we were in a horrific run, i believed we might very well go down and that to say we were a 1 the entire time was madness


i've seen nothing to change that opinion...bear in mind it's almost march and HBA isn't back yet so if we'd not signed new players you're essentially saying that cabaye would have had to single-handedly turn it all around himself?  he's good, but i don't think he's that good



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:lol: true, but you've completely missed out STaylor returning (co-incidentally with Williamson getting dropped) and that Cisse is now back to a central position with someone else on the wing (replacement: Gouffran, but I'd imagine it'd be Marveaux/Obertan if not).


That's two of our first XI PLUS the return of Tiote into the team (with a semblance of form).


January also allowed for the Colo situation (which can't have been helping matters off the pitch) to be resolved for the season and let him concentrate on getting back to his full form.


As Yorkie said above, maybe it should be split into "think we could be in trouble" and "never been worried about relegation" - the latter isn't the sign of a delusional or arrogant fan but one who sees things in a more optimistic light than the others.


EDIT: so my point is that I never thought you could judge our survival chances by how we'd performed without STaylor, Cabaye, Tiote and leaving Cisse on the wing to accommodate Ba. (leaving HBA out of it as he's been missing most of the season).


Just my two cents, mind. Not expecting it to be gospel ;)

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As Yorkie said above, maybe it should be split into "think we could be in trouble" and "never been worried about relegation" - the latter isn't the sign of a delusional or arrogant fan but one who sees things in a more optimistic light than the others.


that'll do :lol:


i thought we were in trouble for a while there myself like

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saying fuck all in case someone drags up a post :lol:


i probably said we're down unless we ditch pardew...i honestly felt something needed to change or we were fucked, well it did change, he was given 3 new players who have virtually transformed the entire outlook of the team


unlike Stu i didn't believe ashley would back him but he did thank fuck...personally i can't credit pardew with a great deal in this mini-turnaround, he's just got better players now



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Voted 9 before the shopping spree.



Voted 1 now. No chance. Amazing how things turnaround.


It almost makes me think there might be something wrong with your votes.


Atleast there was something wrong with our results :D

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I don't think it's something you can even apply to a scale. You either think we're going down or you don't, so you can't really attach a number to it.



You don't think it's possible to say that there's a 30% chance we'll go down, or 50/50, or whatever?


No, I think that's a pretty ridiculous way of looking at it personally. We will/we might/we won't - that's it for me. How can you calculate a percentage of likelihood over something like this?

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Guest icemanblue

I've been kind and removed the usernames, but howay :lol::


Still a 9. Before the home games we lost vs weaker sides i voted a 9 also, so should be 10 now.


Relegation form it is, and i still cant see it turning around any time soon.


If it was anyone else, we'd be saying, 'they're gone'


10 Doomed now.  Lose your best players Ba then Colo what a fucking joke run club this is once again.


10. I'm a 10. f***ing hell. We're doomed!



Here we come



Hope i'm wrong obviously.


We're going down imo. Too much bad shit going on. We can't seem to build any positive momentum. Too little too late. We're fucked.


Honestly reckon we'll go now. Half way through the transfer window and still we are a step behind where we were when it started. Gutted but gradually becoming massively apathetic towards the whole thing.


Was 8.


Now a 9.




10- Game set and Match.


The dickhead in charge's attacking strategy is actually to hit balls at the opposition defence and a) hope there is a defensive spillage b) hope Ba/Cisse can finish from any spillage.




It's been the same with Cabaye, HBA and Colo in the team at different points this season. I'm at a non-sarcastic 9, because I don't think we'll get rid of Pardew until very late in the day.


Right, I'm at 10.


They start from 3/1 and up to 20/1. Just over four weeks ago. :lol:

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I don't think it's something you can even apply to a scale. You either think we're going down or you don't, so you can't really attach a number to it.



You don't think it's possible to say that there's a 30% chance we'll go down, or 50/50, or whatever?


No, I think that's a pretty ridiculous way of looking at it personally. We will/we might/we won't - that's it for me. How can you calculate a percentage of likelihood over something like this?


Well you don't have to calculate it, it's just an estimate of how likely something is to happen. Like when you bet on a result or a league winner or whatever. Unless you swing for 'we're going down' to 'we're staying up' as it was black and white (which admittedly some people have done!) you need some way to express it.


Anyway, it's a fairly irrelevant discussion this!

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Guest icemanblue

This thread has had more resets then an old artari games console.


Im at a firm 6.


It's more likely we'll go down than stay up?


It's gone down from a definite 10, like. Progress.

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