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What the hell is Steve Coppell trying to prove?


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I like the guy and admire his success at Reading but why does he keep saying he doesnt want Europe and then come out with this rubbish:




Why not embrace it? build over the summer and prepare for Europe and enjoy it as the club may never get it for a long while again. Why just waste it? seems like a waste of a place tbh and they dont deserve it if this is the attitude.


Im sure he could be a Cup winning side with £200 million!

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Come on, The £200 mill is just his famous dry sense of humour, no?


As for Europe, it is there second season in the top flight. Gutless? Sensible I would say, as without substantial strengthening of a determined and admittedly well organised side, they are not that far removed from Championship quality. They have plenty to be scared about.

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No way it's 200 million. Even 20 million would be a pretty massive amount for any non-top4 prem club.


If they had 200 million, they could afford to spend as much as Chelsea  :o


I think Coppell's being a bit of an ass talking like this, but on some level it's understandable. Reading have such a paper-thin squad. Only about 13~14 players who are barely Premiership quality I reckon. (Then again, do WE have 13~14 prem quality players?  :buck2:)

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Guest Peter.Sthlm

£200 mill is his famous dry sense of humour surely. As for Europe, it is there second season in the top flight, gutless? They have plenty to be scared about.


I saw an intervju with Madejski a couple of weeks ago were he stated that they are aware of how difficult the seccond year usually is and therefor they don't want to risk their Premiership existence due to some games in Europe.


After all just surviving in the Premiership generates a whole lot more money than playing an away game against Levadia Tallinn and getting relegated at the same time.

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£200 mill is his famous dry sense of humour surely. As for Europe, it is there second season in the top flight, gutless? They have plenty to be scared about.


I saw an intervju with Madejski a couple of weeks ago were he stayted that they are aware of how difficult the seccond year usually is and therefor they don't want to risk their Premiership existence due to some games in Europe.


After all just surviving in the Premiership generates a whole lot more money than playing an away game against Levadia Tallinn and getting relegated at the same time.


Yup, agreed. :thup:

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No way it's 200 million. Even 20 million would be a pretty massive amount for any non-top4 prem club.


If they had 200 million, they could afford to spend as much as Chelsea  :o


I think Coppell's being a bit of an ass talking like this, but on some level it's understandable. Reading have such a paper-thin squad. Only about 13~14 players who are barely Premiership quality I reckon. (Then again, do WE have 13~14 prem quality players?  :buck2:)


Coppell's having a little bit of fun at Madjeski's expense, I can't believe anybody's taking that comment seriously. 


Madjeski has underfunded RFC for years, repeatedly claiming it had eaten enough of his cash already, and if they hadn't got promoted it's likely he would have sold it to the first decent offer going.  This is not unreasonable given it is a small club punching above its weight, and didn't sell out their smallish stadium regularly in the championship.  iirc at one point he claimed the club was incapable of breaking even and he was bankrolling the difference reluctantly.


He's pretty rich (used to own Autotrader and is now a property developer) but he's not a billionaire and is notoriously penny pinching.  The idea that he would pour 200m into it on the basis of one season is a joke and meant as such....

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Guest Shibby

I agree with Kitman. They obviously don't have the money and Coppell's having a dig at Medjeski. :D

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I can't believe nobody detected the sarcasm from Coppell.  :lol:


As if he'd ever get £200m, he's more likely to get £5m.


Also being in the Premiership is worth more than being in Europe and Coppell is just doing what is best for his club.

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The £200m thing is a joke, but isn't it obvious that the whole "we're not good enough for Europe" thing is a psychological ploy to motivate his players?


He's pretending that he doesn't think they're good enough in the hope that they'll try to "prove him wrong" and keep putting in the performances until the end of the season. Also, if we're being cynical there's not a lot for him to gain personally from playing in Europe, but there's a lot for him personally to lose if they get relegated, as he'd likely get sacked.

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I think Coppell's being sensible. If Reading are fighting to keep their place in the Premiership, the last thing they need are midweek trips to Tblisi or whatever.


The UEFA cup seems to be designed as a tournament to give pay-days to minor clubs and only becomes interesting half way through. Even then, there's not a lot of prestige for winning it. I won't miss it next season at all.

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It simply goes to show how much more important it is to be competing in the premiership rather than in Europe.  Ipswich went down in the same season as competing in Europe and have never come back.


Coppell knows he does't have the squad necessary to realistically compete in both competitions so he's prioritising.  Can't blame him tbh.  In fact, just another example why I hold him in high esteem, he looks at a situation, assesses it and comes up with a solution.  Been doing that all season long.  If I was given the choice of Coppell or Jol for Spurs, I would go with Coppell every time, more tactically astute.  The comparison between Coppell and Roeder really isn't worth starting.


Just before McLaren was appointed, I think it was Graham Taylor who said he wouldn't give the job to Scolari Curbishley etc, he would have gone with Coppell who he reckoned was probably the finest tactician outside the premiership.  At the time I thought he was mad to be talking about Coppell for England, but having seen him this season, I'm not so sure.

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After a good season and qualifying for Europe Ipswich went down the season after because their squad was to thinly spread to cope with Europe. It is far better for them to consolidate a Premiership place rather than have a few games in Europe. Sensible tactics from them to be honest.



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West Ham are in with a chance of going down with player for player a lot better squad than Reading currently have!


He is just being sensible. Not like this place to have a good old fashioned over reaction though! :D

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Guest Reading Fan

Of course the £200 million was a joke.


Some media reported it as a joke initially and then some press decided knowing full well that it was a joke to turn it into a serious comment. The press are hilarious the way they spin stories and change the meaning of sentences and make people sound like plonkers.


Regarding Europe.............


Coppell is telling the players that it doesn't matter. That he doesn't care whether we make Europe or not and it has no priority whatsoever. This has the effect of removing all pressure the players might face. Coppell always says that we must win the next game. If we do win the next 2 games then we will be in Europe. Coppell also says if Europe comes it comes.


The fact is if you don't win your next game and you don't pick up points whats the point in talking about Europe. Coppell is the master at focussing his players on what is truly important and matters and removing pressure from them. Winning the next game is always the most important thing. Why talk about Europe now? We haven't made it yet! Why get complacent? The clubs who say they must make it into Europe put their players under so much pressure that they can't enjoy the game and they struggle to perform.


By removing the pressure, the team can play with absolute freedom and enjoyment. This normally makes it easier to win games than playing in a tense and worried manner A.K.A high expectancy, highly pressurised Toon.


Reading will take it very seriously IF they make it in to Europe and we may not get there. We do only have about 12 or 13 players of Prem standard so we have to approach Europe cautiously. If those 12 players get shattered trying to beat Artmedia Bratislava and then lose at home to Wigan on the Saturday then there is only one direction the Royals will be heading next season and that is back to the Championship. Reading don't have the squad for Europe but Newcastle do. However our first 11 have proven to be as good as the Newcastle first 11. Its just that we don't have a second 11 and Newcastle do. Newcastle coped with the longest injury list in world football this past season. If Reading had even a quarter of your injury problems this season, we would have been back in the Championship right now. RFC are not ready for Europe just yet.

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Guest magpies_rawk

Of course the £200 million was a joke.


Some media reported it as a joke initially and then some press decided knowing full well that it was a joke to turn it into a serious comment. The press are hilarious the way they spin stories and change the meaning of sentences and make people sound like plonkers.


Regarding Europe.............


Coppell is telling the players that it doesn't matter. That he doesn't care whether we make Europe or not and it has no priority whatsoever. This has the effect of removing all pressure the players might face. Coppell always says that we must win the next game. If we do win the next 2 games then we will be in Europe. Coppell also says if Europe comes it comes.


The fact is if you don't win your next game and you don't pick up points whats the point in talking about Europe. Coppell is the master at focussing his players on what is truly important and matters and removing pressure from them. Winning the next game is always the most important thing. Why talk about Europe now? We haven't made it yet! Why get complacent? The clubs who say they must make it into Europe put their players under so much pressure that they can't enjoy the game and they struggle to perform.


By removing the pressure, the team can play with absolute freedom and enjoyment. This normally makes it easier to win games than playing in a tense and worried manner A.K.A high expectancy, highly pressurised Toon.


Reading will take it very seriously IF they make it in to Europe and we may not get there. We do only have about 12 or 13 players of Prem standard so we have to approach Europe cautiously. If those 12 players get shattered trying to beat Artmedia Bratislava and then lose at home to Wigan on the Saturday then there is only one direction the Royals will be heading next season and that is back to the Championship. Reading don't have the squad for Europe but Newcastle do. However our first 11 have proven to be as good as the Newcastle first 11. Its just that we don't have a second 11 and Newcastle do. Newcastle coped with the longest injury list in world football this past season. If Reading had even a quarter of your injury problems this season, we would have been back in the Championship right now. RFC are not ready for Europe just yet.


sensible post but can u name OUR 2nd "premiership standard" 11? cos i'm fucking clueless... Besides did wigan's 2nd team not beat us in the league cup last season? surely the strength in depth of your team should match that of 2005/06 wigan's?


heres what i can think of...




gate ramage hunty edgar


solano butt pattison luque


    carroll/sibs ameobi


of the 11, how many can walk into Reading's starting line-up?

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Reading Fan:


Our 2nd team is actually:




          Ramage  Moore  Oneywu  Babayaro


                  Edgar  Emre/Butt   N'Zogbia


                  Sibreski   Ameobi   Luque



(Or something like that)



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Guest magpies_rawk

Reading Fan:


Our 2nd team is actually:




          Ramage  Moore  Oneywu  Babayaro


                  Edgar  Emre/Butt  N'Zogbia


                  Sibreski  Ameobi  Luque



(Or something like that)




:D are u glen roeder in disguise?

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Guest Reading Fan

Maybe you have a point......... Actually Readings second string isn't too bad.....


Our second string is on the lines of:


GK: Federici

RB: De La Cruz

LB: Golbourne

CB: Duberry

CB: Bikey

RM: Seol

CM: Oster

CM: Gunnarsson

LM: Hunt

CF: Kitson

CF: Long


And alot of the above team played you on Monday night.

The first team would be:


GK: Hahnemann

RB: Murty

LB: Shorey

CB: Sonko

CB: Ingimarsson

RM: Little

CM: Sidwell

CM: Harper

LM: Convey

CF: Lita

CF: Doyle


Maybe Reading are better equipped for the UEFA cup than Newcastle. Our reserves aren't actually that bad. Had a decent run in the FA CUP and they won the Southern Section Premier League reserve division finishing above Chelsea, Spurs, Arsenal and West Ham reserve teams......... Our reserve team seems to be as strong as our first team.


Maybe Newcastle pay too much money to a few star names who just can't get it together. So you can't spread the cash over the whole squad.


My observation of the Premier League is that the top clubs with cash are prepared to pay a 600% financial premium to players who are only 5% better than their peers... In football it is often the details that make all the difference in a game. The one or two players who can change a game or win a match. But players form do fluctuate and players can lose that extra 5% class after a serious injury or with age. So maybe its just stupid to spend so much money or players.


Emre is on probably 6 or 7 times the weekly salary of Gunnarsson but was he 6 or 7 times better? He may have been slightly worse?


Money is a huge problem in football, but Newcastle are just badly managed at the moment. Newcastles time will definitely come eventually, there is no doubt. Its such a huge club, such a big fanbase, such a great place that it will definitely come. Newcastle are as big as Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal, probably bigger so the Geordies have as much opportunity to take home the silver wear. As soon as you get the right manager in everything will work out. The manager is the most important job at every football club. Reading will cope without Sidwell but we would never cope if we lost Coppell. Losing Coppell would set Reading back 5 years. Losing Sidwell may not set us back at all.

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Of course the £200 million was a joke.


Some media reported it as a joke initially and then some press decided knowing full well that it was a joke to turn it into a serious comment. The press are hilarious the way they spin stories and change the meaning of sentences and make people sound like plonkers.


Regarding Europe.............


Coppell is telling the players that it doesn't matter. That he doesn't care whether we make Europe or not and it has no priority whatsoever. This has the effect of removing all pressure the players might face. Coppell always says that we must win the next game. If we do win the next 2 games then we will be in Europe. Coppell also says if Europe comes it comes.


The fact is if you don't win your next game and you don't pick up points whats the point in talking about Europe. Coppell is the master at focussing his players on what is truly important and matters and removing pressure from them. Winning the next game is always the most important thing. Why talk about Europe now? We haven't made it yet! Why get complacent? The clubs who say they must make it into Europe put their players under so much pressure that they can't enjoy the game and they struggle to perform.


By removing the pressure, the team can play with absolute freedom and enjoyment. This normally makes it easier to win games than playing in a tense and worried manner A.K.A high expectancy, highly pressurised Toon.


Reading will take it very seriously IF they make it in to Europe and we may not get there. We do only have about 12 or 13 players of Prem standard so we have to approach Europe cautiously. If those 12 players get shattered trying to beat Artmedia Bratislava and then lose at home to Wigan on the Saturday then there is only one direction the Royals will be heading next season and that is back to the Championship. Reading don't have the squad for Europe but Newcastle do. However our first 11 have proven to be as good as the Newcastle first 11. Its just that we don't have a second 11 and Newcastle do. Newcastle coped with the longest injury list in world football this past season. If Reading had even a quarter of your injury problems this season, we would have been back in the Championship right now. RFC are not ready for Europe just yet.


Learnt from the master at Man Utd, that's why I rate Coppell so highly.  That's also why I think Keane will be equally successful.

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