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3 hours ago, TheBrownBottle said:

Jesus, not sure how many ways I have to explain this. 


  You argued that my use of the adjective ‘incredible’ when talking about Spurs’ financial performance was nonsense because it could be easily explained by them being in London.  I point out that if this was the case then why are two more successful and arguably bigger clubs in London so far behind them financially.


He'll argue over the toss of a coin, really not worth the bother. You'd need a contract and a lawyer to post opinions on here if it was up to some people.

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3 hours ago, Shearergol said:


So personally, I don't think that will get us there either. But that's just my own opinion, guess we'll find out in the next 10 years.


Problem with that approach is, every single club is trying to do the same thing, and the cartel clubs have a lot more resources to make sure they are the clubs that do it best. But I guess what @HawK is saying, is that there really aren't that many other options available to us, although hopefully the APT sponsorship rule changes might help in that regard.

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