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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. You say that yet they let the bloke continue the job over the break, the perfect time to sack him.
  2. Would hardly be a suprise, they had nobody lined up to replace Pardew.
  3. As appose to the stupendous attacking players we've played all season.
  4. ToonTastic


    I think it was, was just some video I saw on the news. Not seen any since.
  5. When did last deal end, seen as this one runs to 2021 youd imagine it's longer.
  6. ToonTastic


    Wouldn't be so sure of that since he was getting asked for autographs last Friday when this was taking place.
  7. love your optimism but what is that based on? Certainly not the Everton performance I'm the same solely based on the fact the bunch of half arses that we have in the team, seem to try against the bigger teams, which is how we came away with good performances and wins against likes of Liverpool, spurs and Chelsea.
  8. Is that how the Taylor circle of life works? Hes been injured now he returns looks like a world beater then injured again?
  9. ToonTastic

    Graham Carr

    Im a poet and I didn't know it.
  10. ToonTastic

    Graham Carr

    If in doubt blame the head scout?
  11. I think your misunderstanding the club now. Who the manages the club and what players are bought are now entirely separate, he could have sacked McClaren 1st Jan and still bought the same players.
  12. ToonTastic


    Hes from Horden and played for Seaham Redstar, whilst he was at us a while he's not exactly a staunch Geordie. Also not the first to cross over to the dark side.
  13. I don't think the club are ignoring the option to extend the stadium. But look who owns the club, he's not going to spend hundreds of millions to extend the stadium by 15,000 seats when he could build a brand new shitty lego stadiums for the same price with the extra seats.
  14. ToonTastic

    Adam Armstrong

    The family story was from a Coventry website, the links a few pages back and they didn't say that. They said Steve didn't have any say as to whether he returned or not it was down to the board and that he'd be staying the season.
  15. ToonTastic

    Adam Armstrong

    Learns noubt sat on the bench
  16. Just as long as we keep playing him through the middle. If that means Perez has to fight for a place up top and we have to sign a new left winger, so be it.
  17. The grief that lot got from our own fans and how they were mocked despite being correct every step of the way, i'd be amazed if they bothered. Our fans are happy with being mediocre as much as the fat man is it seems.
  18. Another unproven from the french leagues. My excitement is struggling to be contained.
  19. Horrible horrible news. Loved this bloke he totally got the club and the city. So gutted really am. RIP big man, a Geordie hero who shows those dumb fucks who say we only like guys from up here.
  20. Don't agree with this couldnt be bothered shite, he was back in defence trying to defend at points during the game. You don't get players doing that if they can't be bothered. You find you get that when players aren't getting the service and are hunting round for the ball still.
  21. Lukaku was given the expertise of Big Dun as a coach to learn his game from. Taught how to hold the ball up, fight correctly in the league and score. This guy has obviously been told to fight for the ball and take a tumble to try and get freekicks and thats it. Needs real guidance and he will make it as a great player in the league. At the minute though we're ruining him. Hes still young as well and needs a few chances to get a goal but because we are so crap at using the whole pitch and getting good crosses in we're left to focus on the misses.
  22. I think we need to put Thauvin in personally to get a balanced team. All of our attaches on down our Right wing which makes it easier for the opposition to defend. Just think he's too weak to play every game, he appears to play so much better when he comes off the bench. Wasn't sure why it was Anita who made made for him though, we lost our legs in the middle after that because he was all over the place.
  23. Rather leave de jong in for link up play and dump Colback to get Perez in the team personnally
  24. Grand and a bit left to hit the target.
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