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Guest Roger Kint

I just took this photo now...I'm not sure that bit of metal is supposed to be precariously hanging over the edge of the Milburn above a bus stop like.




I've given them a ring and they've said that they're going to send someone up to check it out. That was 10 minutes ago.


Looks a bit dodgy mind

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Guest firetotheworks

I've tweeted them, so now everyone can see it. I rang them 20 minutes ago ffs.

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Guest firetotheworks

It's just been taken away now...I rang at 15:55 yesterday. So aye, unless I've missed something, they were happy to have that piece of metal hanging over Barrack Road, about 50ft(?) in the air, above the bus stop, in fairly high winds, for 20 hours.

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Guest firetotheworks

Someone genuinely could have died tbf. It's been windy enough to loosen it in the first place (providing it's definitely loose) and it hangs over a road that people are constantly walking down. I just want to know that it was attached to something because I can't believe that they would do nothing about it for 20 hours like.

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Guest firetotheworks

Knew it. But seriously, getting hit with a ball is slightly different to a big howk of metal falling from 50ft onto a public path.

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Guest firetotheworks

It'll be back up there later, with a tiny SPORTSDIRECT.COM on it.


:lol: Fantastic.

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Guest firetotheworks

Scaffolding is now up where KI spotted the piece of stray metal.


Not really, the scaffolding is much further along the Milburn towards the Leazes. There's no reason to think that the two things are related, really.

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Scaffolding is now up where KI spotted the piece of stray metal.


Not really, the scaffolding is much further along the Milburn towards the Leazes. There's no reason to think that the two things are related, really.

Argh fuck, SD sign it is then.
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