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1 minute ago, Groundhog63 said:

Not in Flint, Michigan, but should be exquisite in the Midlands. 


Are you taking about the water, or the stillness, though, because my bottle specifically praised the stillness. So, the water could have been dog piss, but still been of a stillness which was delightful.

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1 minute ago, brummie said:

Drury doing that 'exaggeratedly shout the first name, then say the second name normally' thing.


"Grealish plays it through and now ERLING Haaland!"

I reckon he’s like that at home, when the postman arrives - “here’s the gaaaaas bill!!!!”

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2 minutes ago, 54 said:

Dury is fine when you listen to him in small doses, but when you have to deal with him week on week, and he plays up every moment like it's an epic moment in a Shakespearian novel, it's gets on your nerves very quickly.


That famous novelist, William Shakespeare



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1 minute ago, Gawalls said:

He’s just a blockhead

not that you’d give a fuck but drury waxes lyrical to the American audience about SJP and our fans. So I appreciate his wordiness as I have less to do when I’m talking to a neutral who doesn’t know as much. 

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2 minutes ago, Mike said:


:lol: Free money if you stick a tenner on a Hojlund brace.


Lets keep slagging off Man Utd's players a few days before we play them with half our Championship team from years ago starting for us. :lol: 

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