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José Enrique


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Right now we're a feeder club. But that's only temporary. Few clubs have greater potential than Castle, it's the underachiever club number uno.  Get some more good prospects in, establish us in the table spots that give us European league, filling up the stadium with thousands in line for a season ticket, then we will stop being a feeders club. Then we could increase the capacity of St James too..


It's a huge myth that we "deserve" to be one of the top clubs in Europe.


We're slightly underachieving relative to our stadium capacity, yes, but even if we fluke ourselves into the Champions league a couple times we are never, ever going to be on par with Man United, Barcelona, or even Liverpool for that matter.



Disagree. The way the football economy is now, with clubs spending like idiots, the s*** will hit the fan. And that includes Man U and Liverpool. Castle have a 52 000 seater capacity, and during the Bobby days, we could easily have filled 60 000, and that's for a club that has not won anything major since the 60s.  Look at Liverpool in their down period under benitez, they had a 10 000 seats vacant. And Man U will soon be without Alex, and what will happen then. Do you actually think those asians are interested to fill the stadium up if the going gets tough? Without a silverware each season, their stadium would still have been a mediocre one.. Of course status has something to do with silverware, but the fans ability to stick with the club during tough time could be an indicator of its size when it achieves success.  Good fanbase, an even bigger stadium (which we can fix if we stabilize) draws players, simple as that. Stop looking down on yourself...:)


I don't have the knowledge to accurately predict what a complete apocalypse of the football economy will look like, but if anything it will just benefit the bigger clubs because the smaller clubs won't be able to use cash to shore up their disadvantages in reputation.


It should also severely punish clubs that have been badly run and suffer from large debts. That would be us.


Besides, if the only way for us to be one of the elite is for the market to implode completely, I'd say that's pretty unlikely in itself.

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Milner was never, ever, an excellent sale. He provided genuine width and always, to me at least, looked to be a very good player and IMO if we'd kept him we'd have stayed up for sure. So how selling him was 'excellent' is utterly beyond me.


Milner was a brilliant sale. The failure to replace him is what cost us dearly.

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NUFC are NOT a big club - its a lower-middle ranking PL side with more fans than most and haven't won a major trophy for 42 years.



Being a big club has absolutely nothing to do with trophies. Nothing.


You're confusing it with a successful club. Which we obviously are not.


Exactly.  I can't believe so few people grasp this.

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Guest toonlass


NUFC are NOT a big club - its a lower-middle ranking PL side with more fans than most and haven't won a major trophy for 42 years.



Being a big club has absolutely nothing to do with trophies. Nothing.


You're confusing it with a successful club. Which we obviously are not.


I would agree with that. There is a difference between being big and being successful. Look at Boro (I know we would rather not) but they won the league cup in 2004 , 1 trophy in their entire history. Does that make them a bigger club than us? I say no, they have had more success than us in winning a trophy in the last 40 years but they are not a bigger club than Newcastle.

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Enrique is fantastic defensively, but he needs some improvement in his offensive play where Baines is a class above him. I don't think Baines is so good as Enrique in his defensive play though,.


Most of baines quality delivery comes from set pieces


He is nowhere near as effective as Enrique offensively or defensively


:lol: Rubbish.


Most of Baines' quality delivery comes from open play if you actually watch him.


It's only recently he's even started to get a look in at taking set pieces (previously Arteta took everything) and his dead ball delivery isn't as consistent as his crossing. 9 assists this season. Going to be the 2nd season in a row he's got more than any other defender by some distance.


Enrique is a very good player but it's daft to suggest he's better going forward than Baines. Enrique probably edges it defensively (though Baines supposed 'weakness' in that area can be massively overstated, purely because of his size).

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Milner was never, ever, an excellent sale. He provided genuine width and always, to me at least, looked to be a very good player and IMO if we'd kept him we'd have stayed up for sure. So how selling him was 'excellent' is utterly beyond me.


Well I explained how I thought it was excellent, so not sure how it's 'beyond you'.


I still think he's just a decent CM and a average wide man at best. Villa paying us what they did for him was crazy, and Man City buying him was even worse.

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he looked frustrated and angry at times yesterday. hopefully we make a few quality signings in the summer because i think jose is starting to get alittle pissed off.


Come on. He was having an argument with Lovenkrands about a particular move. Nowt more than that. The fact he showed a bit of frustration is more of a sign that he's happy overall, tbh. If he looked as if he couldn't give a shit i'd be concerned.

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he looked frustrated and angry at times yesterday. hopefully we make a few quality signings in the summer because i think jose is starting to get alittle pissed off.


Come on. He was having an argument with Lovenkrands about a particular move. Nowt more than that. The fact he showed a bit of frustration is more of a sign that he's happy overall, tbh. If he looked as if he couldn't give a shit i'd be concerned.


Walked off shaking his head at full time... he played a blinder and was gutted we did not win.. things are still a bit tough after the Carroll sale but there is way to much being read into these things.

He seemed happy and content enough to be posing for silly photos with Nile on the plane home.

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Right now we're a feeder club. But that's only temporary. Few clubs have greater potential than Castle, it's the underachiever club number uno.  Get some more good prospects in, establish us in the table spots that give us European league, filling up the stadium with thousands in line for a season ticket, then we will stop being a feeders club. Then we could increase the capacity of St James too..

breaking into the "elite club" bracket has proven to be impossible recently, when people mention the biggest clubs in the world its always the same names even if they're doing shite they'll always have the name which counts for a hell of a lot (and man city ain't one of them they offset the rep with money)

we fall into the same bracket as everton villa and normally spurs, big clubs in england but there are bigger names around.

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Enrique is fantastic defensively, but he needs some improvement in his offensive play where Baines is a class above him. I don't think Baines is so good as Enrique in his defensive play though,.


Most of baines quality delivery comes from set pieces


He is nowhere near as effective as Enrique offensively or defensively


:lol: Rubbish.


Most of Baines' quality delivery comes from open play if you actually watch him.


It's only recently he's even started to get a look in at taking set pieces (previously Arteta took everything) and his dead ball delivery isn't as consistent as his crossing. 9 assists this season. Going to be the 2nd season in a row he's got more than any other defender by some distance.


Enrique is a very good player but it's daft to suggest he's better going forward than Baines. Enrique probably edges it defensively (though Baines supposed 'weakness' in that area can be massively overstated, purely because of his size).


Hopefully Man U will switch their sights to Baines then.

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Wouldn't hold anything against the lad if he moved,think he's earned it to be fair.


Earned what? What about earning the right to a new contract at the magnificent club he already plays for?


This increasing acceptance that we're nothing really pisses me off. The Ashley effect.

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Wouldn't hold anything against the lad if he moved,think he's earned it to be fair.


Earned what? What about earning the right to a new contract at the magnificent club he already plays for?


This increasing acceptance that we're nothing really pisses me off. The Ashley effect.


Best leftback in the premier league by far if Man Utd wanted to sign him think hes earned the right for a move.

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Wouldn't hold anything against the lad if he moved,think he's earned it to be fair.


Earned what? What about earning the right to a new contract at the magnificent club he already plays for?


This increasing acceptance that we're nothing really pisses me off. The Ashley effect.


Best leftback in the premier league by far if Man Utd wanted to sign him think hes earned the right for a move.


Fuck off.

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Wouldn't hold anything against the lad if he moved,think he's earned it to be fair.


Earned what? What about earning the right to a new contract at the magnificent club he already plays for?


This increasing acceptance that we're nothing really pisses me off. The Ashley effect.



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Best leftback in the premier league by far if Man Utd wanted to sign him think hes earned the right for a move.


Rubbish, we're not a prison.


The way some so called fans go on you'd think it was.Some people need to realise Ashleys turning us into a mid table feeder club.

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