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UEFA: Liverpool have Europe's worst fans


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even if it is a "minority" of fans amonsgt them.  It's up to the rest to make sure they're pushed out, and they're not doing it, so they deserve to be tarred with the same brush, in my opinion.


Fucking precisely.  If they're not part of the solution then they're part of the problem.

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Fuck off fucking cunting journalists, fucking comparing Hillsborough to it  Can't they just leave the Hillsborough comparisons out of it and stop using it as an excuse to belittle supporters and start remembering for the people that died. Fucking sickens me, I hate football sometimes


One of the comments off RAWK, absolutely unbelievable how he feels the two shouldn't be compared, some of them really are deluded.

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We're Liverpool, you band of cunting fucks. How dare you publish these utter lies about us. Speak up, Rafa. Speak up, G&H and Parry. They cannot be allowed to get away with this. Arrogant sons of bitches smirking behind your jowls and expensive suits. Think you're better than us, do you? You won't get away with it this time, not if we have anything to say about it.


And another one, nothing like living up to their stereotype.

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We're Liverpool, you band of cunting fucks. How dare you publish these utter lies about us. Speak up, Rafa. Speak up, G&H and Parry. They cannot be allowed to get away with this. Arrogant sons of bitches smirking behind your jowls and expensive suits. Think you're better than us, do you? You won't get away with it this time, not if we have anything to say about it.


And another one, nothing like living up to their stereotype.


Good grief, that one has got to be a wind-up, surely?


Would be nice if a 'pool supporter could at least take SOME blame, but it seems it was all UEFA's fault. Every last bit of it, UEFA even made them mug their own, you know. Fannies.


Thing that annoys me is, they keep going on about the 40,000 that turned up, so fuck. Celtic do something similar every time, take about 60,000 when they've got nowhere near that allocation. Yet, I've never seem them resorting to stealing from their own, charging the gates, producing forgeries. I only pick Celtic cause of where I live and know no shit goes on through friends etc.


Oh how I hope for a humble, truthful Liverpool fan, just one, to grace this earth. Are you out there...?

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Platini a Juve player at Hysel wasnt he?


Yep, my French presentation for my A-Level was on him and he always said that was the worst moment of his life.

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Good on him, Platini.  It's about time Liverpool were made to take responsibilty for their actions, both past and present, even if it is a "minority" of fans amonsgt them.  It's up to the rest to make sure they're pushed out, and they're not doing it, so they deserve to be tarred with the same brush, in my opinion.


The CL final a few weeks ago was f****** scandalous.  Utter disgrace, and that alone should have saw them get some sort of punishment.  Instead, they, THEY, have the cheek to blame UEFA.  Aye, well done.


Agree with that totally. It's the 'holier-than-thou' attitude that gets me. They genuinely believe that it's always someone else's fault. They're never to blame. They can do no wrong and because they can knock YNWA out at the end of every game, they're the best fans in the world.


Complete and utter wankers. Ban the pricks.

Aye, there are far too many who defend the blaggers for being smarter than UEFA. They should be found and barred from all games for life.


Nevertheless, there are two separate groups of fans here. The utter w*nkers who stole from their own and those left standing outside with valid tickets. UEFA do have a responsibility to them and were at fault for being naive. If I walk into your bank, lay my Tesco ClubCard on the counter, and empty your account with it, you'd be after the bank, too.


Bearing in mind that this group of, basically, utter shits who follow Liverpool are scum, thieves and muggers, how do you expect normal, decent folk to stick up to gangs of them? They'd kick your head in. We as supporters have no influence over or say in who else follows the same club.


I'd hope the club would take efforts to find and ban the culprits, but given Parry's ill-advised pre-match comments, that seems unlikely.

Arsenal took about 50,000 to Paris last summer and not a jot of bother either.

There was no trouble in Istanbul, either. The fact that that was also Liverpool vs Milan would indicate other factors were involved, would it not?


On one side there are loads of Liverpool fans pointing at UEFA and on the other UEFA pointing back at us. In reality, both must accept part of the blame for what happened.

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Good on him, Platini.  It's about time Liverpool were made to take responsibilty for their actions, both past and present, even if it is a "minority" of fans amonsgt them.  It's up to the rest to make sure they're pushed out, and they're not doing it, so they deserve to be tarred with the same brush, in my opinion.


The CL final a few weeks ago was f****** scandalous.  Utter disgrace, and that alone should have saw them get some sort of punishment.  Instead, they, THEY, have the cheek to blame UEFA.  Aye, well done.


Agree with that totally. It's the 'holier-than-thou' attitude that gets me. They genuinely believe that it's always someone else's fault. They're never to blame. They can do no wrong and because they can knock YNWA out at the end of every game, they're the best fans in the world.


Complete and utter wankers. Ban the pricks.

Aye, there are far too many who defend the blaggers for being smarter than UEFA. They should be found and barred from all games for life.


Nevertheless, there are two separate groups of fans here. The utter w*nkers who stole from their own and those left standing outside with valid tickets. UEFA do have a responsibility to them and were at fault for being naive. If I walk into your bank, lay my Tesco ClubCard on the counter, and empty your account with it, you'd be after the bank, too.


Bearing in mind that this group of, basically, utter shits who follow Liverpool are scum, thieves and muggers, how do you expect normal, decent folk to stick up to gangs of them? They'd kick your head in. We as supporters have no influence over or say in who else follows the same club.


I'd hope the club would take efforts to find and ban the culprits, but given Parry's ill-advised pre-match comments, that seems unlikely.

Arsenal took about 50,000 to Paris last summer and not a jot of bother either.

There was no trouble in Istanbul, either. The fact that that was also Liverpool vs Milan would indicate other factors were involved, would it not?


On one side there are loads of Liverpool fans pointing at UEFA and on the other UEFA pointing back at us. In reality, both must accept part of the blame for what happened.


So I imagined the turkish waitor getting slab of concrete chucked on his head and getting barred from numerous newsagents in Liverpool for not signing the petition to free Michael Shields?

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Guest king harry

he was bulgarian


Oh right, obviously thats ok then :lol:


no but he was in a diffrent country, there was no dramas, in istanbul. I havent missed a european away match for years, and have seen no  trouble since Basle, in 2002. I reckon these 25 incidents will be things like a flair getting lit etc etc

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As living in Scotland you should know that the reason there is less violence when Celtic & Rangers play in Europe is largely due to the fact that they both have such a long history of violence that the Interior Ministry has a very good list of trouble makers that would be unable to travel during away games in Europe. It would be much easier travelling in Europe being say a Gremlin than one of those IRA-wannabes or Orangemen f*cks.


Irregardless Liverpool should be punished... but so should all of the Serie A. How many policemen would we have to stab to get a European ban anyway?


More double standards than you can shake a stick at.

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Liverpool fans stole from children...





"Liverpool reacted with anger last night after a senior Uefa official accused the Merseyside club's fans of having stolen from fellow supporters and "out of the hands of children".

William Gaillard, Uefa's director of communications, branded Liverpool supporters as the worst behaved in Europe after revealing that a detailed dossier compiled by undercover police officers blamed the English for the chaos at the Champions League final in Athens."

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Guest Knightrider

UEFA can be blamed for their piss poor organisation of a major event but can't be blamed for any of the other crap or blamed as a trigger because the end choice not to steal, not to push, not to kick-off - always rests with the individual concerned. LFC fans' actions will have a negative knock on effect for all English fans abroad and it's about time they sorted themselve out like.

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he was bulgarian, and arsenal had 30 thousand tickets for paris


Took 50,000 and had 30,000 tickets? Is that so different from taking 40,000 and having 17,000? :lol:


I'm sure I heard a radio report claim Celtic took 100,000 to their UEFA cup final. What was their allocation I wonder?

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Completely agree, poor organisation, but Liverpool fans have got to take alot of responsibility here. The knock effect for all British fans in europe will be seriously tarnished.

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