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wish i could find the threads a month or two back with heaps of confident as fuck people claiming "we always beat spurs" etc....


they anywhere to be found?


I've said that a few times. A little hint: people don't always mean what they say.


What would you get out of finding it anyway?


huh dude?  what did they mean then when the argued with me line by line that we would beat spurs?


i stand by what i write, even when i'm pissed and writing shite...surely everyone should do that or retract? (as i do when i'm sober)


Sometimes people post things with their tongue in their cheek.


i'm assuming you're one of the people i'm recalling?  however there was no tongue in cheek in this...is there a tutorial about how to properly search old threads 'cause i think people who argued in january that we'd do spurs and stay up easily deserve outing personally


I don't think I ever actually argued with you about it, I do enjoy saying we always beat spurs though. I did think we'd stay up easily come start of January tbh, I've got no shame in admitting it, everyone gets stuff wrong when trying to predict the future. I thought we'd spend more (some) money, have fewer injuries and generally play less like nincompoops. Looks like it wasn't to be. I reckon it's about 50-50 now, the fact that there are a fair few teams who could go down is in our favour, but it certainly looks grim.

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wish i could find the threads a month or two back with heaps of confident as fuck people claiming "we always beat spurs" etc....


they anywhere to be found?


I've said that a few times. A little hint: people don't always mean what they say.


What would you get out of finding it anyway?


huh dude?  what did they mean then when the argued with me line by line that we would beat spurs?


i stand by what i write, even when i'm pissed and writing shite...surely everyone should do that or retract? (as i do when i'm sober)


Sometimes people post things with their tongue in their cheek.


i'm assuming you're one of the people i'm recalling?  however there was no tongue in cheek in this...is there a tutorial about how to properly search old threads 'cause i think people who argued in january that we'd do spurs and stay up easily deserve outing personally


I don't think I ever actually argued with you about it, I do enjoy saying we always beat spurs though. I did think we'd stay up easily come start of January tbh, I've got no shame in admitting it, everyone gets stuff wrong when trying to predict the future. I thought we'd spend more (some) money, have fewer injuries and generally play less like nincompoops. Looks like it wasn't to be. I reckon it's about 50-50 now, the fact that there are a fair few teams who could go down is in our favour, but it certainly looks grim.


i searched and searched but i'm shit at it, there were people who slated me for saying spurs would do us back in january and when i pushed it was based on "we always beat them" nothing else


madness, said it then and saying it again now


not saying it was you by the way

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they're up, stop deluding yourselves, they'll beat enough shite to stay up


Not so sure about that anymore. The Bolton thing was a sign.


palacios was fuckin immense yesterday, unless he gets injured i think they'll slowly start to pull it together with him chopping people up properly instead of fairy's like jenas and zokora


keane will bag some goals as well...i WANT them to go down but they won't, they just won't


Will you change your mind if they don't win a league game in March?


i will if they don't win a league game by may!  :lol:


you looked at their fixtures?  i haven't being honest, why do you mention march?  hard month for them?


remember 4/5 wins will get them to safety (probably), can't see how they won't beat 5 teams...unless they've played most of the shit already, but they can't have played it all


They don't have a pretty run in like.


I have and I see maybe one win for them in March and that's if Boro play shite.


just looked, they've got 4 home games they'll win imo (inc us) and they'll scrape a draw or two on the road


plus there's always a surprise or two, see where you're coming from though - it might be very close for them


They'll beat us will they?  Why's that then?


this was primarily the post i was thinking of as it happens...blew it out of proportion in my miiiind but there were more from other people at the time

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Wait, did we play Spurs and get beaten when I wasn't looking or something?  Apparently I need to be 'outed' (???) because I think we could beat the Spuds?, why's that then?  What makes you're view that we should right off our game against the Spuds anymore valid then my opinion that we should think of it as winnable?  As for thinking we'd stay up easily, well I wouldn't go that far but I certainly didn't see us in the position we're in now.  Having said that how on earth could I forsea Kinnear having to leave for months due to heart surgery?  Don't know what you're problem is to be honest mrmojorisin75.  Nobody's slated you, just disagreed with you, and you seem to think having an opinion other then yours is unfair :nope:

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I still reckon we'll stay up, people need to remember that all the teams at the bottom are ****, I reckon about 7 points would see us save, which is realistic (Boro [W], Pompey [W], Stoke [D]).

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Eh?, wait, did we play Spurs and get beaten when I wasn't looking or something?  I need to be outed because I don't think we should right off our game against the Spuds?, why's that then?


oh momma


What on earth is your problem?  You seem to be trying to rub people's noses in it because they disagreed with you on our chances of beating Spurs.  Yet we haven't even played them yet  :idiot2:  Nobody I can see in this thread said we'd definitely beat them anyway, just that we have such a good record against them that we should see it as a winnable game instead of righting it off as a loss.

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Eh?, wait, did we play Spurs and get beaten when I wasn't looking or something?  I need to be outed because I don't think we should right off our game against the Spuds?, why's that then?


oh momma


What on earth is your problem?  You seem to be trying to rub people's noses in it because they disagreed with you on our chances of beating Spurs.  Yet we haven't even played them yet  :idiot2:


i let it out earlier mate, the blindness that was prevalent in FEBRUARY (and all season really) when spurs had redknapp and had spent money on good players yet we were always gonna beat them 'cause we "always do"


i offered good reasons back then why they'd demolish us, good reasons, but i forgot we "always beat" spurs right?

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Right so you said Spurs would demolish us and some people disagreed and said we'd beat them because we have an excellent record against them.  Right ok that's a normal disagreement on a forum, what's the problem?  We haven't even played Spurs yet so we don't even know the outcome and your gloating and acting like its a big deal.  Did people insult you in these posts or something?  I didn't in the post you quoted from me, all I did was ask you why you were so sure they'd beat us?  I don't even get why you quoted me..

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You mean you said Spurs would demolish us and some people disagreed and said they wouldn't because we have an excellent record against them.  Right ok that's a normal disagreement on a forum, what's the problem?  We haven't even played Spurs yet so we don't even know the outcome and your gloating and acting like its a big deal.  Did people insult you in these posts or something?  I didn't in the post you quoted from me, all I did was ask you why you were so sure they'd beat us?  Again what's the problem?


ah i see...my disgruntlement came from the arrogance and stupidity of our fans less than 2 months ago..i'm a logic and reason kind of guy you see, sorry if it's come across as personal


spurs will bury us because they have the better players, team & manager AND WE'RE AWAY


that was the case in february & it's the case now


i take exception to arguments without reason, such as "the better record" when the players that created said record have been sold or reduced to dust

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If I say I think our game against the Spuds should be seen as a winnable one because of how dominant our record is against them does that offend you?


actually yes, because it means you've either not watched us in the last 6 months, or have watched us and have no understanding of football


or you've not watched spurs since feb or have and don't have enough understanding of the game to know they'll murder us

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You think records mean nothing?, I have to say that's extremely naive.  Of course records are there to be broken as the saying goes.  However players and coaches do take notice of such things and it can become a mental block.  After all we haven't beaten Spurs 6 times in the last 3 years home and away because we've always had the best players and manager.


To be honest calling people arrogant and stupid because they disagree with you is a little bit arrogant and stupid.  I mean people weren't calling you names were they?, just disagreeing.  Like I said I don't understand why you have so much resentment about it, but whatever lets just wait until we play Spurs before we start talking about who is right and wrong ok?

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If I say I think our game against the Spuds should be seen as a winnable one because of how dominant our record is against them does that offend you?


actually yes, because it means you've either not watched us in the last 6 months, or have watched us and have no understanding of football


or you've not watched spurs since feb or have and don't have enough understanding of the game to know they'll murder us


Yes of course, I haven't watched Newcastle United much at all in the last 6 months and I musn't know much about the game because I disagree with the mighty mrmojorisin75  :lol:  Did you just call someone else stupid and arrogant?, because your doing a fantastic job of that yourself.  Form does not tell you everything about who will win a game, if it worked like that every team would always be in the same place in the league, form changes and there are also blips.  Records between two teams can often have as much baring on a game as form.


Also for the record I've never said our game against the Spuds is a dead cert win and I can't remember anybody else saying that.

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You think records mean nothing?, I have to say that's extremely naive.  Of course records are there to be broken as the saing goes.  However players and coaches do take notice of such things and it can become a mental block.  After all we haven't beaten Spurs 6 times in the last 3 years home and away because we've always had the best players and manager.


To be honest calling people arrogant and stupid because they disagree with you is a little bit arrogant and stupid.  I mean people weren't calling you names were they?, just disagreeing.  Like I said I don't understand why you have so much resentment about it, but whatever lets just wait until we play Spurs before we start talking about who is right and wrong ok?


teasy as i said apologies if this has come across personally but i'll boil it down to the basics of my ire:


offer me a FOOTBALL reason how we'll beat them and i'll wander off into the sunset happy as larry - however there isn't a football reason we'll beat them, there's a historical reason


we're at the lowest we've been for 15+ years and they're gaining some form with a new manager and some new players and to be honest have played decent football all season but have fucked up for a number of reasons


as for records i was at every single game we lost in london during the famous run so i know all about runs and history


seriously, gentlemanly 10 quid bet on the result? 

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If I say I think our game against the Spuds should be seen as a winnable one because of how dominant our record is against them does that offend you?


actually yes, because it means you've either not watched us in the last 6 months, or have watched us and have no understanding of football


or you've not watched spurs since feb or have and don't have enough understanding of the game to know they'll murder us


Yes of course, I haven't watched Newcastle United much at all in the last 6 months and I musn't know much about the game because I disagree with the mighty mrmojorisin75  :lol:  Did you just call someone else stupid and arrogant?, because your doing a fantastic job of that yourself.  Form does not tell you everything about who will win a game, if it worked like that every team would always be in the same place in the league, form changes and there are also blips.  Records between two teams can often have as much baring on a game as form.


Also for the record I've never said our game against the Spuds is a dead cert win and I can't remember anybody else saying that.


see my next post - the above is NE5-esque in its vagueness...of course we "could" win, any possible result can happen on any day a game is played

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There seems to be some confusion here.  Again for the people not listening, I did not and have never said I'm 100% sure we'd beat Spurs.  All I have ever said is its a game we should think of as winnable, as in a game we have a real chance of winning.  I also haven't seen anyone in this thread claiming we're a dead cert to win, nobody's going to claim that against any team because no game is a dead cert, especially for us at the moment.


History is a Football reason mate, and yes we all remember our London record which was finally smashed that night at Highbury.  But until then it'd become a monkey on our teams back, because records get in your head.  That's why I believe its a winnable game.  Again that doesn't mean I think we'll definitely win, some people seem to take the work winnable to far.

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If I say I think our game against the Spuds should be seen as a winnable one because of how dominant our record is against them does that offend you?


actually yes, because it means you've either not watched us in the last 6 months, or have watched us and have no understanding of football


or you've not watched spurs since feb or have and don't have enough understanding of the game to know they'll murder us


Yes of course, I haven't watched Newcastle United much at all in the last 6 months and I musn't know much about the game because I disagree with the mighty mrmojorisin75  :lol:  Did you just call someone else stupid and arrogant?, because your doing a fantastic job of that yourself.  Form does not tell you everything about who will win a game, if it worked like that every team would always be in the same place in the league, form changes and there are also blips.  Records between two teams can often have as much baring on a game as form.


Also for the record I've never said our game against the Spuds is a dead cert win and I can't remember anybody else saying that.


see my next post - the above is NE5-esque in its vagueness...of course we "could" win, any possible result can happen on any day a game is played


I didn't say anything about "we could win", I was talking about how the record between two teams can often be as much of a factor in a result as the form of the two teams.  If your think its vague that's your problem, pretty clear to me.  To be honest the source of your disgruntlement is still quite vague to me.

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There seems to be some confusion here.  Again for the people not listening, I did not and have never said I'm 100% sure we'd beat Spurs.  All I have ever said is its a game we should think of as winnable, as in a game we have a real chance of winning.  I also haven't seen anyone in this thread claiming we're a dead cert to win, nobody's going to claim that against any team because no game is a dead cert, especially for us at the moment.


History is a Football reason mate, and yes we all remember our London record which was finally smashed that night at Highbury.  But until then it'd become a monkey on our teams back, because records get in your head.  That's why I believe its a winnable game.  Again that doesn't mean I think we'll definitely win, some people seem to take the work winnable to far.


detente then


all games are winnable ffs...however in the interests of closing this out and being able to get off to kip i'll repeat that for me this is not a winnable game for the following reasons:


we have no manager, the one we've got is shit, our midfield is shit, our strikers can't score 'cause our midfield can't provide, our defence can't defend 'cause our midfield is too shit to protect them properly so our their confidence has been shot to fuck...


this is without going into specifics about form and injuries etc...


we've got a great recent record mind

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You're entitled to your opinion of course.  I agree with a lot of it apart from the final conclusion.  We should not right this game off, we should realise that Spurs have a quite shocking record of being shaky against us and go for the win.  If we end up losing then IMO we'll have lost yet another potentially winnable game.

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You're entitled to your opinion of course.  I agree with a lot of it apart from the final conclusion.  We should not right this game off, we should realise that Spurs have a quite shocking record of being shakey against us and go for the win.


perfectly correct, however you know who is in charge now and how the game will play out, even if :kinnear: makes it back before then


i suppose what i'm saying here is in this instance current form will beat history due to how bad our current form is, i.e. never been as bad for 15 years vs a 6 (?) year unbeaten record at WHL

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I remember a couple of months ago when there was 90% of sarcastic smileys against Spurs and us having a laugh, to us being relegated and going nowhere, im starting to panic


I remember a few months ago , this place being rammed with Ashley apologists. Do these people still believe , in his system, and management structure, or shall i order a HUGE HUMBLE pie, for these sad individuals,,,,,,, I know who you are.

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Were there REALLY though?  Or are you confusing Ashley apologists with people who just don't condemn everything he's done at the club?  There's no way this place was rammed full of people who believed in everything Ashley was doing only a few months ago.

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Were there REALLY though?  Or are you confusing Ashley apologists with people who just don't condemn everything he's done at the club?  There's no way this place was rammed full of people who believed in everything Ashley was doing only a few months ago.


Yes really.

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There were quite a number of people willing to give Ashley a number of opportunities to get things right, and also (probably too many) opportunities to put things right. I was one of them.

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