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Sam wants to save Luque's toon career....

Guest Darth Toon

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Won't be disappointed to see Sam try and sort him out. He might, might just become a useful player; especially if we play Luque's preferred 4-3-3/4-5-1 style of game. Who knows, it might be better to try and salvage some sort of ability out of the guy, rather than record an inevitable £6/7m loss on him.

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What a load of rubbish!


Darren Bent not as a good a finisher as Oba?


Me thinks Anal has been told to lay off the playing staff by Sam, not even a whiff of slagging off Albert or Oba today


Looking forward to the net story involving Zog to test my theory

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Guest Gemmill

That's actually really promising.  I don't rate Luque, and I don't think he helped himself, but Allardyce's spot on with how we've handled foreign players in the past and who knows, maybe he can get something out of him that the last two couldn't.  Let's face it, the situation can't get any worse.

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Last sentance is spot on there Gemmill. I'd rather he tried and got nothing than we sent him out on loan for an extra half season. He'll probably be shit, but if he can do something, anything then it'll benefit us on the field and we'll probably be able to recup some money, rather than losing him on the inevitable free.

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This coming from Anal Oliver is just priceless:


And when you consider Charlton Athletic have slapped a £17m fee around the neck of Darren Bent who is nowhere as good a goalscorer as Owen and Martins, then it shows what good value the United pair would be at £9m and £13m.




Oliver must have a spine made of jelly the amount of flip flops he performs.


Anyway, on Luque I always thought any manager with anything about him would make up his own mind on a player. If anyone can get something from Luque I would back Allardyce. Great stuff.

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That's actually really promising.  I don't rate Luque, and I don't think he helped himself, but Allardyce's spot on with how we've handled foreign players in the past and who knows, maybe he can get something out of him that the last two couldn't.  Let's face it, the situation can't get any worse.


Can't believe i just read that!

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Won't be disappointed to see Sam try and sort him out. He might, might just become a useful player; especially if we play Luque's preferred 4-3-3/4-5-1 style of game. Who knows, it might be better to try and salvage some sort of ability out of the guy, rather than record an inevitable £6/7m loss on him.


The way things are going we'll be lucky to make a £9m loss on him.

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Get in, Come on sam!!!!


Cant wait to see you all eat your words! he is better than the pile of toss that is damien duff anyway!


Oh boy here we go again. Where's that Luque thread gone?

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