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Chelski after Taylor


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Taylor isn't brilliant, especially at set pieces, and I dont think we could bring him on any further. Bramble is better.



Why do you think that? Why can't we bring him on any further? He's 21 for crying out loud and has already shown a lot of potential. Bramble, on the other hand, will always be Bramble.


I seriously hope i'm gonna get whooshed here, but i swear you're mixing Taylor up with Ramage.


Taylor loses his man rather alot due to ball watching, and doesn't seem to be able to sort it out. That is why we have signed Gooch, and why we are playing him alongside Bramble.


taylor would, should and must be number one choice CB once we get full backs worthy of the shirt, anything less and we deserve everything we get


name me a better prospect, ENGLISH prospect, for his position at his age...please


Curtis Davies, Micah Richards (whose natural position is centre back) right now, and David Edgar will be better by the time he reaches Taylor's age (yes, I know he is Canadian, but I dont get all this English shit). Another centre back that is better is Daniel Agger.


Taylor is a good 6th to 16th placed club Premiership defender, but no more, and right now, he is only the third best centre back at the club if you look at both current ability and how the players gel together as a unit. At £7.5m+ we could buy an improvement on him.

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Taylor still has a lot to learn my main worry is how long he will get to show he has learnt, no way at all I would sell him though, but I agree that right now Bramble is the better player.




In the last couple of games perhaps, certainly not overall.


Personally, i would try and do everything to keep him unless they offered ridiculous money. We're currently struggling to find one top-6-standard central defender to play alongside him, are we really going to find two for just £6-7m?




I am not saying sell, but it is a fact that of late, Titus has been miles better and if Taylor shows Brambles kind of improvement then we are going to have two very good CB's..




So people are STILL living on the lie that Titus is turning the corner, and is actually a top class defender underneath it all. Five years on and people are still relying on a useless non-fact.


No. He has periods of a season where he'll play really well. Like now Then be abnormally s*** for the rest of it.


Taylor has his flawas but he has been playing consistently almost season. I say almost - you cannot criticise his improvement. On returning from a long injury, he was rubbish at the start of the season. It took him a month or two to regain his form. He improved dramatically as the season progressed.


phew, so i'm not alone then....i'm outraged by the very suggestion from so-called fans that they'd somehow even be able to dream of selling him


that lad NE5 is right about one thing from the past, selling our best players IS NOT to be considered a sensible way to progress

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Taylor needs to strengthen up, try to build up his calf muscles for more pace, work at timing his tackles and use his

excuse for a brain a bit more.


I'd say he's strong and quick enough as it is.  His tackling is decent too.  The only thing he needs to work on IMO is his concentration and positioning, two things which in the hands of a decent manager shouldn't be too hard to perfect.

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Taylor isn't brilliant, especially at set pieces, and I dont think we could bring him on any further. Bramble is better.



Why do you think that? Why can't we bring him on any further? He's 21 for crying out loud and has already shown a lot of potential. Bramble, on the other hand, will always be Bramble.


I seriously hope i'm gonna get whooshed here, but i swear you're mixing Taylor up with Ramage.


Taylor loses his man rather alot due to ball watching, and doesn't seem to be able to sort it out. That is why we have signed Gooch, and why we are playing him alongside Bramble.


taylor would, should and must be number one choice CB once we get full backs worthy of the shirt, anything less and we deserve everything we get


name me a better prospect, ENGLISH prospect, for his position at his age...please


Curtis Davies, Micah Richards (whose natural position is centre back) right now, and David Edgar will be better by the time he reaches Taylor's age (yes, I know he is Canadian, but I dont get all this English s***). Another centre back that is better is Daniel Agger.


Taylor is a good 6th to 16th placed club Premiership defender, but no more, and right now, he is only the third best centre back at the club if you look at both current ability and how the players gel together as a unit. At £7.5m+ we could buy an improvement on him.


curtis davies has never played consistently and therefore been proven at the highest level


micah richards is 3 years younger than him and to my knowledge has played primarily at right back and is actually considered a long term prospect for defensive midfield


edgar has played a handfull of games and looks a good prospect agreed, but you can hardly suggest he's currently to be considered a better prospect than taylor


agger is obviously not english, but is decent, agreed....albeit even he hasn't convinced for liverpool if you talk to their fans and this is his first full season at the club, a long way to go then....


who could we buy for 7.5m, at the same age, who is PROVEN to be better than him then?

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Guest justin99.

I'm sure Brambles recent improved performances are just setting him up to have one enormous shocker.




Heard Terry has some problems over his new contract with Chelsea.It would be great if they would allow him to swap with Taylor.




Bit off topic but has anyone seen the front of the Mirror today?


"John Terrys Grandad dead in flat FOR 10 DAYS" in bold.  What a f****** disgrace.  It's a private matter and their using it on the front.  Disgusting.


Is it true? If it is then,John Terry should take legal actions against the Mirror.


What grounds would Terry have to take legal action, if it were true?

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name me a better prospect, ENGLISH prospect, for his position at his age...please


I will stick to English. Similar or better


1. Seb Hines (Middlesbrough)

2. Gary Cahill (Aston Villa)

3. Liam Ridgewell (Aston Villa)

4. Micah Richards (Man City)


That said, I don't want Taylor to go, no matter how much they offer.

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There really is no pleasing some people.


Makes you wonder what some of our 21-year-olds have to do. :rolleyes:


i've no idea...win every game single handed by the looks of it


these people have also not considered the fact that when taylor started (much in the same way edgar and huntington have done) he was doing the right things as he'd been coached to do in reserves and youth....since then he's been paired with the likes of boumsong and bramble who have taught him some elements of how NOT to defend


if he was played with a class act like woodgate, or god forbid terry, then he'd be fantastic


there's a reason a club like chel$ki are interested (if they are) and it's NOT because he's a 16th to 6th place defender is it?

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Taylor isn't brilliant, especially at set pieces, and I dont think we could bring him on any further. Bramble is better.



Why do you think that? Why can't we bring him on any further? He's 21 for crying out loud and has already shown a lot of potential. Bramble, on the other hand, will always be Bramble.


I seriously hope i'm gonna get whooshed here, but i swear you're mixing Taylor up with Ramage.


Taylor loses his man rather alot due to ball watching, and doesn't seem to be able to sort it out. That is why we have signed Gooch, and why we are playing him alongside Bramble.


taylor would, should and must be number one choice CB once we get full backs worthy of the shirt, anything less and we deserve everything we get


name me a better prospect, ENGLISH prospect, for his position at his age...please


Curtis Davies, Micah Richards (whose natural position is centre back) right now, and David Edgar will be better by the time he reaches Taylor's age (yes, I know he is Canadian, but I dont get all this English s***). Another centre back that is better is Daniel Agger.


Taylor is a good 6th to 16th placed club Premiership defender, but no more, and right now, he is only the third best centre back at the club if you look at both current ability and how the players gel together as a unit. At £7.5m+ we could buy an improvement on him.


Taylor keeps Davies out of the U21 team, same with Ridgewell and Cahill, why? Micah Richards never plays in the center so that's a big assumption, and Edgar is 19, Taylor was better when he was 18.


I think we're seriously underrating him on here. And i'm shocked to see alot of people think Bramble is better, but i suppose it's like this every time Bramble turns a corner isn't it.

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name me a better prospect, ENGLISH prospect, for his position at his age...please


I will stick to English. Similar or better


1. Seb Hines (Middlesbrough)

2. Gary Cahill (Aston Villa)

3. Liam Ridgewell (Aston Villa)

4. Micah Richards (Man City)


That said, I don't want Taylor to go, no matter how much they offer.


how many games have #1 & #2 played to be considered as good as taylor (i'm not saying they're not)


ridgewell, from everything i've seen of the lad he looks more ramage than taylor...and richards lets say we accept CB is his best position even though he plays RB most of the time then fine, lets take richards


the other 3 questionable at best

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Taylor is a decent player, but he gets away with a lot due to being a Geordie, and his Geordie Macho-Man act gets on my tits a bit.


fully agreed, even if he technically a cockney

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Taylor isn't brilliant, especially at set pieces, and I dont think we could bring him on any further. Bramble is better.



Why do you think that? Why can't we bring him on any further? He's 21 for crying out loud and has already shown a lot of potential. Bramble, on the other hand, will always be Bramble.


I seriously hope i'm gonna get whooshed here, but i swear you're mixing Taylor up with Ramage.


Taylor loses his man rather alot due to ball watching, and doesn't seem to be able to sort it out. That is why we have signed Gooch, and why we are playing him alongside Bramble.


taylor would, should and must be number one choice CB once we get full backs worthy of the shirt, anything less and we deserve everything we get


name me a better prospect, ENGLISH prospect, for his position at his age...please


Curtis Davies, Micah Richards (whose natural position is centre back) right now, and David Edgar will be better by the time he reaches Taylor's age (yes, I know he is Canadian, but I dont get all this English s***). Another centre back that is better is Daniel Agger.


Taylor is a good 6th to 16th placed club Premiership defender, but no more, and right now, he is only the third best centre back at the club if you look at both current ability and how the players gel together as a unit. At £7.5m+ we could buy an improvement on him.


Taylor keeps Davies out of the U21 team, same with Ridgewell and Cahill, why? Micah Richards never plays in the center so that's a big assumption, and Edgar is 19, Taylor was better when he was 18.


I think we're seriously underrating him on here. And i'm shocked to see alot of people think Bramble is better, but i suppose it's like this every time Bramble turns a corner isn't it.


cheers, you're not wrong about an of that...

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Taylor will not get any better if we don't get players he can learn off. This is why we should've got Sol Campbell when we had the chance


Aye that's a very good point. I'm all for bringing in another young defender, but i think we should get that cheaply in Gooch (presuming he keeps up his adequate form). But an experienced centre-back must be a priority for that position, because the likes of Taylor, Edgar, etc - maybe even Ramage - will thrive from that.

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Taylor isn't brilliant, especially at set pieces, and I dont think we could bring him on any further. Bramble is better.



Why do you think that? Why can't we bring him on any further? He's 21 for crying out loud and has already shown a lot of potential. Bramble, on the other hand, will always be Bramble.


I seriously hope i'm gonna get whooshed here, but i swear you're mixing Taylor up with Ramage.


completely agree.  Taylor has been our best and most consistent defender this season.  selling him would be madness.  anyone who would give bramble another contract and sell taylor needs their head examined.


how exactly would taylor going improve our back four??!!  and who would people sign with the money exactly?

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Taylor isn't brilliant, especially at set pieces, and I dont think we could bring him on any further. Bramble is better.



Why do you think that? Why can't we bring him on any further? He's 21 for crying out loud and has already shown a lot of potential. Bramble, on the other hand, will always be Bramble.


I seriously hope i'm gonna get whooshed here, but i swear you're mixing Taylor up with Ramage.


Taylor loses his man rather alot due to ball watching, and doesn't seem to be able to sort it out. That is why we have signed Gooch, and why we are playing him alongside Bramble.


taylor would, should and must be number one choice CB once we get full backs worthy of the shirt, anything less and we deserve everything we get


name me a better prospect, ENGLISH prospect, for his position at his age...please


Curtis Davies, Micah Richards (whose natural position is centre back) right now, and David Edgar will be better by the time he reaches Taylor's age (yes, I know he is Canadian, but I dont get all this English s***). Another centre back that is better is Daniel Agger.


Taylor is a good 6th to 16th placed club Premiership defender, but no more, and right now, he is only the third best centre back at the club if you look at both current ability and how the players gel together as a unit. At £7.5m+ we could buy an improvement on him.


a) curtis davies has never played consistently and therefore been proven at the highest level


b) micah richards is 3 years younger than him and to my knowledge has played primarily at right back and is actually considered a long term prospect for defensive midfield


c) edgar has played a handfull of games and looks a good prospect agreed, but you can hardly suggest he's currently to be considered a better prospect than taylor


d) agger is obviously not english, but is decent, agreed....albeit even he hasn't convinced for liverpool if you talk to their fans and this is his first full season at the club, a long way to go then....


e) who could we buy for 7.5m, at the same age, who is PROVEN to be better than him then?


a) Davies consistently played well in the Premiership last season in a side that got relegated, and still plays consistently for the U21s. He also plays more U21 games than Taylor.


b) Richards is versatile enough to play in many positions, but he will be a great player whereever he plays, so that makes him a better centre back.


c) During his short stint at centre back, Edgar looked more composed and better in the air than Taylor ever has


d) Agger has displaced Hyypia, and fans now like him afterhe had had a dissappointing start to his Liverpool career. Given Liverpool's good defensive record, he  must be doing quite well.


e) Age is irrelevant. Taylor is unlikely to get much better. Players do not significantly improve while at Newcastle United. I'm sure there are over 20 centre backs with more current ability than Taylor who would cost less than the bid I would accept from Chelsea. Taylor is a good player, but he is replaceable. Curtis Davies is one example of a same age player proven to be better.


All just talk though, as there is no way that Chelsea are interested. Taylor is good, but not that good.

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name me a better prospect, ENGLISH prospect, for his position at his age...please


I will stick to English. Similar or better


1. Seb Hines (Middlesbrough)

2. Gary Cahill (Aston Villa)

3. Liam Ridgewell (Aston Villa)

4. Micah Richards (Man City)


That said, I don't want Taylor to go, no matter how much they offer.


nonsense.  i'd not swap any of these for taylor.  two villa centre halves eh?  thats why they're so much better than us presumably

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e) Age is irrelevant. Taylor is unlikely to get much better.




If you read the next sentence, I have thoroughly explained that statement.


Have you bollocks. It's an excuse for a reason. 'Players don't improve at Newcastle'.


Load of shit, mate. :)  You don't need a reason you just want to write him off and write the club off.

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Taylor will not get any better if we don't get players he can learn off. This is why we should've got Sol Campbell when we had the chance


Aye that's a very good point. I'm all for bringing in another young defender, but i think we should get that cheaply in Gooch (presuming he keeps up his adequate form). But an experienced centre-back must be a priority for that position, because the likes of Taylor, Edgar, etc - maybe even Ramage - will thrive from that.


Definitely the right way to do things, although it seems Roeder is against such an idea. I'm sure Bobby Robson tried to bring Gareth Southgate here from Middlesbrough when Woodgate was still on our books, what a massive difference someone like that might have made to the likes of Bramble, O'Brien, Taylor and Ramage.


Taylor, Gooch and Bramble are a solid enough trio of centre-halves, but if we could bring in an experienced bloke who is still a very, very good player for a season or two then it could be invaluable to them if they are to progress any further. They are all still young enough and they all have enough natural attributes to be able to be players who peak slightly later than normal. Each of that trio has some of the things a top-class centre-half needs, but they all seem to lack the ability to concentrate/read the game/pick a pass, to differing levels.


I've hoped that we'd do this for a long time now as we always have numerous young defenders, combined with a rash of experienced duffers (Dabizas, Carr, Babayaro, Moore, etc.) if we could just get one top-class player in who has aspirations of coaching when he retires to work with the defence then we could see massive improvement from our defenders.


I don't think Roeder and Pearson have improved Bramble or Taylor very much in the time that they've been here, but that could be my growing dislike of Glenn talking there, rather than an accurate observation.

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name me a better prospect, ENGLISH prospect, for his position at his age...please


I will stick to English. Similar or better


1. Seb Hines (Middlesbrough)

2. Gary Cahill (Aston Villa)

3. Liam Ridgewell (Aston Villa)

4. Micah Richards (Man City)


That said, I don't want Taylor to go, no matter how much they offer.


nonsense.  i'd not swap any of these for taylor.  two villa centre halves eh?  thats why they're so much better than us presumably


Save your stupid sarcasm to yourself. With super Taylor and Given, somehow we concede more goals than them. I also said "similar"

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