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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Wasn't his son recently sacked along with others ? Wonder if it's linked in any way.
  2. Anyone heard of Cathro? Yeah left due to family issues didn't he?
  3. Problem is the Mirror are the clubs partners now within the media so if they say its £25m then you would assume it's £25m.
  4. Wow its as if its all fake, I am surprised.
  5. He's on the board now, has the power to change it.
  6. Ah right read the article on the official site just saying it has to be done by Friday.
  7. Few people on Twitter suggesting the date has been extended again?
  8. That was my reaction but I read it somewhere, this however says end of June sometime July http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11095/9886387/premier-league-football-league-201516-fixtures-set-to-be-released
  9. That's tickled me. This one would be a good replacement for Williamson to be fair. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3ZaCk_POvDY/T1egDKoTItI/AAAAAAAABT4/YStGcd5paoI/s1600/elmo.gif
  10. I take it back found something in the Guardian about the deal being done. Noubt on Sky Sports transfer round up.
  11. They have actually spent money this summer, thats more than us right away. We meanwhile have got our media partners to talk a lot of guff while not even making a solid bid. Who have they spent money on ? Technically we've signed those two guys from Forest Well as exciting as it is to have two players their ex manager claims arent up to the Premier League Wesh Ham have at least bought Opiang or whatever he is called From Sampdoria ? Don't think that deal is done yet. Only player I can see that they have signed is a bloke called Neme or something like that who is a free transfer and looks to be a young kid.
  12. Really ? Not many have signed yet to be fair. People are being linked left right and centre for all clubs. We know what to expect that's why we feel nothing will come off but I wouldn't say the likes of West Ham or those around us have done anything special yet. It's important we sign players soon though, we are desperate.
  13. They have actually spent money this summer, thats more than us right away. We meanwhile have got our media partners to talk a lot of guff while not even making a solid bid. Who have they spent money on ? Technically we've signed those two guys from Forest
  14. Going to say I can't see anything about Chelsea agreeing a fee for him. Theyll sell alot of kids tickets due to the price of them which in turn brings adults along. Still don't think they've done any more than we have so far. Bilic hasn't exactly shown himself to be an outstanding manager.
  15. Well they are moving to the Olympic Stadium and will want to fill it so need a good season this year hence binning Allardyce. Also with the sale of Upton Park and shtuff they are pretty cash rich so can spend. Being linked to a fair few players ie Remy, Austin etc. To be fair they look like they spending exactly like we are at the minute. Bit of confidence to try and make sure they sell enough season tickets for the new season in their new stadium ?
  16. See what all got it wrong it's actually "peacoat-bright plasma-white"
  17. Could also argue they are the only folks who might actually have a clue what's happening.
  18. Red white and blue, finally the Sports Direct shirt he's been pushing for. (Pink is close enough to red, just ask the mackems what colour their seats are)
  19. Think you've hit the nail on the head there.
  20. People do realise the deal was probably all done and dusted while he was on holiday and we just aren't announcing it through the press till he returns?
  21. Maybe convince Peroni to leave Newcastle then there isn't a problem
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