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If We're Gonna Make A Big-Money Signing It Should Be...


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A striker.  :frantic:


Namely a top class, out-and-out center forward type who will score goals as well as be the focal point of our attack for years to come. With Allardyce in charge, one thing we'll always have in our team is a striker who will be expected to play with his back to goal and recieve the ball to feet, linking the play and involving runners from midfield. Not only this, but he'll be expected to pick up his fair share of goals as well.


So far the two players we have earmarked for this role are Shola Ameobi and Mark Viduka.


While a classy player, Viduka is approaching 32 years of age and is generally considered injury prone and inconsistent. He'll not play every game this season, and this leaves us with Ameobi as our other option.


While I would love Shola to go on and prove himself a top striker, due to the incredibly OTT criticisms he recieves from some segments of our fanbase as much as anything, my head tells me that'll never happen. Too erratic and doesn't impose himself anywhere near enough on games.


So there are legitimate question marks over these two.


Then there's Michael Owen. There are absolutely no gaurantees Owen will play a fully fit game for us at all this season. He injured himself taking a shot in training FFS, he's like a piece of glass and we can't expect anything from him. Add to that that if he does get a run of games and does well then he'll be on his bike at the first opportunity then he's not a player I want us to rely on at all.


Without Owen fully fit, where will the consistent supply of goals come from?


Smith, Viduka, Ameobi and Martins is a decent quartet, but none of them are top class strikers.


If we want to make a serious push up the league and maybe even have an outside chance of pushing for Top 4, then a top class CF is the player we need.


Stick in a bid for Klaas Jan Huntelaar I say, see what the price is. He's young, tall, quick, got a great touch, good in the air and a clinical finisher. Could be a staple of our team for years to come and, with Viduka here already, he'll have somebody to learn from and won't be expected to come in and take the PL by storm immediately.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

To get a top class player we need to be playing Champions league football.


I think our forward line is as good has it has been in the last 10 years, in terms of depth.


The money should be spent on either a top class CH (Cannavaro/Puyol) or a top class playmaker (Riquelme/Deco)


However my first sentence will always be a hinderance until it is addressed



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Shak has finally lost it.


I didn't realise I was getting there tbh.


And Luque wasn't included as a striker for a reason.


Even if he has been useless for the last 2 years according to some people, but finally showing some glimpses he has a chance of being a good squad player you still don't give him the benefit of the doubt. A bit fickle there i reckon.

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Howay man!


We are absolutely rammed in the striking department right now. If Martins goes, then yes, by all means, buy a striker, but for now we have one of the most in-depth/impressive looking bunches of strikers I've ever seen at this football club and I'd like to see them given the chance to show what they can do before we go replacing any of them.


ALL of them have something to prove, as well, which should equate to some mouth-watering stuff.


Ameobi will be chomping at the bit to prove he can score goals/stay fit and looked impressive at times even with his gammy hip under Roeder.


Carroll is a youngster and will obviously give 100% if we ever need him to play, that raw enthusiasm would be a good boon.


Luque has more to prove than anyone in the squad and is coming off the back of a solid, if intermittant, pre-season.


Martins will have his back up with the arrivals of Smith and Viduka and the potential fitness of Owen and has looked sharp in pre-season as well.


Owen has to prove to the fans, himself, Allardyce and McClaren that he can still cut the mustard at the top-level and he'll be desperate to stay injury-free.


Smith is a brand-new signing, has made an impressive debut and will be even more "up for it" than normal. Which is saying something.


Viduka sees us as his "last hurrah" and has proven his class enough for shite like 'Boro to show that he should do very well for us. 19 goals for that mongy lot last term.


I appreciate that world-class forwards improve any team, but it goes completely against everything that Allardyce has been trying to do and would unsettle the squad greatly before the season kicks off. Of course it would be nice to have a Berbatov or a Huntelaar, but these aren't players for right here and right now. Maybe down the line, but not now. You're getting carried away. This is all without even mentioning the fact that we probably couldn't sign a forward of the sort you mention, anyway.



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Shak has finally lost it.


I didn't realise I was getting there tbh.


And Luque wasn't included as a striker for a reason.


Even if he has been useless for the last 2 years according to some people, but finally showing some glimpses he has a chance of being a good squad player you still don't give him the benefit of the doubt. A bit fickle there i reckon.


Yes, it is a bit fickle of you to be expecting Luque to be contributing for us based on a few "glimpses".

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We have 7 strikers already man, why on earth would or should we blow "big money" on another striker, we do not evne need another striker if he was on a free.








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Howay man!


We are absolutely rammed in the striking department right now. If Martins goes, then yes, by all means, buy a striker, but for now we have one of the most in-depth/impressive looking bunches of strikers I've ever seen at this football club and I'd like to see them given the chance to show what they can do before we go replacing any of them.


ALL of them have something to prove, as well, which should equate to some mouth-watering stuff.


Ameobi will be chomping at the bit to prove he can score goals/stay fit and looked impressive at times even with his gammy hip under Roeder.


Carroll is a youngster and will obviously give 100% if we ever need him to play, that raw enthusiasm would be a good boon.


Luque has more to prove than anyone in the squad and is coming off the back of a solid, if intermittant, pre-season.


Martins will have his back up with the arrivals of Smith and Viduka and the potential fitness of Owen and has looked sharp in pre-season as well.


Owen has to prove to the fans, himself, Allardyce and McClaren that he can still cut the mustard at the top-level and he'll be desperate to stay injury-free.


Smith is a brand-new signing, has made an impressive debut and will be even more "up for it" than normal. Which is saying something.


Viduka sees us as his "last hurrah" and has proven his class enough for s**** like 'Boro to show that he should do very well for us. 19 goals for that mongy lot last term.


I appreciate that world-class forwards improve any team, but it goes completely against everything that Allardyce has been trying to do and would unsettle the squad greatly before the season kicks off. Of course it would be nice to have a Berbatov or a Huntelaar, but these aren't players for right here and right now. Maybe down the line, but not now. You're getting carried away. This is all without even mentioning the fact that we probably couldn't sign a forward of the sort you mention, anyway.




Did you have to go back and edit it just for the sake of adding the 'Lunacy' bit?  :lol:


Personally don't see Smith as a striker, he'll be mostly midfield IMO.


What happens if Viduka gets a long-term injury, something which isn't exactly impossible? Unless we're expecting to play Arsenal/Man U style football we'll need someone who can play up front with his back to goal. That'll leave us with only Shola. I'm not comfortable with that at all.

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I added the final sentence to the paragraph as well, sorry!


I know what you mean, but any club could say that about their main striker.


Take away Berbatov, van Persie, Rooney, Torres and Drogba and even the biggest clubs look a whole lot weaker - we still have Martins and Owen, as well, who aren't exactly bad.


Think you're expecting too much too soon if you want Viduka plus someone equally/just about as good.


I think Shola deserves a crack at it if he gets his chance, alongside a "proper" partner.

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I added the final sentence to the paragraph as well, sorry!


I know what you mean, but any club could say that about their main striker.


Take away Berbatov, van Persie, Rooney, Torres and Drogba and even the biggest clubs look a whole lot weaker - we still have Martins and Owen, as well, who aren't exactly bad.


Think you're expecting too much too soon if you want Viduka plus someone equally/just about as good.


I think Shola deserves a crack at it if he gets his chance, alongside a "proper" partner.


I'm relatively content tbh, just if we do go for a big name signing I'd just rather see us get a big name striker than this CM playmaker people seem to be raving on about.


We're covered much better in CM than up front.


Don't think we will be making a big name signing for what it's worth either.


As for your point about other top clubs, it's fair enough but none of those players are considered as injury prone or inconsistent as Viduka. There all also vastly better players, while we're on the subject. (with the exception of Van Persie, who's a different type of player anyway)

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I'd rather we bought a world-class defender, personally. Be it LB/RB/CB.


Or a midfield lynchpin.


Your points about the other clubs' strikers/Viduka himself are very correct/valid though. But they are bigger/better clubs than us and we're just starting on this "upward swing" when Spurs and Chelsea have had a few years headstart on us, and where Man Utd/Liverpool/Arsenal all have big records of recent success. If we get anywhere near the "top four" this season I'll be very happy and if we finish above Spurs I'll do a jig of delight.


He's not a bad bloke to have when we're looking to make gradual improvements and his age means we'll be openly looking for his successor, if the money is available. Not just yet though.


When fit I do think he's as unplayable/valuable as almost anyone in the league, though. He was unstoppable at times last term in a fucking terrible 'Boro side.

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If we were going to spend a lot of money on one world class player we should be looking for a midfielder with pace and creativity to burn, someone who gets the crowd on their feet and can make something out of nothing. Basically buy Messi lol

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I'd have agreed with you about the midfield lynchpin a few weks ago Rich, but the form of Geremi and Butt pre-season has been very encouraging.


By and large we're set throughout the squad (unless this Drago deal falls through :( ), with the exception of good, natural right-backs. So I'd be happy to see us spend a big sum of money there.


Aside from that, though, if we're spending big elsewhere I maintain it should be a quality CF.


Not that I think we will buy a big name, mind you.

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I'd have agreed with you about the midfield lynchpin a few weks ago Rich, but the form of Geremi and Butt pre-season has been very encouraging.


By and large we're set throughout the squad (unless this Drago deal falls through :( ), with the exception of good, natural right-backs. So I'd be happy to see us spend a big sum of money there.


Aside from that, though, if we're spending big elsewhere I maintain it should be a quality CF.


Not that I think we will buy a big name, mind you.





Only a few posts in and t'Shak is backing off... bluerazz.gif

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I'd have agreed with you about the midfield lynchpin a few weks ago Rich, but the form of Geremi and Butt pre-season has been very encouraging.


By and large we're set throughout the squad (unless this Drago deal falls through :( ), with the exception of good, natural right-backs. So I'd be happy to see us spend a big sum of money there.


Aside from that, though, if we're spending big elsewhere I maintain it should be a quality CF.


Not that I think we will buy a big name, mind you.





Only a few posts in and t'Shak is backing off... bluerazz.gif


Read the thread title there Parksprung Durch Teknik.


The first word in particular.  :coolsmiley:

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We do have a ton of strikers but I think Shak is thinking along the lines of a target man for Sam's 4-3-3, a position only Viduka and Shola can play for us, as Carroll is still young.


I'm pulling for Shola this season, but I would have been very tempted to put in a bid for Santa Cruz at the price he went to Blackburn for, £3.5 million? I think with improved fitness and more opportunities he could be awesome. Still only young at what 25? Think Blackburn got a steal there. Could have been groomed as the successor to Viduka.


Like I said though, I hope Shola comes through for us.

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Guest unrealterrorist

rather get a world class right back


Right back/centre back would be great may be richards from man sity he's english so bound to cost the earth.

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