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Which players will get better under Allardyce???


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I was wondering what kind of influence Big Sam will have on the players's game???

Under Roeder all of our players seemed to be out of form and no one looked like he is on top form.

So which players do you think will play better under Big Sam?

We all know that he can get the best out of his players.

His influence in the training ground every day and his methods will have immediate effect on the players imo.

I just wonder if he is going to be able to transform shit like Carr,Ramage,Babayaro,Ameobi to some decent Premiership players??


Given-he was one of the little who played solid under Roeder but there is no surprice there.Under Big Sam he will be at his best level.


Harper-if GIven is fit there will be very little chances for him but im expecting from him to be in good shape if he needs to play.Last season when he played his first games he wasnt as his best(Alonso goal).His form will be better under Big Sam.


Krul-he is great prospect for the future and im expecting/hoping that he will develop alot under Big Sam.We will see if he is going to be loaned like Roeder said.


Solano-first of all we will see if Big Sam is going to use him as RB.Im expecting so.Nobby was revelation last season as RB and most of the games played really solid.Also he is the only player from the defence who is trying to build an attack through some passes and not always kicking the ball.Also he was the only one who went forward as RB and created some decent crosses.Im expecting from him to get even better.Maybe Big Sam will influence on his defensive tasks.


Carr-tough one.In the last couple of games of the season he showed that he can play at decent level.Nevertheless his general performance this season was shocking.Im really looking forward to see what can Big Sam gets out of him.Maybe he will improve his fitness,his tackling,his positioning and his defensive play in general.


Taylor-one of the bright things this season.Yes,he made alot of errors and mistakes but with this players around him i cant blame him.Like someone mentioned before John Terry was similar at this age but he was playing with the likes of Desailly,Lebiof,Gallas around him.Taylor played with players like Ramage,Bramble,Moore!@!@[email protected] expecting Big Sam to rely on him as starting CB this season.I think Taylor can develop alot under Big Sam.He can imrpove his concentration,his defensive play and his football thinking in general.Also i think Big Sam will bring some experienced CB from who Taylor will learn alot too.


Edgar-from the few games he played for us i think he showed that he has potential to be a good player.Soon it will be clear if Big Sam will rely on him or he will rather loan him.Im expecting from Big Sam to play Edgar mostly in the reserves.Also under Big Sam he will develop his fitness,to add some body mass and to develop his physique.


Huntington-its the same situation like Edgar.The only difference is that Big Sam wont tolerate him if he plays poor like Roeder did.Roeder never gave Edgar and Hunti equal chance in the 1st team.He always liked Hunti more.


Ramage-well...he is 24 years old.He is not a kid anymore.His mistakes last season were Conference level.Big Sam will soon see what he is capable of and then he decides if he is good enough.I dont think Ramage will play much this season,especially if we sign the proper CB's.At least under Sam Ramage will improve his fitness,his positioning and his defensive and tactical thinking.


Babayaro-in the same group as Carr and Ramage.Im looking forward to see what influence Big Sam will have on him.The most important thing that will change under Big Sam is his fitness.He is injured half the season which is ridiculous.When his fitness is ok then his form might become more constant.


Milner-im sure Big Sam will rely on him from the start.Last season he was our best player and showed some great potential.Under Big Sam Milner can change the uniformity of his play.Last season when he recieved the ball everytime he did the same thing.Tried to cross the ball or tried to dribble past the player ahead of him.Under Sam his game can become more varied.He can try and link up with the strikers or the midfielders,he can try not to lose the ball to easily and can try to finish his attack with a cross.Will develop under Sam for sure.


Dyer-his fitness is still major problem.Big Sam will imrpove his fitness,he will bring back his desire to play football and im sure that when he is 100% fit he will be better player under Sam.If he doesnt want to play for Newcastle he must go though.


Parker-under Roeder he was shocking but not because he is shit player but because Roeder didnt use him correctly and in the right position.Im sure under Sam he will become the version of Gary Speed at Bolton.Big Sam will see where his strengths are and will use them in the right way.Im sure that under Sam Parker will be different and better player.Also his fitness problems will be over(hopefully).


Butt-he is getting older and slower but there is still much more that Butt can give to this club.Under Sam he can play at least 2-3 more years.We will see what kind of part he will play in Big Sam plans.


Emre-his fitness problems and his attitude problems are the biggest concerns we have when it comes to him.Im expeting that Big Sam will solve this problems.Also his set piece was shocking last season.The set pieces are Big Sam one of his biggest weapons so im expecting alot of improvement in that area.Also Emre will be the player who will have to add that creativity we all are talking about.Will improve under him imo.


Duff-disappointing season who was full of injuries.That must end and Big Sam's training and fitness methods will do that job.After that when we have fully fit Duff he must shows what he is capable of.Hopefully he will be self motivated under the new manager.Im expeting to see the real Duff next season.


Zoggy-1st resolve his attitude problems.Its obvious that the boy has lost his head and he is feeling uncomfortable atm.Its up to Big Sam to solve this and after that Zoggy must prove that he is the player he was in the end of last season.Like Dyer if he doesnt want to be here-sell him.


Pattison-wont get much games imo.His contract is up at the end of next season so he has 1 year to impress Allardyce.


O'Brien-i think his contract runs this summer so soon enough we will know what his future is going to be.


Martins-like Zoggy if he has some attitude issues Big Sam must solve them asap.Im hoping that Oba will stay with us.If he wants that i think Allardyce will find the best way to use him as a striker.He knows that he has phenomenal pace but it needs to be used wisely and not Oba to run like a useless chicken.Big Sam will see that and will use Oba the most useful way so his qualities can shine.


Owen-if he doesnt want to stay with us then sell him.Simple as that.Otherwise it will be interesting to see how Big Sam will handle Owen and Martins as a attacking partnership.


Ameobi-in the group of players like Ramage,Carr and Babayaro.The lad has some talent but needs the right manager next to him.He is not the new Eto'o but he can be decent squad player.Looking forward to see what impact Big Sam will have on him.Hope his first touch will improve ;D


Sibierski-getting older and slower.Its not clear if Big Sam will rely on him for next season.If he does then im hoping Sibierski fitness will imrpove so he wont be so slow and that way he can hold the ball more regularly and not to use it that easy like he did most of the time this season.Ultimately when Sam's backroom staff realized that Sibierski has scored 1 goal in every 4 games he played they wont be too happy...


Carroll-hope Big Sam will count on him.He is young,tall,strong,can hold up the ball.Just needs more body mass added to his physique.Great prospect for the future and is better option then Sibierski imo.Would develop under Sam.


Luque-His thoughts are alway from this club imo.Bringing new manager wont change that.I would be very supriced if he stays with us.If he does though maybe Allardyce will give him a proper chance to prove himself.Doubt it though.

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i'm not sure how individual players will benefit from Allardyce' methods, but i'm sure the defense and the center midfielders will be much more organized and hopefully the team will have a recognizable attacking pattern of some sort.

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Imagine Carr won't be first choice next season. Big Sam will be looking to bring in new fullbacks. Either big men or the run all day types. Carr doesn't tick either box.


Parker will improve quite simply because he'll no longer be trying to do everything in the middle of the park. Last season he ran around trying to kick everyone and did nothing on the ball. Prozone will pick that up quick and Sam should be able to stabilise his on pitch role.

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Probably the two bad lads, N'Zogbia and Martins assuming Sam wants them. Both underperforming under previous tits, managers, but both have plenty of ability if chanelled right and can be motivated by the right coach. It could be the case they both want out in which case they can happily fuck off for the right fee...I'm hoping Big Sam will be able to get them to do their stuff here though.

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I can see Shola improving under Allardyce, can also see Emre and Parker improving due to them being played in their correct roles and knowing what they are supposed to be doing!

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

I think everyone will benefit from Allardyce training and fitness methods.


Why didn't you just say that instead of a 150000 word dissertation basically stating the same thing :lol: ;)

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Guest Magpiecn

Duff , Emre,Parker, I think.After all they are actually good players,under Big Sam they can break out all their abilities.

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I can see it now.  Duff, geordie legend, talking about his difficult first year.  People finding it hard to believe he was once not brilliant.  Kind of like what happened with speed.


and to an extent Butt.

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Sam Allardyce - the best manager in the world, ever, and the answer to every single probelm that faces NUFC and its variety of players - even the s**** ones will be Premiership class within weeks.




Your signature suggests a lot of bitterness towards our former managers. Are you Sam-bashing because you can't bear to be disappointed by yet another Big Hope?


Do you even know what hope means?



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Sam Allardyce - the best manager in the world, ever, and the answer to every single probelm that faces NUFC and its variety of players - even the s**** ones will be Premiership class within weeks.




Your signature suggests a lot of bitterness towards our former managers. Are you Sam-bashing because you can't bear to be disappointed by yet another Big Hope?


Do you even know what hope means?




NM wouldn't be happy if he couldn't moan about something. If everything went right at Newcastle and somehow he couldn't find something to pick at and slag off I honestly don't think he could go on with following football.

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I agree with him on this thread, like. People are talking like Allardyce can transmute any old lump of base metal into pure, shining gold.


People are probably going a bit OTT but Allardyce has proved time and time again that he can get the best out of players who are coming to the end of their careers or who have been struggling for one reason or another. Given how the majority of our team have underperformed its no suprise this subject will be brought up again and again.

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Sam Allardyce - the best manager in the world, ever, and the answer to every single probelm that faces NUFC and its variety of players - even the s**** ones will be Premiership class within weeks.




Your signature suggests a lot of bitterness towards our former managers. Are you Sam-bashing because you can't bear to be disappointed by yet another Big Hope?


Do you even know what hope means?




NM wouldn't be happy if he couldn't moan about something. If everything went right at Newcastle and somehow he couldn't find something to pick at and slag off I honestly don't think he could go on with following football.


Thankyou for the analysis, but don't give up the day job.

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Sam Allardyce - the best manager in the world, ever, and the answer to every single probelm that faces NUFC and its variety of players - even the s**** ones will be Premiership class within weeks.




Your signature suggests a lot of bitterness towards our former managers. Are you Sam-bashing because you can't bear to be disappointed by yet another Big Hope?


Do you even know what hope means?




You don't feel any bitterness towards Souness or Roeder? Good for you, then.

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Sam Allardyce - the best manager in the world, ever, and the answer to every single probelm that faces NUFC and its variety of players - even the s**** ones will be Premiership class within weeks.




Your signature suggests a lot of bitterness towards our former managers. Are you Sam-bashing because you can't bear to be disappointed by yet another Big Hope?


Do you even know what hope means?




NM wouldn't be happy if he couldn't moan about something. If everything went right at Newcastle and somehow he couldn't find something to pick at and slag off I honestly don't think he could go on with following football.


Thankyou for the analysis, but don't give up the day job.


No worries, its true though :D If you couldn't find anything to moan about I reckon your post count would drop right down.

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I agree with him on this thread, like. People are talking like Allardyce can transmute any old lump of base metal into pure, shining gold.


People are probably going a bit OTT but Allardyce has proved time and time again that he can get the best out of players who are coming to the end of their careers or who have been struggling for one reason or another. Given how the majority of our team have underperformed its no suprise this subject will be brought up again and again.


Agree 100%. One of the main reasons he got the job imo.

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