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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. basically this, besides who knows he may find some consistent form. Not much point in getting rid of the likes of Sammy and Dummett atm People can't complain when we play them and they play like they do then really. Only way to improve even if we buy from the bargain bin is to remove the deadwood who won't make it as top players.
  2. I'm actually hoping all of these out of contract turn us down if offered new so we are forced to replace them all.
  3. Three reasons 1. Aarons are f***ing injury prone 2. Sammy over Gouffran anyday 3. If we let Sammy leave, we may have to play a random player from U18. One thing with this Gouf last few games has been made to look like Pele in comparison to Sammy.
  4. Personnaly feel he's worse than Shola, means we're forced to play him if we have him rather than swapping him for another youth player who might come good or forcing ourselves to replace him. His stamina for a PL player is atrocious and his playing ability isn't much better.
  5. Amazed and shocked at the number of people who would give Sammy another contract. Why ?
  6. http://www.scotzine.com/2015/03/king-co-choke-on-their-celebratory-cocktail-weenies-as-ashley-strikes/ What are the assets or are they not known?
  7. Fact is if he sold Newcastle tomorrow morning he'd own Ranger outright probably by tomorrow night. He doesn't care what their fans think like he doesnt care about ours.
  8. He also owned less than 10% of them so it was much easier to get shot of him, if he owned 100% like he does here there would be very little/nothing they could do just like with us. And just because they have chased him out of the board room doesn't mean anything else has changed, he still more or less owns all their income streams.
  9. The original repayment was for the overdraft and small loan when we went down was it not ? Would this not be the first repayment from the original/big/his cock up debt ?
  10. See I understand where HF is coming from. Despite all the sales the club was still not make a profit each season until very recently. Therefore without spreading costs of seasons and paying for everything upfront we have spent the maximum amount available. Why we don't spread the costs whilst allowing other clubs to spread the costs is beyond me though.
  11. Wasnt it something daft like Starbucks don't actually own anything, they make there money basically like a franchise and each shop is an individual franchise. So despite all the profits the shops bring Starbucks as an entity didn't make anything.
  12. Really not as fussed as some people are about this. Yes we've got shot of another squad player but that's the only downside to this. Lets be honest his injury record aint great and neither was Santon as a player. May be more to the injury than meets the eye. As for his girlfriend what she has basically said is Santon turned them down the club said they wanted him to go and so he's gone. Isn't that usually how transfers work ? Yes I can imagine they are gutted cause Santon loved the club but like Shola before him and plenty others in the team he just isn't good enough.
  13. Mate it's wrestling it's all pretend, don't worry yourself
  14. Are 70,000 people not allowed their say in what a sports personality does after being convicted of rape?
  15. ToonTastic

    Lee Charnley

    He pays pretty well to be fair in business, maybe not paying footballers their crazy money but management and the like get a fair wage with cracking bonuses. It's all performance related. His checkout staff get 50p for every magazine they sell at the counter for example. Not really 23k for assistant manager plus 25% if you stop a year. The 10k extra is the bonus. Same for manager except you start at 30k, then area manager 60k+. Not bad for retail really.
  16. ToonTastic

    Lee Charnley

    He pays pretty well to be fair in business, maybe not paying footballers their crazy money but management and the like get a fair wage with cracking bonuses.
  17. Exactly Exactly what? 70,000 people signed a petition, no sensible person said 70,000 Oldham fans signed a petition. More than just Oldham fans have an opinion on this.
  18. See I agree with this, but if you can buy a business like Rangers for £25m for arguments sake and get them in CL and making a profit does it matter ? You think it wcould cost him £25m to buy and get Rangers to the CL? Will cost nigh on double that to survive long enough to reach the SPL the way they are going at the minute let alone sufficient improvemenst to win the SPL. They have lost nigh on £5m since October(Ashleys £3m loan has run out and HMRC bills are mounting too) No £25m was just to buy the club. I just compare them to Ajax. They have a market value of what £60m ? If he can do the same cheap purchases flogging to bigger clubs whilst also getting them into CL he might be doing what he enjoys which is why he got into football and still making a profit along the way knowing he could flog the club for at least what he paid for it when he's bored of doing whatever it is he thinks he can do at Rangers. They just said no to £18m as its worth more. He would need to pay £25m+ and clear the £m's of debt(and pump in £m's more just to survive what could easily be 18 months outside of the SPL) Given that their only saleable asset went to Brentford for under £1m he would do very well raising anything at all selling the hasbeens and never will be's filling the squad right now. Forget CL he will no doubt be £50m down before they even play a SPL game, plus arent most fans massively against him too? Good luck filling the ground under him which would seriously damage him financially So the question again returns to, why does he want them haha Well he can stay as he is and take a healthy profit from them every year for a mere £3m outlay. He owns the image, merchandise and commercial income almost entirely sowho is to say he isnt happy with that until they are more financially stable? He cant do a thing for 2 years anyway(and thats IF he can sell us by then) And I could understand that, but he tried to boost the number of shares he had recently. Why would he bother if he already controls all of that already and has his own boardroom in place at the club.
  19. See I agree with this, but if you can buy a business like Rangers for £25m for arguments sake and get them in CL and making a profit does it matter ? You think it wcould cost him £25m to buy and get Rangers to the CL? Will cost nigh on double that to survive long enough to reach the SPL the way they are going at the minute let alone sufficient improvemenst to win the SPL. They have lost nigh on £5m since October(Ashleys £3m loan has run out and HMRC bills are mounting too) No £25m was just to buy the club. I just compare them to Ajax. They have a market value of what £60m ? If he can do the same cheap purchases flogging to bigger clubs whilst also getting them into CL he might be doing what he enjoys which is why he got into football and still making a profit along the way knowing he could flog the club for at least what he paid for it when he's bored of doing whatever it is he thinks he can do at Rangers. They just said no to £18m as its worth more. He would need to pay £25m+ and clear the £m's of debt(and pump in £m's more just to survive what could easily be 18 months outside of the SPL) Given that their only saleable asset went to Brentford for under £1m he would do very well raising anything at all selling the hasbeens and never will be's filling the squad right now. Forget CL he will no doubt be £50m down before they even play a SPL game, plus arent most fans massively against him too? Good luck filling the ground under him which would seriously damage him financially So the question again returns to, why does he want them haha
  20. See I agree with this, but if you can buy a business like Rangers for £25m for arguments sake and get them in CL and making a profit does it matter ? You think it wcould cost him £25m to buy and get Rangers to the CL? Will cost nigh on double that to survive long enough to reach the SPL the way they are going at the minute let alone sufficient improvemenst to win the SPL. They have lost nigh on £5m since October(Ashleys £3m loan has run out and HMRC bills are mounting too) No £25m was just to buy the club. I just compare them to Ajax. They have a market value of what £60m ? If he can do the same cheap purchases flogging to bigger clubs whilst also getting them into CL he might be doing what he enjoys which is why he got into football and still making a profit along the way knowing he could flog the club for at least what he paid for it when he's bored of doing whatever it is he thinks he can do at Rangers.
  21. He would still need to own under 10% of Rangers if he has a controlling stake of 29%+ here iirc But possible if he dropped his Newcastle ownership down to 25% say ? He'd probably make a fortune on the stock market selling 75% of the club. Given that he cant own over 10% of Rangers while owning us i would be pretty confident the SFA/FA wont let you have 25% while owning Ranger. I thought you had said if he owned more than 29% it was a problem, thats why I picked 25% Dont think that amount would matter I just assume he would want to hold some shares in Newcastle still.
  22. Sounds very plausible tbh. That may indeed be his 'exit' strategy but I doubt he'd do it any time soon as he's known to dislike the public nature of SD now isn't he? (in respect of reporting, AGM's etc etc). He wouldn't be doing that if he only owned a small amount of the club. He hates the public nature of it but enjoyed the billion pounds he picked up from the float.
  23. Fair enough just a thought I had. I wasn't sure if it would interest your usual stock exchange businessman who only cares about profit rather than a general football owner but I guess your right it does devalue not being able to negotiate one of the major sponsorship deals even if you do rake in £60m from TV money.
  24. On what grounds ? He's got away with it so far just the opposite way round. On the grounds that he's a devious ballbag. haha but then there would be hardly any owners allowed in the leagues.
  25. See I agree with this, but if you can buy a business like Rangers for £25m for arguments sake and get them in CL and making a profit does it matter ?
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