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So, I'll cavaet this message with an apology in advance...


I don't want to upset any mods, or members who see things differently, but just wanted to have this conversation.


So two years ago we played Man U in the Cup Final and I was obsessed with being there, I was previously a season ticket holder, seasons where I went to half of the away games, I was young, naive, and there was no way anyone loved it more than me! 


I lost contact with the people I went to the match with, so my only way of getting a cup final ticket was to take the Club Wembley route, which was basically committing 7 grand then hoping you recoup it back. (you get 9 games at Wembley per year and can sell on their portal the games you don't go to, many of those games didn't sell)


But basically my point is, there was a lad on the train I was on the way to London with who was buzzing because he managed to sell two tickets for £300 each so he was freerolling the weekend, which in my opinion is more than fair enough, but I had to bite my tongue to not tell him I would've paid more to buy those tickets, in hindsight I wish I'd got his number!


I understand people who think it's not right to sell at a markup, everyone's entitled to see this differently, but for me it's simple supply and demand. 


I'm not going to do Club Wembley again if we get there, simply because it's too expensive and I sweared to myself I'd only do it once because I'm not that rich. But I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be fine for someone to be willing to sell their ticket for say £300-400 on here so they get a free weekend and someone else gets that golden ticket they want so much, basically just want to say to not be so judgemental on this topic as it's a really fucking messy spot, and I'll be cheeky and say PM me if you have a spare and I'll very happyily pay a big markup to be able to go to the final <3 (if your not comfortable with profiting from it I'd happily donate to the forum instead)


This forum is class, I mean no disrespect and if this is out of line obviously take it down (I'm very drunk sorry), think it's a conversation that should be had, my timings probalbly wrong, but no offence intended, much love xx 





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PS I know we aren't there yet, long way to go :)


Not the worst outcome if I wake up tmoro and a mod has deleted this and it never happened lol (sorry again if this is out of line)

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Tbf this didn't need it's own thread. "Memberships" or the ticket forum would've sufficed. 

We're not there yet, and all that 😂 it's more about availability/demand/procurement than anything else. 

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