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Should Shearer be made boss?


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Has he got his badges yet?

It would be another of Sheps magnificent PR coups if he did this.

Very doubtful if we would be any better in a year's time though'.


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Has he got his badges yet?

It would be another of Sheps magnificent PR coups if he did this.

Very doubtful if we would be any better in a year's time though'.



No he doesn't have all his badges yet.

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Guest the_guv_nor

The last thing he is going to do is risk losing his great reputation by taking over as manager under that fat bastard.

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Guest graemeh72

Everytime we get rid of a manager in the next 25 years, Shearers name will get mentioned as a possible replacement.


Why does Alan need to rush and take the job now? I'll answer that, he doesn't.


I also think that he'll wait until all the players that he played with have left, so he can totally command the dressing room - without some twat like Dyer taking the piss.



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I think Alan has more sense than to take the job on at the moment.

He wont want to make himself look stupid so I think he is wise enough to steer well clear of the managers job at the minute and wait until he has an intelligent chairman to help make a success of the club

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