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Eriksson For Toon

Guest Spark

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I really don't know tbh... His final months as the England manager really made him fall a long way in my estimation.


I see what you mean, but at the same time, we took a class team like Portugal to penalties while down to ten-men. One thing you can't question is that he generally gets results and is good at organising teams.

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Jesus, Sven is one of the most tactically inept managers I have ever seen - his club success based on money and his ability to make good players look like dross with England is legendary.  If ever there was a mercanary manager it was him!


.............its a guarantee that we will sign him! :coolsmiley:


So how do you explain the fact that he took Benfica & Gothenburg to European Finals?

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If this had of come out when he left England people on these boards would have been going nuts. In fact if i remember correctly, when we were linked with him people on here were going nuts. Just goes to show how fickle some of you are.

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If this had of come out when he left England people on these boards would have been going nuts. In fact if i remember correctly, when we were linked with him people on here were going nuts. Just goes to show how fickle some of you are.


I'm sure if you looked back a year, quite a lot of people on here would have welcomed him in the summer.

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Jesus, Sven is one of the most tactically inept managers I have ever seen - his club success based on money and his ability to make good players look like dross with England is legendary.  If ever there was a mercanary manager it was him!


.............its a guarantee that we will sign him! :coolsmiley:


So how do you explain the fact that he took Benfica & Gothenburg to European Finals?


Benfica was 17 years ago man, Gothenburg was 25 years ago! Howard Wilkinson won the English League more recently than those.


Wouldn't touch him personally.

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I would take Sven over many of the names we have been linked with since Souness' departure and he would be a far better option than Roeder himself.


Though his tactics would be an area of concern I would trust him in the transfer market. At least I don't think we would have to worry too much about "proper" players, I think he would be alot more open minded on that front than Souness or Roeder have been!


A major worry would be the media circus that would surround the guy! Its been great recently just reading stuff about Newcastle on the back of the papers I am sure if Sven was manager we would be on the front pages again.

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Thing with people saying "but he's had England's best squad for 30 years, blah blah and did f*ck all". In the time Eriksson had here, Portugal have had their best squad since 1966, France have had their best squad arguably in history, Brazil have been at their strongest since the days of Socrates & Zico.

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Thing with people saying "but he's had England's best squad for 30 years, blah blah and did f*ck all". In the time Eriksson had here, Portugal have had their best squad since 1966, France have had their best squad arguably in history, Brazil have been at their strongest since the days of Socrates & Zico.


Each of those sides has a better record when at their peak especially if you say that the Portuguese have peaked in the last few years. Their squad was nowhere near as good as England's on paper.


He would put the media's focus back on the club in a way we dont need and going on how he asked Gerrard, Cole, Rooney, Beckham, Terry, Lampard etc to play, he would play shite football and probably lose a lot. He will have to compete with better sides in the premiership than in some/most of his internationals with worse players.


Will it happen? Anything is possible. Will he be a success? Unlikely.

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Guest eltsacwen

Each of those sides has a better record when at their peak especially if you say that the Portuguese have peaked in the last few years. Their squad was nowhere near as good as England's on paper.


Nowhere near?! haha. I think they are/where better on paper

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I'd say a side with Ricardo, Miguel, Carvalho, Figo, Ronaldo, Pauleta should be beating an England side down to ten-men. They took penalties to do so.


The only 2 arguably better. Miguel is over-rated. I suppose you could include Deco in an overall assessment too. I would put that last 70 minutes of english football at the WC down to the players wanting it, not the managers great tactics.

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Jesus, Sven is one of the most tactically inept managers I have ever seen - his club success based on money and his ability to make good players look like dross with England is legendary.  If ever there was a mercanary manager it was him!


.............its a guarantee that we will sign him! :coolsmiley:


So how do you explain the fact that he took Benfica & Gothenburg to European Finals?


To be honest, Gothenburg aside, nothing he has done has impressed me greatly, with Lazio he had bundles of cash and with England he was truly awful.  As Wullie said, those achievments you mention were a long, long time ago. He's living off media hype these days.

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Dickenson also got the Martins to Newcastle story weeks before anyone else.


I seem to remember Alan Oliver hinting at Martins being a possibility, and then the following day, The Times and a few others ran with it.


No the Times was weeks ahead, it ran a two lined piece at the bottom of another aticle, and it was a long time before anyone picked up on it.

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Dickenson also got the Martins to Newcastle story weeks before anyone else.


I seem to remember Alan Oliver hinting at Martins being a possibility, and then the following day, The Times and a few others ran with it.


No the Times was weeks ahead, it ran a two lined piece at the bottom of another aticle, and it was a long time before anyone picked up on it.


Here we are, Times were 4 days ahead of Alan Oliver:



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Guest sicko2ndbest

I am undecided on this issue


Roeder is not the man to bring success to Newcastle, this we all know. Who else is around though that would come to Newcastle at the moment? We are not going to get a top manager, Benitez, Jose, Wenger, who will be revered as a saviour by our fans.


Sven is a very astute manager. Remember he was the one who perservered with Hargreaves. He had a very good relationship with the England players. He is proven at club level.


Sven comes under the 'world class manager' umberella simply because he has had far more success than failure. Capello is a top manager yet most Madrid fans want him out because he has done one bad job, does this make him any less of a 'world class manager'.


If it was a straight choice between Sven and Roeder for me there is no choice, Sven every time. This dosnt mean im thrilled with it as it is not a 'Mourinho', however it is a step in the right direction

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I'd say a side with Ricardo, Miguel, Carvalho, Figo, Ronaldo, Pauleta should be beating an England side down to ten-men. They took penalties to do so.


The only 2 arguably better. Miguel is over-rated. I suppose you could include Deco in an overall assessment too. I would put that last 70 minutes of english football at the WC down to the players wanting it, not the managers great tactics.


As is many of the England squad tbh..

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I am undecided on this issue


Roeder is not the man to bring success to Newcastle, this we all know. Who else is around though that would come to Newcastle at the moment? We are not going to get a top manager, Benitez, Jose, Wenger, who will be revered as a saviour by our fans.


Sven is a very astute manager. Remember he was the one who perservered with Hargreaves. He had a very good relationship with the England players. He is proven at club level.


Sven comes under the 'world class manager' umberella simply because he has had far more success than failure. Capello is a top manager yet most Madrid fans want him out because he has done one bad job, does this make him any less of a 'world class manager'.


If it was a straight choice between Sven and Roeder for me there is no choice, Sven every time. This dosnt mean im thrilled with it as it is not a 'Mourinho', however it is a step in the right direction


Is that why a handful of them came out after the World Cup and openly criticised his tactics, selection etc.?


Because they were all releasing autobiographies which were ghost-written by journalists that wanted to stick the boot in?

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SGE has his problems but people who are saying no are dreaming. Do you realize the sort of crap that we are getting at the moment? When FS sacks Roeder, it will be difficult for us to get anyone with even some remote Premiership experience, never mind someone who has international experience, managed teams successfully in Europe and a foreign league (cash abundance notwithstanding). We are more likely to get the likes of Bruce than Allardyce and if knowing that, you'd still advocate turning down SGE, then you're a certified nut  :idiot2:

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