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Eddie Howe


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3 hours ago, HaydnNUFC said:


Same tbh, not too many managers out there atm. 


I'd have said Nagelsmann if he hadn't signed that contract extension at Germany.

Couldn’t see the NUFC fans warming to Nagelsmann. Has the feel of a satellite manager similar to Gullit. I also wouldn’t put him in the world class bracket (as the OP claimed we’d find not you). Same goes for Poch. His last few press conferences were a combination of quite a weak grasp of English still and ramblings under pressure about Coldplay and their song Fix You as he slowly lost the plot… and I love Coldplay!


I worry how seriously some of you underestimate how good EH is along with being a great “fit” for NUFC. Let him build his dynasty.



Edited by LFEE

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From Howe's perspective, he's got an entirely new management structure in place than when he started - and virtually all new just in the last few weeks. Amanda and Mehrdad are out, and while he's probably got a good relationship with Eales, he hasn't been reporting to him until very recently. And then add the new Sporting Director into the mix and you can see why he's a little bit unsettled at the moment.


But let's remember that Howe is typically very thoughtful with his words. I don't think he was threatening anything or expressing any actual anger or disappointment; rather, I think he was making the important point that, while he's very happy now, were things to change in regards to what he is allowed to do, that could change. And since he doesn't quite know how the new structure will shake out, he's just going to wait and see. Makes perfect sense to me. 


Nothing more in it than that. If there was, the club website wouldn't run the interview where he said all of those things. We're all accustomed to worst case scenarios, but I just don't see much in this to fret over. 

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11 hours ago, SUPERTOON said:

Haven’t seen or read the interview as an on holiday can anyone sum up ?


Howe hates and can't work with the new management team and is just waiting for the right job to leave us for. 



Edited by Optimistic Nut

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Just now, Optimistic Nut said:


Howe hates the new management team and is just waiting for the right job to leave us for. 

He said it was very much a chilled out getting to know you can kind of vibe for the new management team. 

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3 hours ago, LFEE said:



I worry how seriously some of you underestimate how good EH is along with being a great “fit” for NUFC. Let him build his dynasty.




Exactly this , people saying we would replace him with someone better are kidding themselves . I sense some of our fans are already getting entitled and not appreciating how good Eddie is for us .

We would be after the same sort of managers that Chelsea and Man United were this summer , one appointed the bloke from Leicester who has a lot to prove and the other decided to keep the manager that everyone wanted sacked before the cup final and was a laughing stock all season as they couldn't get a better replacement.



Edited by Geogaddi

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23 minutes ago, Geogaddi said:

Exactly this , people saying we would replace him with someone better are kidding themselves . I sense some of our fans are already getting entitled and not appreciating how good Eddie is for us .

We would be after the same sort of managers that Chelsea and Man United were this summer , one appointed the bloke from Leicester who has a lot to prove and the other decided to keep the manager that everyone wanted sacked before the cup final and was a laughing stock all season as they couldn't get a better replacement.





Yeah, but Gareth wasn't available then 😉

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3 hours ago, TheBrownBottle said:

Yep - Howe isn't exactly known for making unguarded comments.  Clearly there is a concern for him - that doesn't mean he's handing in his P45 tomorrow, but it is also counter-intuitive for people to stick their heads in the sand and pretend that there is nothing to it.

Or alternatively, everyone is bored and magnifying drama. It’s a bit ridiculous to say that we are sticking our heads in the sand when a reality show has been created out of everything so far this summer.

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8 hours ago, LFEE said:

Not many names jump to mind that would fit well at NUFC.


Who’s on your list?

With Mitchell here, Poch would be the slam dunk name to come in, and I’m not keen on him at all. Just a sidewards step at best. 

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7 minutes ago, Sibierski said:

With Mitchell here, Poch would be the slam dunk name to come in, and I’m not keen on him at all. Just a sidewards step at best. 

You’re never gonna get a step forwards from Howe as he’s up there with the best. If he were to leave I’d be delighted with a sidewards step personally.

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1 hour ago, Vinny Green Balls said:

Or alternatively, everyone is bored and magnifying drama. It’s a bit ridiculous to say that we are sticking our heads in the sand when a reality show has been created out of everything so far this summer.

No, I think there is something it.  Hardly panic time, but Howe doesn’t make unguarded comments.  The media talking like he’s about to leave is melodramatic, but it’s more that they’re making a lot out of something real rather than making shit up

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5 minutes ago, GeordieDazzler said:

Christ the papers haven’t half twisted those Howe comments 

They definitely are twisting it to their agenda. Having said that I think Eddie has given them a chance by the way he said some things. He knew what he was doing. It doesn’t mean that he is unhappy or leaving. 

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1 minute ago, Ikon said:

They definitely are twisting it to their agenda. Having said that I think Eddie has given them a chance by the way he said some things. He knew what he was doing. It doesn’t mean that he is unhappy or leaving. 

Absolutely. There isn't much a manager can do to extract leverage other than with on-field performance, which was ultimately a little disappointing last season due to missing out on Europe. The England job coming up gives him a chance to do that and I don't blame him in the slightest for working it to his advantage. 

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“We haven’t had detailed conversations; we’ve just come together. The boundaries of relationships and how they’re going to work is slightly unclear.”


Didn't see that quote originally, but it seems like the key quote.

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15 minutes ago, GeordieDazzler said:

Christ the papers haven’t half twisted those Howe comments 

They were always going to unless he was unequivocal which it seems he wasn’t. 

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32 minutes ago, FloydianMag said:

Tommy Tuchel? 

Poch for me but I think both aren’t as good a fit as Howe for us. Fact is we all know Howe would have done even better but we’re lumbered with a lot of dead wood, unsellable and long contracts we just have to ride out. From then I reckon Howe gets even better as wage bill comes down etc.

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Also on transfers:


 “At any football club, it can’t be one man’s decision and I wouldn’t expect that to be the case. Collaboration on every level is vital. There has to be unity around every decision because it is so big now. That collaboration is important to me.”

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9 minutes ago, Paulinho said:

If you were viewing this scenario play out at a different club, would any of us really be thinking “yeah, no chance he’s leaving” after those comments? 

I probably wouldn’t even care or be bothered at all. I also wouldn’t have any sort of knowledge or insight regarding other clubs/managers. 

Imho I think the club wants PM to have most control on recruitment and Howe more focused out on the grass, less control regarding transfers. I don’t think Howe ideally wants lesser control, he might feel that he wants more. This doesn’t mean he’s unhappy or that they won’t be working together and manage to do it very well once “details” and boundaries have been ironed out. He used this interview to say a thing or two, not much wrong in that, but he knew what he was doing. I’m sure all will be well. Pure guess take though, he might have/get lesser control than before, question is how much and if he’s ok with that or not, time will tell. Obviously he’s got to have a say regarding players, especially what type of player. I’m sure PM understands this too. 



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13 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

Also on transfers:


 “At any football club, it can’t be one man’s decision and I wouldn’t expect that to be the case. Collaboration on every level is vital. There has to be unity around every decision because it is so big now. That collaboration is important to me.”

Sounds like he might be saying that his input/opinion carrying enough weight is vital. I mean we all know he wants to have a say, more than your typical Head Coach would generally have.



Edited by Sean

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The thing is , he might only have a few days / weeks until they offer him the job ?


So how can he tell if he’s still enjoying it ? / Happy with the new structure ?


FWIW - I think he stays and we win a trophy 




Edited by JonBez comesock

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Our ownership without Howe will be successful.


Howe without our ownership structure then we won’t be successful.


Hopefully Howe stays but if not then so be it. We’ll move on and still be successful. The model being built by the club is bigger and more important than the manager.

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25 minutes ago, Paulinho said:

If you were viewing this scenario play out at a different club, would any of us really be thinking “yeah, no chance he’s leaving” after those comments? 


I don't think many ate saying that. More that they were largely positive but are somewhat being misrepresented in the media.

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