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Ameobi. Owen'll get crocked along with Viduka, Martins is playing on the right, Shola's going to bag 16+ PL goals.


Me too! Owen will get crocked at some point, same with Viduka (sorry but highly likely), Martins could be but i'm going for Shola this year, he'll have his critics back peddling, dennying the obvious and Northern Monkey choking on his cornflakes. Shola to score at least 15 goals for us!  O0



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Give it a rest.


You don't have to like the bloke, but don't constantly bag him for fucks sake.


How about - if you don't liek it, don't read it.



how the fuck is he meant to know if he likes it without reading it in the first place?

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Give it a rest.


You don't have to like the bloke, but don't constantly bag him for fucks sake.


How about - if you don't liek it, don't read it.



how the fuck is he meant to know if he likes it without reading it in the first place?


not my problem. I don't fancy not being able to post that i think a player is a big pile of shite, so i don't particularly care what some kid reads/likes?

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Guest Sheriff John Bunnell (Ret

Owen if he stays fit for the majority of the season and doesnt leave in Jan!!

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Surely Viduka. He'll bang 'em in  :knuppel2:


But I've got this strange omnious feeling, that one of the other three will have a disastrous, almost career-wrecking, season...

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Martins because i think he will stay the fittest most

Owen - injury freak

Ameobi - wont be far from Martins but wont score as many

Viduka - will get injured a few times

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest jamesmartinsmith

It's not going to be Owen. I bet the little fucker won't even get 20 league games.


Oba's taking us to Europe.

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