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ITV - shite

Guest Knightrider

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ITV is just sh!te non stop.


The vast majority of it is full of sh!te programmes.


I hate their sports coverage. I hate Steve Ryder with his stupid hair and sports blazers, who's obviously more interested in F1, Tennis, Rugby, Tiddlywinks than Football, his knowledge of the game is minimal at best. I hated that pronounciation - "Marteens", I hate Andy Townsend. I hate their F1 coverage with ad breaks during the races - either leave it alone or give the coverage back to the BBC, who were infinitely better.


I hate ITV dramas which are utterly predictable. I hate ITV's sunday night 'feel-good' dramas (Heartbeat, Where the Heart Is, Wild at Heart - Notice how the word 'heart' features in them all). I hate ITV's news coverage, I hate Tonight with Trevor McDonald. I don't hate Ant and Dec, but I hate the way that they're on every ITV show going. I hate the fact that Tyne Tees has all but vanished.


The only positive thing I can say about ITV is that I prefer Coronation Street to East Enders, but I don't particularly like Coronation Street either.


ITV is the sh!ttiest, shoddiest channel to have ever graced television screens anywhere on this planet.

And I include L!ve TV (remember that? and that was cheap and shoddy)

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ITV is just sh!te non stop.


The vast majority of it is full of sh!te programmes.


I hate their sports coverage. I hate Steve Ryder with his stupid hair and sports blazers, who's obviously more interested in F1, Tennis, Rugby, Tiddlywinks than Football, his knowledge of the game is minimal at best. I hated that pronounciation - "Marteens", I hate Andy Townsend. I hate their F1 coverage with ad breaks during the races - either leave it alone or give the coverage back to the BBC, who were infinitely better.


I hate ITV dramas which are utterly predictable. I hate ITV's sunday night 'feel-good' dramas (Heartbeat, Where the Heart Is, Wild at Heart - Notice how the word 'heart' features in them all). I hate ITV's news coverage, I hate Tonight with Trevor McDonald. I don't hate Ant and Dec, but I hate the way that they're on every ITV show going. I hate the fact that Tyne Tees has all but vanished.


The only positive thing I can say about ITV is that I prefer Coronation Street to East Enders, but I don't particularly like Coronation Street either.


ITV is the sh!ttiest, shoddiest channel to have ever graced television screens anywhere on this planet.

And I include L!ve TV (remember that? and that was cheap and shoddy)




Al Murray is their only saving grace imo.

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Aye, was exasperated from the word go when the programme started 5 minutes before kick-off... then it went to adverts when I was hoping to see/hear the players walking out... then when Champion and Beglin started calling for Taylor's head... etc. etc.


Channel 5 was f****** mint compared to this dross.


Did anyone else find themselves doing the "whistle" tune from C5 when a break came on?


I did.


I thought the difference in commentary from the pro-Spurs stuff last night was remarkable.  And sickening.


Agreed, the commentators seemed pleased when AZ got their first goal tonight. Compare that to the Spurs game last night, unbelievable.

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I for one was glad not to have to put up with that smug little c*** Collin Murry.


I don't mind him. At least he has a bit of humour about him.


Have you heard him on Fighting Talk on Radio 5 - canny good on that. Mind its always been a good show.

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I for one was glad not to have to put up with that smug little cunt Collin Murry.

I can't see why anyone would dislike him, he seems to be genuinely interested and wanting for us to get through, got good banter and tells you stuff you want to know, like subs, the odd daft text messages, etc


Channel 5's coverage is good with me, they keep it plain, the give you the info and show the match, its all I need.

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Guest Petay

An irrational haterd I have, its not been helped in the slightest by seeing him murder teenage kicks on celebrity fame academy, what a painfully obvious choice that was.

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Guest Magic

Going back to page one, I thought Taylor's elbow was disgraceful. It wasn't just a natural elbows up as you jump thing. You could see how differently his left (elbowing) arm moved compared to his right (i.e. it moved very hard downwards). It was a horrible action and potentially could have caused a lot of serious damage. Though I'm passionate about Newcastle, more than anything I'm passionate about sportsmanship and the nature of the game. Taylor should get a severe ban for that (as should Butt for his kick).

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Guest brewer

ITV are biased towards the English club to a ridiculous/tedious extent.


All that 'good times at the Lane' nonsense yesterday, having a go at the AZ manager for celebrating a goal today, the constant need to bring up Istanbul and 'that night in Barcelona' however possible.

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ITV are biased towards the English club to a ridiculous/tedious extent.


All that 'good times at the Lane' nonsense yesterday, having a go at the AZ manager for celebrating a goal today, the constant need to bring up Istanbul and 'that night in Barcelona' however possible.


Well, that's probably because they're *gasp* English.


I'm not as bothered about the bias as I am about their general stupidity.

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Guest brewer

Yeah but...


They seem comfortable saying things which are clearly wrong assuming it favours the English side.

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Townsend was spot on at the end though. He showed more passion talking about Newcastle's inability to defend than anyone associated with the club ever has for years.


Top marks Townsend.

here here hope fat freds and roeder are  told what was said.
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I was more pissed off with being forced to watch ITV than the actual result, "Martines"? Taylor should have been sent off? He had his eyes on the ball all the way, aye it was a bad one, but not intended. I blame them for this loss BTW, we were doing canny on 5. Jinxing bastards.


The commentator on ITV is a prick. My wife and I aways take a guess at how long it will take him to mention manure during any football match that doesn't involve them. It took him just over 8 minutes last night, which is longer than usual.

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Guest thenorthumbrian

Aye, was exasperated from the word go when the programme started 5 minutes before kick-off... then it went to adverts when I was hoping to see/hear the players walking out... then when Champion and Beglin started calling for Taylor's head... etc. etc.


Channel 5 was f****** mint compared to this dross.


Did anyone else find themselves doing the "whistle" tune from C5 when a break came on?


I did.


I thought the difference in commentary from the pro-Spurs stuff last night was remarkable.  And sickening.


I was thinking the same thing, it was a spurs love in.

Nothing to do with them being a cockney team of course.

At least 5 seemed to be pleased to be showing our games, I got the impression that ITV just thought we were a nuisance.

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when the commentator said that AZ sould keep attacking down the right because they were getting much more luck down that side i just hit the mute button, its wierd that everyone hates us now. Plus, im not liking all the abusive txts im getting from sunderland supporters at the moment, i want them to come up and then go back down with even less points than last time!

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Did anyone else find themselves doing the "whistle" tune from C5 when a break came on?


:lol: me, and haven't they stolen Five's graphics?


AYE they had theyre own for the tottenham match then nicked five's for ours

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I missed the whistle thing aswell :lol: thought the sure mini advert things were quite funny though!


The marteeens thing annoyed the hell out of me, was tempted to turn the sound off! Fair enough AZ's player was probably pronounced like that but jesus wept!

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Just before they come back off the break, they have that bloke watching a pub team doing all sorts of CRAZY stuff, thats pretty funny, to be fair to them.


that was an advert

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The main thing that stood out for me was that when we were on Five, it was all about us, they wanted us to win and made a big deal about following Newcastle all the way from the earlier stages. The previous ngiht ITV spent 2 hours saying how great Spurs were, whereas last night they spent the whole build up praising AZ and how great they were, I felt like I was watching it on dutch TV.


And yes, I did the whistle thing too :)

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Guest elbee909

I missed the whistle thing aswell :lol: thought the sure mini advert things were quite funny though!


The marteeens thing annoyed the hell out of me, was tempted to turn the sound off! Fair enough AZ's player was probably pronounced like that but jesus wept!


I think you mean 'Jesuuuus'

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