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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Probably get away with that one. I'm sure the PL will start sticking their logo on the replays during the game if they haven't already so they can't be removed.
  2. Didn't she lose on appeal? No the PL used a loop hole about their logo and the music being copyright. If pub shows the logo or plays the music before kick off or at half time then they are technically in breach of breaking PL copyright. Still legal to show the match using a foreign tv channel if it doesn't show their logo or the music. I was at Wardley a few month ago (don't ask ) and they were showing a game and seem to have some software running (or particular stream) that blocked all the logos etc. You missed out on some of the replays but other than that it worked a treat. That's the problem though, that is what they are classing as infringement of their copyright as they control all streams and put that on all streams to be transmitted with it on. By removing it they infringe the copyright.
  3. Didn't she lose on appeal? No the PL used a loop hole about their logo and the music being copyright. If pub shows the logo or plays the music before kick off or at half time then they are technically in breach of breaking PL copyright. Still legal to show the match using a foreign tv channel if it doesn't show their logo or the music.
  4. To be fair to him though Twente aren't usually one of those teams and weren't they more or less bankrupt when he took them over?
  5. That was yesterday man Thought yesterday said in the coming days ?
  6. Nufc.com claim talks taking place today.
  7. He got in an argument with sky over their "exclusive" over his etc. That's probably why he's now going down the only McClaren is coming.
  8. Used to but cash meant I had to give up away games and Ashley is moving me away from home games.
  9. Par for the course for this club or all clubs. Think its a scummy way to let go pros at a club one of which has been with us since 2008 the other 2009.
  10. Which you then cancel and refund them the remaining amount, no big deal.
  11. I've said before (in this thread, I think), that there's probably a stadium advertising deal with SD at one pound a year for 99 years. £1 a year for 99 years. I'll dig into my pocket to pay that one off early.
  12. Surely this will go to court as the unfair contract terms act will no doubt rule that 7 years will be to long a term without any get out with stupidly high payments.
  13. Chronicle appear scared to publicise it to much. Appears to be all over twitter as loud as ever.
  14. Nah club will still own rights to those.
  15. In fact someone beat me to it http://www.joe.co.uk/sport/newcastle-united-reveal-kits-for-the-next-four-years-in-major-rebrand/4253
  16. They'll probably use red letters and numbers on the back so they have a lovely red white and blue on the back just like SD. Just got to change the front then.
  17. I see Ashley Out are creating an alternative strip according to their account on twitter.
  18. ToonTastic


    I imagine the kids ones will be blank You don't think they'll use this opportunity?
  19. ToonTastic


    Do we reckon the club will sell a second sponsor the chance to be on the kids shirts or are we just expecting SD to appear on them?
  20. http://www.gateshead-fc.com/5424/club-statement suggests money is there.
  21. Think its good the request has been made to be fair.
  22. You think I'd be bothered with relegation? Not any more in may provide competition as they try to actually challenge for something. At worst we fall like a stone and it gets shot of Ashley.
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