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Tevez agrees to join Manure?


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The whole buying the title thing is bollocks however you look at it imo.  Chelsea/Man United/whoever - if you want to win the league in this day and age, you need to spend huge to do it.  I do however think that Man United generating the cash on a foundation of sustained success over the last however many years in order to make huge signings, is a lot different to Abramovich turning up, bailing out a virtually bankrupt club, and then bankrolling huge signings while the club operates on astronomical losses.


Correct, two VERY different things.


Manchester's (hate-em!!) is an enviable achievement as a result of good management, the other is virtually 'fraud' on our great game. To illustrate this, Chelsea and Leeds were in exactly the same position (the figures were almost identical) at exactly the same time - one went the 'natural' way as a result (deservedly) of their own incompetence - the other . . . .  ?


There is no comparison, at all, between the Manchester United and Chelsea spending situations - it amazes me (constantly) how some people cannot (refuse to?) see this at all.


I don't see it as buying the league anymore. Too many clubs in England have these supposed 'massive warchests' so its getting to the stage where you buy to keep up.


Its Europe that they are buying, it wont be long until it is a common sight to see 4 English clubs in the semis of the Champions League and UEFA cup

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Guest Guinness

:( Don't see anyone stopping them now.

didn't people say that when chelsea signed shevchenko and ballack ?


Fair point that, I actually recall myself saying the exact same thing then too :lol:

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:( Don't see anyone stopping them now.

didn't people say that when chelsea signed shevchenko and ballack ?


They did, but then again this isnt a 30 year old foreigner joining a league hes never played in, in a team that is static and workmanlike, ie boring and far from fluid, that is also built around other players who play in the same positions (Drogba, Lampard).


This is a creative goalscoring forward who is built for playing with his back to goal or against man markers, joining a team with great attacking players that move around like theyre playing on hot coals or are trying to emulate a swarm of bees. Easy to see why its going to be such a big signing for them.

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We're all gonna die...




sightly gutted that we didn't attempt at going for him.


I have no right to feel like that with our current activity or the fact were not a very attractive proposition for a world class player, but he'd be the one to change this club if we could of brought him in.


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The whole buying the title thing is bollocks however you look at it imo.  Chelsea/Man United/whoever - if you want to win the league in this day and age, you need to spend huge to do it.  I do however think that Man United generating the cash on a foundation of sustained success over the last however many years in order to make huge signings, is a lot different to Abramovich turning up, bailing out a virtually bankrupt club, and then bankrolling huge signings while the club operates on astronomical losses.


Correct, two VERY different things.


Manchester's (hate-em!!) is an enviable achievement as a result of good management, the other is virtually 'fraud' on our great game. To illustrate this, Chelsea and Leeds were in exactly the same position (the figures were almost identical) at exactly the same time - one went the 'natural' way as a result (deservedly) of their own incompetence - the other . . . .  ?


There is no comparison, at all, between the Manchester United and Chelsea spending situations - it amazes me (constantly) how some people cannot (refuse to?) see this at all.


I don't see it as buying the league anymore. Too many clubs in England have these supposed 'massive warchests' so its getting to the stage where you buy to keep up.


Its Europe that they are buying, it wont be long until it is a common sight to see 4 English clubs in the semis of the Champions League and UEFA cup


you're all right to a point.  But this summer Man United have spent well in excess of any possible earnings, so there are now more similarities with the way Chelsea have spent than there have been in the past.

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Where'll he, Rooney & Ronaldo fit in to that 4-3-3/4-5-1?

4-4-2 ?


Do you not think Rooney & Tevez are too similar though? Tevez is just a far more technically gifted and classier version of Rooney.


Maybe we'll get our man afterall. (The "signing that rocks the soccer world" perhaps? :lol:

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Guest brewer

lets not get carried away, sure they're gonna be good again next season but ANY team can be got at


it's why people in football consider england to be the most entertaining league in the world but not the best: teams opposing man u should be able to make it hard for them but largely don't have the tactical nouse to do it


man u can buy all the strikers they want but their season nearly came apart last year when they lost 2 defenders to injury....


if you put this man u team in italy they wouldn't win the league 'cause the italians would simply know how to beat them, like ac milan did this season


i think managers like fat sam, mourinho, wenger, benitez will show teams how to play them but most weeks they'll pretty much steamroller everyone else in the EPL - they'll lose in europe again unless their first choice defence stays fit and free of suspension

They lost more than two players.


Neville, Vidic and Evra were all out at the same time, and then Ferdinand got injured when Vidic came back, and then Evra got injured again, and Silvestre was injured


Their injuries were worse than Chelsea's tbh.


Just turns out the O'Sheas are more reliable than the Boulharouz, Diarra etc.


I fancy Arsenal to surprise the league

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Well Owen's options are dissapearing by the second. Looks like he will be a Newcastle player for a long while. With Liverpool getting Torres and Man U opting for Tevez it looks like they have got their number 1 strikers who they will be looking to for the longterm.


Can't see Owen getting a look in at either team now. In addition Arsenal it seems have gone with the youth movement and the new Brazilian, while Chelsea were never int he frame for him.


If this is indeed the case I hope he knuckles down and committs himself 100% to outdoing all these strikers next season. That would be brilliant. He should have a massive chip on his shoulder right now and he should use it to his advantage.

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Guest gggg

Well unless West Ham have shadely paid 20m to buy him off the agency the agency gets the money as he belongs to them.

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