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The ricochet on the footer is laugh out loud funny :lol: Is it one of those 'intended to be so shit it goes viral' things?


Overall, the new website gives me bad vibes. Not so much a comment on the design of the site itself as the content they've chosen to foreground.

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3 minutes ago, Big River said:


:lol: sake. okay, I'll try and be constructive though... and it's not me being negative for the sake of it. I just actually care about this stuff.


the main navigation on desktop is a horrible user experience, try and scroll down when your cursor is hovering anywhere near those links. it'll automatically open up a dropdown on hover. for accessibility alone, they should probably add some arrow indicators and activate on click, not hover. there's no shadow or sense of depth on the actual dropdown either, so you can't see where it ends and the page underneath begins.


2 different accent colours (blue/emerald) is a bit confusing and just feels unintentional.


the main carousel is buggy when you start a swipe (text fades out then back in.


news and shop carousels are buggy too. start and cancel a swipe, your focus gets stuck in the element and you can't scroll down until you can free it.


that's just shit I've found on the homepage in less than 5 minutes :lol: it's basic stuff (imo) that shouldn't be getting overlooked. especially not for how much it's probably cost the club.


it's mainly just ui/ux issues, things that are easily sorted with a bit of care and attention to detail. it looks fairly well built beyond that and a decent foundation to work from. I assume it's been rushed out and it'll get a lot better!


Thank fuck, I thought you were going to say '100 for SEO is easy' or something :lol: although I guess it is when Newcastle content writes itself. 


You sound like the UX lad I work with, it's class. Yeah, I noticed the accent colours being kind of pointless because of how little of it there is and the carousels felt like a barrier for scroll depth but the rest is all you :lol: White feels wrong as well tbh, photos will pop more but it feels a bit overbearing. 


I wonder how much of it was client decisions or cronyism. 

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11 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

Thank fuck, I thought you were going to say '100 for SEO is easy' or something :lol: although I guess it is when Newcastle content writes itself.


oh right. well, 100 for SEO on Lighthouse is easy :lol: scoring 100 on technical SEO means very little for actual SEO these days.

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3 minutes ago, Big River said:



oh right. well, 100 for SEO on Lighthouse is easy :lol: scoring 100 on technical SEO means very little for actual SEO these days.


Ahh okay, I was thinking it was content SEO, so now I'm wondering how it's possible to score 100 technical SEO while not having 100 for all of the other 3 considering it relies on all of them. 

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I think the SEO score is mostly just checking if all images have alt tags and links are descriptive and clear enough. The more technical things like speed go under Performance and Best Practices.


Still 15 minutes left of work here so my conscious is clear

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Ameritoon said:

I think the SEO score is mostly just checking if all images have alt tags and links are descriptive and clear enough. The more technical things like speed go under Performance and Best Practices.


Still 15 minutes left of work here so my conscious is clear


:thup: Makes sense. We use ahrefs and silktide so it's a bit different. Might have a look in a bit because why the fuck not. 



Edited by Kid Icarus

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6 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

Sorry, it's a bit late for work talk like. :lol:

No I understood your line of thinking.


I think the days of stellar websites are done to be honest. Web development has settled down into a very boring one size fits all stylee.


The only thing I’ll ever go to the site for is either tickets, membership or pre match press conferences. If I find myself on the site it’s usually via clicking a link on here or twitter. And that’s probably far more organic than most sites.


The last time I saw a web designer go wild with a free reign was this.




View the desktop version… 🙂


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5 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:


:thup: Makes sense. We use ahrefs and silktide so it's a bit different. Might have a look in a bit because why the fuck not. 



Yeah Lighthouse is a nice little tool. That and GSC are pretty much the only info you can get directly from Google. 


Otherwise I'm just falling around on Ahrefs and hoping for the best while everyone is freaking out over AI overviews

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1 hour ago, NUFC_Chris said:

Club website design has just been changed by the looks of it. 

was better before imo - change for sake of change

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1 minute ago, Kid Icarus said:

Sorry, it's a bit late for work talk like. :lol:

I love it man :lol: having a little look now.



  • add a robots.txt file
  • increase tap targets on the main carousel (make the navigation buttons bigger)


Best Practices

  • sort the console errors
    • ga is not defined (issue with the google analytics implementation)
    • some react errors


  • order the h tags correctly
  • wrong value assigned to aria role


sort those few things out and they've got three 100s!


performance score is a little trickier as there's a lot of factors out of their control. for starters they're loading quite a few 3rd party scripts for tracking etc, so you're fighting from behind already because some jobsworth in marketing needs them. and a lot of the features are js dependant. maybe swapping out those shite carousels would help!

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2 minutes ago, Big River said:

I love it man :lol: having a little look now.



  • add a robots.txt file
  • increase tap targets on the main carousel (make the navigation buttons bigger)


Best Practices

  • sort the console errors
    • ga is not defined (issue with the google analytics implementation)
    • some react errors


  • order the h tags correctly
  • wrong value assigned to aria role


sort those few things out and they've got three 100s!


performance score is a little trickier as there's a lot of factors out of their control. for starters they're loading quite a few 3rd party scripts for tracking etc, so you're fighting from behind already because some jobsworth in marketing needs them. and a lot of the features are js dependant. maybe swapping out those shite carousels would help!


There's no robots.txt file.



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all that being said, it's completely irrelevant :lol: they could be scoring in the 10s and it'd still rank for every relevant search term due to domain authority.

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3 minutes ago, Big River said:

I love it man :lol: having a little look now.



  • add a robots.txt file
  • increase tap targets on the main carousel (make the navigation buttons bigger)


Best Practices

  • sort the console errors
    • ga is not defined (issue with the google analytics implementation)
    • some react errors


  • order the h tags correctly
  • wrong value assigned to aria role


sort those few things out and they've got three 100s!


performance score is a little trickier as there's a lot of factors out of their control. for starters they're loading quite a few 3rd party scripts for tracking etc, so you're fighting from behind already because some jobsworth in marketing needs them. and a lot of the features are js dependant. maybe swapping out those shite carousels would help!


robots.txt and ordered h tags are basics even for the likes of me doing content so that seems like a few big oversites like. :lol:


Aye, I was thinking it needs to have tons of photos for news and the squad so there's no way to optimise all that to the point of getting better performance.

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6 minutes ago, Big River said:

all that being said, it's completely irrelevant :lol: they could be scoring in the 10s and it'd still rank for every relevant search term due to domain authority.


You've made a huge mistake here like. Where I work barely gives a shit about SEO for some mental reason and we no longer have an SEO specialist for me to ask my basic questions to. So congratulations and welcome aboard. :lol:

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3 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

Aye, I was thinking it needs to have tons of photos for news and the squad so there's no way to optimise all that to the point of getting better performance.


they're doing what they can in that regard, webp's served from a cdn.


like I said earlier, it's a decent foundation. it's pretty clear they need an in-house product designer/design engineer. at the minute, it looks like a modified theme. I'm sure it'll all come in good time!

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The data collection page for Memberships seems broken too?


Tried on mobile and entering DOB is a nightmare, can't type it in so I had to use a manual calendar. Loaded up on the desktop this morning and the DOB is much easier but now it'll only let me tick one box on the "Content you'd like to receive" when presumably they'd want to give us the option of selecting multiple options?

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1 minute ago, Keegans Export said:

The data collection page for Memberships seems broken too?


Tried on mobile and entering DOB is a nightmare, can't type it in so I had to use a manual calendar. Loaded up on the desktop this morning and the DOB is much easier but now it'll only let me tick one box on the "Content you'd like to receive" when presumably they'd want to give us the option of selecting multiple options?

Same for me on the PC website. 

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