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St James' Park


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Amazing that getting a cherry picker and abseiliers is easily affordable when tearing down the old East Stand sign to install the new one complete with SD logo’s and when installing the TV screen on level 7 which is used for advertising his brands 99% of the time.

Paying for it to clean some windows though? Fuck that, not possible. It wasn’t even possible to get people to clean the windows when the TV screen was installed.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Spending 2.5k on a cheery picker btw is nowt to be boastful about :lol: How small time man. My mate spends that on one every week and his business doesn’t even turn over 1m a year. They do protest too much, clearly on the defensive. Had they been more bothered about this actual shit than some social media posts from a few fans highlighting it, there would be no story. Just another chapter in the negligence of all things NUFC and those who have been employed to do everything and anything to keep things cheap and nasty. Shame on them all.


SJP is not a magnificent stadium any more, compared to many today it may as well be SJP of the 80s. It’s outdated, the facilities are so poor you will find better at various non league clubs and in general it feels and looks like a council house waiting to be knocked down.


I love old skool stadiums, there is a certain charm about Goodisom for example, but I don’t care about them, as a one of experience aye, but every home game? SJP is a shit hole and not in keeping with the modern game and the requirements of thousands of people when it comes to entry and exit, food and beverages, wi-fi, toilets and aesthetics.


It’s magnificent in stature, history and on very rare occasions can be unlike anywhere else when it comes to the atmosphere, but overall it’s looking rather sad atop that hill looking increasingly out of place in the modern game and even among all these new buildings popping up.


The sad thing is it wouldn’t take much money or effort to modernise it because structurally its sound, it’s ideal given its location and the envy of most clubs and fans and still a ground many a player or rival fan looks forward to visiting because it’s a proper football stadium.


Mike man, what have you done, you want to cry but have to laugh because it’s tragically funny in many ways. It’s prime real estate that would look like an eye sore on a council estate. It’s a tower block/high rise of a stadium compared to some. Inside and outside.


Mind, historically, it’s always been like that. It was at its most magnificent IMO as a bowl under SJH and KK, a 36k capacity. Aesthetically beautiful and just perfect for a great atmosphere.


I wouldn't swap it for any other stadium mind and would rather we remained at SJP even with more decay over some brand new soulless industrial estate new build or flat pack identikit stadium in the middle of nowhere. I’m sure everyone else who watch their team in such grounds would happily swap for our ground even if it meant poorer facilities and decay all around. I’ve never been but a few I know have been to WHU’s ‘ground’ and they have all said wow, what an arena, incredible facilities and design, but not a football stadium now or ever.

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It needs a wash, a lick of paint, the grey cladding could do with being replaced with something better or installing louvers, and of course the removal of the Sports Direct and the original Newcastle United sign out back up.


I also think the road underneath the main stand should be levelled with the pavement and the road just laid out by having some sort of pattern that identifies it as a road. The road is only used for deliveries and team busses, where as thousands of fans risk tripping up on the curbs each home game.

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Spending 2.5k on a cheery picker btw is nowt to be boastful about :lol: How small time man. My mate spends that on one every week and his business doesn’t even turn over 1m a year. They do protest too much, clearly on the defensive. Had they been more bothered about this actual shit than some social media posts from a few fans highlighting it, there would be no story. Just another chapter in the negligence of all things NUFC and those who have been employed to do everything and anything to keep things cheap and nasty. Shame on them all.


SJP is not a magnificent stadium any more, compared to many today it may as well be SJP of the 80s. It’s outdated, the facilities are so poor you will find better at various non league clubs and in general it feels and looks like a council house waiting to be knocked down.


I love old skool stadiums, there is a certain charm about Goodisom for example, but I don’t care about them, as a one of experience aye, but every home game? SJP is a shit hole and not in keeping with the modern game and the requirements of thousands of people when it comes to entry and exit, food and beverages, wi-fi, toilets and aesthetics.


It’s magnificent in stature, history and on very rare occasions can be unlike anywhere else when it comes to the atmosphere, but overall it’s looking rather sad atop that hill looking increasingly out of place in the modern game and even among all these new buildings popping up.


The sad thing is it wouldn’t take much money or effort to modernise it because structurally its sound, it’s ideal given its location and the envy of most clubs and fans and still a ground many a player or rival fan looks forward to visiting because it’s a proper football stadium.


Mike man, what have you done, you want to cry but have to laugh because it’s tragically funny in many ways. It’s prime real estate that would look like an eye sore on a council estate. It’s a tower block/high rise of a stadium compared to some. Inside and outside.


Mind, historically, it’s always been like that. It was at its most magnificent IMO as a bowl under SJH and KK, a 36k capacity. Aesthetically beautiful and just perfect for a great atmosphere.


I wouldn't swap it for any other stadium mind and would rather we remained at SJP even with more decay over some brand new soulless industrial estate new build or flat pack identikit stadium in the middle of nowhere. I’m sure everyone else who watch their team in such grounds would happily swap for our ground even if it meant poorer facilities and decay all around. I’ve never been but a few I know have been to WHU’s ‘ground’ and they have all said wow, what an arena, incredible facilities and design, but not a football stadium now or ever.


Jesus Christ, what a load of shite that is :lol:

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Spending 2.5k on a cheery picker btw is nowt to be boastful about :lol: How small time man. My mate spends that on one every week and his business doesn’t even turn over 1m a year. They do protest too much, clearly on the defensive. Had they been more bothered about this actual s*** than some social media posts from a few fans highlighting it, there would be no story. Just another chapter in the negligence of all things NUFC and those who have been employed to do everything and anything to keep things cheap and nasty. Shame on them all.


SJP is not a magnificent stadium any more, compared to many today it may as well be SJP of the 80s. It’s outdated, the facilities are so poor you will find better at various non league clubs and in general it feels and looks like a council house waiting to be knocked down.


I love old skool stadiums, there is a certain charm about Goodisom for example, but I don’t care about them, as a one of experience aye, but every home game? SJP is a s*** hole and not in keeping with the modern game and the requirements of thousands of people when it comes to entry and exit, food and beverages, wi-fi, toilets and aesthetics.


It’s magnificent in stature, history and on very rare occasions can be unlike anywhere else when it comes to the atmosphere, but overall it’s looking rather sad atop that hill looking increasingly out of place in the modern game and even among all these new buildings popping up.


The sad thing is it wouldn’t take much money or effort to modernise it because structurally its sound, it’s ideal given its location and the envy of most clubs and fans and still a ground many a player or rival fan looks forward to visiting because it’s a proper football stadium.


Mike man, what have you done, you want to cry but have to laugh because it’s tragically funny in many ways. It’s prime real estate that would look like an eye sore on a council estate. It’s a tower block/high rise of a stadium compared to some. Inside and outside.


Mind, historically, it’s always been like that. It was at its most magnificent IMO as a bowl under SJH and KK, a 36k capacity. Aesthetically beautiful and just perfect for a great atmosphere.


I wouldn't swap it for any other stadium mind and would rather we remained at SJP even with more decay over some brand new soulless industrial estate new build or flat pack identikit stadium in the middle of nowhere. I’m sure everyone else who watch their team in such grounds would happily swap for our ground even if it meant poorer facilities and decay all around. I’ve never been but a few I know have been to WHU’s ‘ground’ and they have all said wow, what an arena, incredible facilities and design, but not a football stadium now or ever.

Agreed, could have got a miserable picker for £1k

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Guest Howaythetoon

I stand by a lot of my comments btw. Obviously I’m exaggerating when I’m liking it to some non league grounds or a council house, but I do so because for me SJP isn’t just a stadium, it’s a muesuem, a listed building, a palace. It should be pristine in condition befitting such a monument. At certain angles it could be a fucking Tesco or Asda. Everythimg about it just screams neglect and decay, inside and out. The Nine Bar, the club shop, the box office, the bogs, the Milburn entrance, the stair wells, the roofs, the signage and the fucking gates man, bolted to a wall :lol: The brickwork too. It’s a depressed looking building at the moment, a bit like the fan base. I’m no fan of the new builds popping up all over in the City, but they at least look fresh and modern although I fear it won’t be long until they start looking cheap and nasty on the outside too. It wouldn’t matter as much if the team on the pitch were doing great, but our stadium has always been something to be proud of regardless and is quite the envy of many in terms of size and location. Now I look at other clubs and their grounds and I feel envy, even stadiums in the middle of nowhere on industrial estates or whatever. Championship grounds.

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Now, I am in no way advocating for not giving the stadium full and proper maintenance and cleaning and not cutting all the many corners the ashley regime does, but a bit of me does see this new breed of ultra modern sleek super stadiums like spurs are building etc and think they look more like airports than places for footy...THe designs etc can be cool but all the sleep glass interiors etc and all doesn't sit completely right to me

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