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Everton vs Newcastle - Post Match Thoughts.


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As much as I'd love to agree starting Luque isn't going to make a massive amount of difference.  As much as I'd love to see Emre restored to the middle, Roeder isn't going to drop Parker. So you have a choice between Emre, Luque, or mixing both of them into a 4-5-1. We know we can't play the latter so that leaves playing Emre or Luque on the left. Emre will drift in but at least he still contributes to the attacking play, whenever Luque has player he's given minimum effort which suggests he'll contribute nothing. Either way we're going to be exposed down the left but Emre will contribute more to the attack.


What you are saying about Luque isn't exactly true, he's both scored and made goals this season when he's been played. 

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My thoughts- Emre is the biggest prick in the league.


How he never got sent off is beyond me. Looked like Butt raised his hands to Anichebe as well? Anyone see it on a stream?


Bigger prick than Cahill? I sincerley doubt it. Emre has his faults but at least he isn't so much of a T*** that he thinks battering an inanimate object is clever.


Yep. Not only does he do sly niggly challenges and mouth off like Cahill does, he also dives/play acts.


And what is that muzzy about? It's like when you're 15 and some nob in your class is trying to grow one.

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Just heard Roeder on the radio - says defending for the goals from set pieces was not good enough - 3rd goal was typical of our luck today.


He has also backed Martins after his penalty miss.


Bramble and Moore are out for another month. Ramage is going to be missing for a few weeks, though the extent of his hamstring problem isn't known yet.


He's again refusing to use the injury crisis as an excuse and also added that the players need to keep on fighting and if anyone thinks we will lie down in upcoming games, then they are wrong.


He also commented on the Barton speculation saying that midfield isn't an area we are looking to strengthen - he is happy with the numbers. Defence and attack are priorities.

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Why are people being told to shut up for suggesting Luque be given a game? We're getting raped down the left, all our left-sided players are injured so somebody suggests we give a £9.5m Spanish international a game there and abuse is hurled at them. Disgraceful.


Duff, N'Zogbia and even Babayaro are injured. Emre has struggled there in his last two games, he leaves the left back exposed by drifting inside and never gets up the wing, denying us vital width. With Milner on the right and Dyer up front, Luque is our last left-sided player. Things are so bad that we have to play Huntington, Edgar, Ramage and Pav at the back, and yet people won't even talk about the prospect of playing Luque at left-wing, even though he's our only left winger standing. Get a grip of yourselves.


Well said. People may hate Luque beyond belief, but he at least knows how to play out on the left giving us some semblance of balance and would allow us to restore Emre and Butt in the centre which was the combination that was winning us games in the first place. It will be in excusable if he's left out again whilst Parker is shoe horned into midfield and Emre forced to play left wing again to accomodate not only Parker but to keep Luque out of the team at all costs. Put the team first please Roeder.


Good post by Skeletor and Ohmelads. We are losing two players by playing Emre on the left and Parker as the AM, yet the Luque haters would rather the team suffers than give Luque a chance.

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somehow expected this...not as good as we think/

Yeah - I have expected the whole rotten structure to begin to collapse any game soon.

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Just heard Roeder on the radio - says defending for the goals from set pieces was not good enough - 3rd goal was typical of our luck today.


He has also backed Martins after his penalty miss.


Bramble and Moore are out for another month. Ramage is going to be missing for a few weeks, though the extent of his hamstring problem isn't known yet.


He's again refusing to use the injury crisis as an excuse and also added that the players need to keep on fighting and if anyone thinks we will lie down in upcoming games, then they are wrong.


He also commented on the Barton speculation saying that midfield isn't an area we are looking to strengthen - he is happy with the numbers. Defence and attack are priorities.


He can't use injuries as an excuse, they don't help but he's part of the reason why we've lost our last 2, him and his team selection.

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My thoughts- Emre is the biggest prick in the league.


How he never got sent off is beyond me. Looked like Butt raised his hands to Anichebe as well? Anyone see it on a stream?


Bigger prick than Cahill? I sincerley doubt it. Emre has his faults but at least he isn't so much of a T*** that he thinks battering an inanimate object is clever.


Yep. Not only does he do sly niggly challenges and mouth off like Cahill does, he also dives/play acts.


And what is that muzzy about? It's like when you're 15 and some nob in your class is trying to grow one.

Cahill makes Man U's RONALDO, never mind Emre, look as honest as the day is long.

Calling Cahill an obnoxious cheat is like saying Saddam will have a sore throat tomorrow.

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Just heard Roeder on the radio - says defending for the goals from set pieces was not good enough - 3rd goal was typical of our luck today.


He has also backed Martins after his penalty miss.


Bramble and Moore are out for another month. Ramage is going to be missing for a few weeks, though the extent of his hamstring problem isn't known yet.


He's again refusing to use the injury crisis as an excuse and also added that the players need to keep on fighting and if anyone thinks we will lie down in upcoming games, then they are wrong.


He also commented on the Barton speculation saying that midfield isn't an area we are looking to strengthen - he is happy with the numbers. Defence and attack are priorities.



At least he dont want midfielders which is good

I hope he can strenghten that poor defence with some class players once and for all :confused: :confused:

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Guest Geordiesned

Haven't seen the match as it wasn't on Art Sports after all, didn't listen to any of it and can't be arsed to trawl through this thread so can someone tell me which defender was injured please?

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Haven't seen the match as it wasn't on Art Sports after all, didn't listen to any of it and can't be arsed to trawl through this thread so can someone tell me which defender was injured please?




The first 2 goals were after corner kicks i think.Very stupid goals,bad defending :thdn:

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why do u think he is shit? FFS he hardly get any chance here at nufc,the manager hates him and would rather have Fatty Pattison over him,and still he did very well for us whenever given a chance this season


He's a lost cause. Tragic I have to refer to him as that, but I've given up all hope of Roeder ever managing him properly.


FFS. You'll be a fully paid up member of the loony club once you make the leap to blaming Fred for Luque's shit attitude.


You don't think Roeder could have helped sort out Luque's "shit attitude"?


No, I don't. It's down to the individual. Do you expect someone to help you with your attitude toward life?

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if u are told that this game is finally ur  chance to prove urself,and earn a first team place,and you score the winning goal and win your team the game,just to be dropped and hardly get more games,will you have a postive attitude?


Roeder hates luque,he trys every possible way not to play him,he played matty pattison and Rossi as Left wingers just so he dosn't have to use him,he is more the ready to play any player in our team as LW,or as  a striker just so he dosn't bring luque on,and he will get rid of him the first when the transfer window opens..its not that luque is bad,its just that roeder will not play him no matter what happens

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My thoughts- Emre is the biggest prick in the league.


How he never got sent off is beyond me. Looked like Butt raised his hands to Anichebe as well? Anyone see it on a stream?


Bigger prick than Cahill? I sincerley doubt it. Emre has his faults but at least he isn't so much of a T*** that he thinks battering an inanimate object is clever.


Yep. Not only does he do sly niggly challenges and mouth off like Cahill does, he also dives/play acts.


And what is that muzzy about? It's like when you're 15 and some nob in your class is trying to grow one.


Cahill is a complete cunt tbh

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As much as I'd love to agree starting Luque isn't going to make a massive amount of difference.  As much as I'd love to see Emre restored to the middle, Roeder isn't going to drop Parker. So you have a choice between Emre, Luque, or mixing both of them into a 4-5-1. We know we can't play the latter so that leaves playing Emre or Luque on the left. Emre will drift in but at least he still contributes to the attacking play, whenever Luque has player he's given minimum effort which suggests he'll contribute nothing. Either way we're going to be exposed down the left but Emre will contribute more to the attack.


It's not so much about giving Luque his chance as it is about having a balanced team without moving your form players all over the place.


Emre and Butt have been our form midfielders lately and established a good partnership in Parker's absence. Their reward? Emre is shoved out wide and Butt is shoved in central defence.


What's wrong with playing two wingers on the wings, a defensive midfielder and an attacking midfielder, and two pacy forwards. In other words, Luque and Milner on the wings, Butt and Emre in midfield, and Martins and Dyer up front. You have balance, everybody knows their positions, your form players stay in their positions (Emre, Butt, Milner, Dyer, Martins don't need to be moved).


Instead, this is what Roeder has done: Emre has been dropped, Dyer has played in three different positions, Edgar has made his debut, Butt has played at centre-back and the whole formation has been changed twice, all to accommodate Parker and avoid playing Luque. Absolute madness. Emre, Butt, Dyer and Martins (our form players) have all had to move position to accommodate this.


Roeder must put the team first and if that means dropping Parker and/or playing Luque then so be it.

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As much as I'd love to agree starting Luque isn't going to make a massive amount of difference.  As much as I'd love to see Emre restored to the middle, Roeder isn't going to drop Parker. So you have a choice between Emre, Luque, or mixing both of them into a 4-5-1. We know we can't play the latter so that leaves playing Emre or Luque on the left. Emre will drift in but at least he still contributes to the attacking play, whenever Luque has player he's given minimum effort which suggests he'll contribute nothing. Either way we're going to be exposed down the left but Emre will contribute more to the attack.


It's not so much about giving Luque his chance as it is about having a balanced team without moving your form players all over the place.


Emre and Butt have been our form midfielders lately and established a good partnership in Parker's absence. Their reward? Emre is shoved out wide and Butt is shoved in central defence.


In recent matches Emre has been dropped, Dyer has played in three different positions, Edgar has made his debut, Butt has played at centre-back and the whole formation has been changed, all to accommodate Parker and avoid playing Luque. Absolute madness.


Roeder must put the team first and if that means dropping Parker and/or playing Luque then so be it.


To be fair, I think these changes have been 100% to do with accomodating Parker, not so much an effort to keep Luque out of the team.

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My thoughts- Emre is the biggest prick in the league.


How he never got sent off is beyond me. Looked like Butt raised his hands to Anichebe as well? Anyone see it on a stream?


Bigger prick than Cahill? I sincerley doubt it. Emre has his faults but at least he isn't so much of a T*** that he thinks battering an inanimate object is clever.


Yep. Not only does he do sly niggly challenges and mouth off like Cahill does, he also dives/play acts.


And what is that muzzy about? It's like when you're 15 and some nob in your class is trying to grow one.


Cahill is a complete c*** tbh


I'm not denying that, it's good to have a cunt in your team to frustrate the opposition


Some people on here are in serious denial about Emre though

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My thoughts- Emre is the biggest prick in the league.


How he never got sent off is beyond me. Looked like Butt raised his hands to Anichebe as well? Anyone see it on a stream?


Bigger prick than Cahill? I sincerley doubt it. Emre has his faults but at least he isn't so much of a T*** that he thinks battering an inanimate object is clever.


Yep. Not only does he do sly niggly challenges and mouth off like Cahill does, he also dives/play acts.


And what is that muzzy about? It's like when you're 15 and some nob in your class is trying to grow one.


Cahill is a complete c*** tbh


I'm not denying that, it's good to have a cunt in your team to frustrate the opposition


Some people on here are in serious denial about Emre though


He is an angry little midget who rolls around on the floor every time he is touched and gets the hump every game.


Still would love to smash Cahill in the face though!

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Watched it on delay on ART Sport 1, well the first 62 minutes of it anyway... 3-fucking-0? Unreal scoreline for the way the match went.


We didn't deal with 3 set plays (fair play to Neville, mind) and Martins' penalty is one of the worst I have ever seen, the dumpling. Typical scenario for our annual trip to Goodison Park - I have believed since the Gravesen/Bernard incident that it's our new bogey ground after the Dell went and it never ceases to amaze me how blindingly lucky they are on their home turf. It's like some gypsy martyr has put a blessing on the place - it's not just against us, either, I see game after game of Everton on ART Sport and it always seems to be the same story. All 3 goals were extremely lucky, IMO, whereas nothing went for us.


You make your luck, I suppose, and we didn't deserve anything from the game with the way we defended at times and because our lack of finishing ability. I thought Milner looked exceptionally bright, but he still flatters to deceive - don't think he's ever going to make a "top" player as he isn't particularly great at anything and seriously lacks a football brain, although he's always lively.


Happy with our passing/movement and from what I'd seen so far Butt looked very composed at centre-half when Ramage had to go off... as for Emre... well this has been boiling over for a long time now, he's a right contemptuous little bugger and he certainly doesn't like playing on the wing and Everton wound him up, as they are entitled to do. He was a complete arse asking for Osman to go and he should be ashamed of himself for it.


Didn't expect a win because of our still-increasing sicklist but the way we battered them from open play made me proud - I can only hope that we someday get to see an almost first-eleven from Roeder because at times he has us playing some delightful football and surely that can only improve once we sort out the fullback slots and get one of our proper left-wingers back.


Emre must play in the middle against Man Utd and Sibierski HAS to play. That game there further convinced me that we'll never do a fucking thing playing such a small team, we looked miles better in the spell after half-time when Sibierski was playing as a link-man. Whoever said Martins is a "playmaking forward" was again proven to be full of shit, his touch/passing/vision needs serious work. We need to get some players in with a bit of height and power about them because the likes of Yobo, Lescott and Anichebe bullied us out of 3 points today.

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F***ing Everton. Desperate.


Good side tbh.




Average side in a poor, wide open league.


People expecting us to win every game with the amount of injuries we have beggars belief. We've been competitive in every fixture lately and we might have taken points from Goodison/Reebok, but we're asking a hell of a lot of Roeder and the same players every game to keep winning. Everton aren't a good side, but they're not particularly bad, they're your archetypal Premiership team these days and beat teams from set-plays and with sheer brute force - complimented with the class of Arteta and, today, the surprising class of Neville who showed us how a "proper" RB should play.

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Nobby for captain and penalty taker.


I agree on Solano for captain, said it after the Spurs game.


Solano shouldn't just be taking pens, he should be taking the majority of our set-pieces.


Bob Moncur on Century has been raging about Emre's deliveries. When they were talking about the prospect of a consolation goal, he said he'd go home happy if we could deliver one set-piece that didn't hit the first man.


Emre put in a few good balls but did regularly hit the first man in the early second half, but I definitely remember Nobby's corner kicks being of a similar nature for the vast majority of his days here. Milner's set-plays were decent, again.

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XVentura from the match thread said....

IIRC we started like this




Solano  Taylor  Ramage  Huntington


Milner  Parker  Butt    Emre


        Dyer    Martins


Emre was floating around quite a bit and drifted in centrally on a number of occasions and Dyer dropped back to help the midfield quite a bit as well. However, for the most part, it was a 4-4-2.


With the number of injuries throughout the squad it was always going to be a problem when Ramage went off.


My main concern is that we once again started with an unbalanced side, just as we have in other recent games. Dyer and Milner should have been the wide men with Sibierski/Martins up front and Butt/Emre in the middle.


The thing that bothers me is Roeder fannying around with a team that was playing well and winning without Parker, changing the balance and shape the moment he is fit again. It reminds me of Souness being unable to select two from Kluivert, Bellamy and Shearer. Something that cost the club badly because he should have dropped The Captain at that time but didn't.


I'm not happy about this at all. It is ultimately going to lead to problems, we will not make much progress if Roeder is unable to make these big decisions.


That's the line-up I would have gone for as well, but I'd have put Parker in for Butt :wink: No, no - in seriousness I think you've hit the nail fairly dead-on with those comments, although it's not as though we were poor today in open play.


We actually played very, very well for long periods of the match and were hit with 3 sucker punches - as you've also said elsewhere, our lack of goals is the MAIN concern. Martins/Dyer may work now and again but Roeder had them both too deep today and when they pressed on we looked a far better side - amazingly, when Butt moved to CB and started spraying it about and Parker operated as a DM we looked more threatening than at any other time - although it was also to do with pulling Dyer back to CM and hoying Sibierski on.


Can't afford to miss penalties, though, especially in the fashion that Oba did today.

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