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Owen Speaks ... and he wants to stay


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Guest Gemmill

Owen can't win.  People have been harping on all summer for him to make a statement along these lines, and now that he has you've got people going "Yeah, WHATEVER Michael.  You're only saying that cos no one else wants you."  Honestly, some of our fans are the biggest wankers going.  This precious attitude we have where we think every player that plays for us has to absolutely fall in love with the club the same way we as fans have.  Just be happy to have a player of his calibre here tbh.


Who exactly has been showing this precious attitude you speak of Gemmill? I think you're overreacting there on this one mate. I doubt many give a shite on that front tbh, I know I don't. That attitude does exist within our club, I agree, and it's stupid. But it's a minority and where Owen is concerned I think the single biggest issue among fans is over his commitment or rather a lack of it, and with fucking good reason too given us mugs are the ones who've funded this whole sorry transfer and therefore have every right to question Owen and to voice concerns, which is mainly what people have done, contrary to your imagination.


You may well argue he has a right to keep his options open, especially as he has a clause in his contract and we aren't exactly top 4 material, but by the same token fans have every right to expect a player who has hardly figured for us, who cost the club a record fee and is the highest earner, to be a little more committed to a club who he owes at least one full season to before pissing off, or failing that, some kind of of honesty about the whole situation, no?


Since the season ended he has allowed the speculation over his future to build and build, time and time again refusing to comment on it all, one way or another. Meanwhile the very people who pay his wages are left in limbo, made worse by the uncertainty surrounding the club regarding it's entire future which is now thankfully all resolved. As a result of his sly ways, we've had to search the transfer market for a new striker, in case he left, which has taken up both time and resources that could have been better spent on other areas of the team that are far more vital to our chances of having a better season. Furthermore fans have had to endure constant speculation which at this time of year, is like a hole in the head.


You may also argue that he owes us nothing and that it's his right to keep his options open and that he'd be daft to not want to play for a top-four club and yes, that is most agreeable, but I don't give a damn about Owen you see so don't expect me to, all I care about is Newcastle United like all he cares about is himself, so you carry on defending him over pretty much the same thing you're criticising others for doing.


In the meantime I'll just have to accept we have a slimy bastard of a player on our books who while on the surface is all smiley faces and paying lip service to the idiots who value his false as fook quotes as a declaration of commitment, doesn't want to be at the club one iota, and not get too angry when this whole charade rears its ugly head in January and if not then, May of next year because if we are not going in the direction Owen WANTS (me, myself and I) to be going in, you can guarantee he'll be wanting out, again.


Only this time he'll be up for grabs for £6m and we'll have to then go out and replace him - most probably at double or treble that value.


So sorry if I'm not exactly enamoured with his decision to stay for the time being, or in full agreement with your opinions and others like it that poor lickle Mikey is only human.


I was honestly hoping he'd leave - £9m for a limited player with his best years behind him, at his age, with his record of injuries, would be canny money (if it wasn't for his ridiculous price, subsequent wages and paltry return of appearances, that is).


Who the fuck does he think he is anyway, you'd think he was too good for us or something. Sorry Michael, but you're not that good. Shearer? Now he was good. Beardsley? The same. Rob Lee? Ditto. Sir Les? Again. We did YOU a favour rescuing you from your Spanish hell (he hated it there, his wife, kids and self never settled in Spain, his own words), when no fucker else wanted you, not even your beloved Liverpool.


Even now today, you're lucky. You're at a great club that gets crowds of 50,000 plus who will worship you like no other set of fans have (something I know you're very sensitive about), a club going places with a top manager in charge, a billionaire owner and a decent team in the making. In fact, we are too good for YOU. We certainly don't need you. I mean it isn't as if you're another Shearer. You pose more problems than answers. Your play is limited, you are not exactly an ideal player to any kind of partner, you've never scored over 20 league goals in a season in your entire career and your game is on the wane, having lost your pace and god knows what else since your last injury (manners for one).


It shouldn't be Newcastle on trial, it should be YOU. We have nothing to prove, you do. Now go out and bang in the goals and prove you're not a total waste of space and repay back a little bit of that massive transfer fee, huge wages and fan patience, you owe us. In short, lets see what you're made of then, hotshot.


I reckon a lot of that post is total bollocks.  For instance you make out like it's a bad thing that if things aren't going the way Owen expects them to at the end of the coming season, he'll want to leave.  Wouldn't you?  Anyway, it's too long to respond to, but from a purely professional standpoint, Michael Owen really does owe us absolutely fuck all.  You can talk about how he does morally, but that's because you're a fan.  He's not.


Your initial points in the post about the precious attitude - Owen has been subjected to it since he came to the club.  "Oh why does he always talk about England instead of us.  Boo hoo." etc etc.  The lad talked about England ahead of Liverpool ffs, what makes anyone think Newcastle is all of a sudden going to change that.  "He should re-sign with the clause removed.  Then and only then will I believe him."  What a load of shite.


As for as I'm concerned, he's a world class striker, and a top professional.  That's all I need to know.  I don't need him to pledge his undying love for NUFC, tell me he wants to be here forever (cos I know he'd be full of it if he did), or anything else.  Just play to the best of his abilities and score plenty goals when fit.  That's all I want from the bloke.  For others that isn't enough - they need him to pander to our collective NUFC fans' ego, telling us how great the club/the region/the fans are etc.  That's what I mean about precious NUFC fans.  Look at you calling him a "slimy bastard" because he kept his options open when he thought Man United might come calling - are you for real?  A slimy bastard?  Or a fucking professional footballer trying to forge a career at the top of the game?  Have a word. :razz:

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Guest toonchina

I never expect Owen to commit the rest of his career to Newcastle,but there are still at least two things Owen did wrong:


1,As FFS indicated,Owen or his agent leaked the 9M clause to the media when he had just returned from injury.


2,It took Owen 63 days to respond the chairman's outburst and the so-called speculation.If it was Liverpool,can you imagine he dares to keep his deafening silence for so long?Would he have ingored Liverpool chairman's dissatisfaction and Liverpool fans' eagerness to hear from him?Yeah,some of you would say Liverpool's chairman would not behave the way Shepherd did.I am not saying it was quite sensible of FFS to make it public.But I definitely believe what FFS said was true and had some reason behind it.


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All this wailing and whining, like some girl has chucked you or something.  Chr*st!!!!


The end product is what matters.


He's here / He's staying / He will stay a long time if he scores goals and we win matches / surely you all think we ARE (under Sam) going to win lots of matches . .


. . . . .  So, we are all going to have some great times  -  Vintage times await . .

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Guest Gemmill

All this wailing and whining, like some girl has chucked you or something.  Chr*st!!!!



:lol:  "Why can't he love me like I love him?  WHY?!"

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All this wailing and whining, like some girl has chucked you or something.  Chr*st!!!!


The end product is what matters.


He's here / He's staying / He will stay a long time if he scores goals and we win matches / surely you all think we ARE (under Sam) going to win lots of matches . .


. . . . .  So, we are all going to have some great times  -  Vintage times await . .


he'll stay and see what Allardyce does for us, if he stays at all. Then he'll fuck off if/when we aren't challenging for the CL. And you can't blame the lad for that.

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All this wailing and whining, like some girl has chucked you or something.  Chr*st!!!!


The end product is what matters.


He's here / He's staying / He will stay a long time if he scores goals and we win matches / surely you all think we ARE (under Sam) going to win lots of matches . .


. . . . .  So, we are all going to have some great times  -  Vintage times await . .


he'll stay and see what Allardyce does for us, if he stays at all. Then he'll f*** off if/when we aren't challenging for the CL. And you can't blame the lad for that.


Logical and correct.


Applying the same type of logic, and what I hope Sam will do the rest of the close season, I see Owen staying with us for a long long time. It will not be that long before we are challenging at the top end of the league again, only this time, once we have started, our even-greater-than-previously 'financial muscle' should see us stay there.

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Guest Invicta_Toon


a fucking professional footballer trying to forge a career at the top of the game?  Have a word. :razz:




well he's doing grand at that isn't he? if it's a career he wants he's a bit of a failure already tbh

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All this wailing and whining, like some girl has chucked you or something.  Chr*st!!!!


The end product is what matters.


He's here / He's staying / He will stay a long time if he scores goals and we win matches / surely you all think we ARE (under Sam) going to win lots of matches . .


. . . . .  So, we are all going to have some great times  -  Vintage times await . .


he'll stay and see what Allardyce does for us, if he stays at all. Then he'll f*** off if/when we aren't challenging for the CL. And you can't blame the lad for that.


Logical and correct.


Applying the same type of logic, and what I hope Sam will do the rest of the close season, I see Owen staying with us for a long long time. It will not be that long before we are challenging at the top end of the league again, only this time, once we have started, our even-greater-than-previously 'financial muscle' should see us stay there.


top 4? nah. But hopefully we'll be near enpugh to keep Lil' Mikey interested for a season or two.

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Video on .cock


Goes into more detail.  Says he has a house here,  kids here and has never wanted to leave.  Also seems a bit pissed off at the speculation,  says its happened for the past 2 seasons and hopes it doesn't happen every summer.  Worth a watch :thup:

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Guest Verlaine


a f****** professional footballer trying to forge a career at the top of the game?  Have a word. :razz:






well he's doing grand at that isn't he? if it's a career he wants he's a bit of a failure already tbh


Says the career student.

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and then sam goes and spoils it all

by saying something contradictory like he told YOU.



allardyce interviewed on local news,when asked about owen trotted the line about not knowing till the deadlines over,when the interviewer said that owen had stated in the press that he'd stay,allardyce reitterated he could go as the clause is there etc.


apparently he was on his way to some government function on beckhams mauler's first day of trial when we desperatly need players in.............honeymoon's over sam,git a fucking move on!!

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the only reason the prick, (owen), says he is staying is because he knows none of the big 4 want him

that goes for the entire squad.


Owen never wanted to join in the first place though. imo hes never been happy having to come here

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the only reason the prick, (owen), says he is staying is because he knows none of the big 4 want him

that goes for the entire squad.


Owen never wanted to join in the first place though. imo hes never been happy having to come here

none of them wanted to come here,given the choice between us or man utd/arsenal/chelsea/liverpool they wouldn't be here!!!!!!!


what we have to do is get into the position where they'd rather be here than those other places.

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the only reason the prick, (owen), says he is staying is because he knows none of the big 4 want him

that goes for the entire squad.


Owen never wanted to join in the first place though. imo hes never been happy having to come here

none of them wanted to come here,given the choice between us or man utd/arsenal/chelsea/liverpool they wouldn't be here!!!!!!!


what we have to do is get into the position where they'd rather be here than those other places.


Thats it exactly - and we need to have gone a very long way towards achieving just that, by the end of the coming (first Ashley/Allardyce) season!

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