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Fraser Forster

Guest Alan Shearer 9

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A season in league one, a season in the championship then a step up to the premiership. If krul stays here as number 2 this season I think Forster will be better prepared as number on next season. Ideally we can get in a decent, cheap/free back up keeper now and send them both out then next season they can battle it out fairly, maybe taking friendlies in turns to impress for the shirt.

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Would be quite exciting but equally nervy. Birmingham finished well and Joe Hart was arguably a big reason for this, I don't see why Krul or Forster can't do the same. I have to say though, at the moment I would have to opt for Forster given last years experience and Krul's tendency to get a bit "rushy" and overexcited, that said if he got all the pre-season games to settle he might overcome that by the seasons opening.

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Very harsh, but I wouldn't be too dissapointed to see him go myself.


Can we rely on the younger two in a season probably battling to avoid relegation though? Neither have anywhere near enough experience yet to say they definitely should be starting in the Premier League regularly.

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Wouldn't bother me a great deal tbh. I've got absolutely nothing to go on, i know, but i don't rate Harper as streets above the other two. Not as 'the goalie to keep us up'.


Saying that, i'd hope it would encourage us to sign one, rather than go with one of the young lads and cross our fingers. (We'd be doing as much the same keeping Harps as number 1).

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Very harsh, but I wouldn't be too dissapointed to see him go myself.


Can we rely on the younger two in a season probably battling to avoid relegation though? Neither have anywhere near enough experience yet to say they definitely should be starting in the Premier League regularly.


The only experience Harper has of the Premier League is mainly of sitting on the bench, tbf.

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Guest BooBoo

Very harsh, but I wouldn't be too dissapointed to see him go myself.


I side with ol' Big Head on the goalkeeping situation at the club.

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Very harsh, but I wouldn't be too dissapointed to see him go myself.


Can we rely on the younger two in a season probably battling to avoid relegation though? Neither have anywhere near enough experience yet to say they definitely should be starting in the Premier League regularly.


The only experience Harper has of the Premier League is mainly of sitting on the bench, tbf.


Not exactly addressing my point though, Harper still has like 80 Premier League appearances.


I'd be excited to see Krul and Forster given a chance but it's a risk that's for sure. Perhaps we need the money to pay for others.

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Very harsh, but I wouldn't be too dissapointed to see him go myself.


Can we rely on the younger two in a season probably battling to avoid relegation though? Neither have anywhere near enough experience yet to say they definitely should be starting in the Premier League regularly.


The only experience Harper has of the Premier League is mainly of sitting on the bench, tbf.


Not exactly addressing my point though, Harper still has like 80 Premier League appearances.


In a way I'd be excited to see Krul and Forster given a chance but it's a risk that's for sure.


Of course its a risk but we are always going to be in this postition until we give Forster or Krul a chance, we cant keep relying on idiots like Harper because they have played in the PL before.

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Harper's form from about February was somewhat iffy, lots of indecision and handling errors. Plus, we're going to need a lot more agility than he provides for all the shots we'll face next season.

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Guest Heneage

Very harsh, but I wouldn't be too dissapointed to see him go myself.


Can we rely on the younger two in a season probably battling to avoid relegation though? Neither have anywhere near enough experience yet to say they definitely should be starting in the Premier League regularly.

Joe Hart was played at a young age and it did him wonders. But there are numerous horror stories, would be funny if it happened.

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why would harper (whos waited patiently behind given to be no 1) go to celtic right after we're promoted

why would anyone willingly go to scottish football?

anyway if true its a gamble, harper is a steady keeper while neither krul or forster have any experience of top flight football as promising as they are

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In two minds about this. In a way, I'd think it was fantastic that we could give Krul and/or Forster first team football, but I'm really not sure whether Forster can make the step up from League 1 to Premier League or if Krul can make the step up from a season of bench duty and cup appearances.

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Can't see that happening now, maybe next year? A) he won't want to leave with him sitting as #1 and playing in the premier league  B)he is a strong voice and senior figure at the club.

C) we would have to sign someone else that's experienced that would probably cost more and not put up with the treatment harper has. D) we will want his experience at least for this year when we are scrapping for survival.


Other than that, as mentioned I wouldn't be too bothered. We would need someone solid and experienced if the kids did fall apart.

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