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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. As someone with really bad asthma I'm embarrassed our club couldn't sort this problem out as its been a well known issue with Ameobi for years. Load of bollocks to suggest it would stop him performing at the top level, scholes managed with his, its all to do with managing the medication and if Newcastle have just accepted he's got asthma ah well he can't play for long then whoever is in charge of that side of things at our club needs fired.
  2. [emoji15] [emoji46] [emoji47] really? Thought he was atrocious to be honest, easily one of the worst on the pitch, damn close to Dummett.
  3. 50,000 there today. There really wasn't, despite what the club said.
  4. ToonTastic

    Adam Armstrong

    Then we have to accept chances are he won't ever get a chance at the club
  5. ToonTastic

    Adam Armstrong

    Question is do you then not purchase a striker in the winter window to allow him to progress next season or buy a striker meaning he probably loses any chance of pushing for a first team spot.
  6. Disagree, it wasn't bordering on fouls, they were fouls. The one where he kicked him off the ball I couldn't believe the linesman didn't see it was so damn blatant. It wasn't just the usual small kicks as the ball came near or the jumping for man and not going for ball like Stoke usually do. They were trying to wind him up, it didn't work instead he decided to cheat back. Amused me that he thought outside the box and it worked they soon stopped.
  7. To be far the kickings he took and digs he was given off shawcross which the ref chose to ignore I'd for once call this clever. Normally hit this stuff but the kick he got off the ball just before it I thought good on him.
  8. I believe the argument was that Woodman is a professional player at the club and so the rule is all professional keepers must be out: Point 54 of Section 6 of the Football League and Premier League’s regulations deals with the emergency loan of goalkeepers, and this clearly states that such provisions will only be granted should all registered professional stoppers at a club be ruled out on medical grounds (or due to suspensions).
  9. I'm sure there article was we couldn't even if Elliot was injured. I'll see if I can find it.
  10. Believe Woodman stops that, there was something in chronicle about it when Krul was injured.
  11. Only update I am aware of is that he's not expected back any time soon, and that was from a chronicle article. Saw someone say he had a pot on still so youd imagine 6 weeks at least.
  12. Not in terms of running the company, but it won't help the share price if large institutional investors are clearly unhappy. Now that's either bad news for Mike if he plans to sit tight or to sell more, but great news if he fancies buying it all back. Hes never been one to listen to shareholders to be fair, and they make enough money that people will happily own shares in them still.
  13. Makes no odds though does it, as he still owns majority shareholding.
  14. It's claimed by all parties involved before any development would still allow for the ground to be extended on that side. Even now, if Ashley builds on it himself as is being reported? If we could still build on it, why were NUST kicking up such a fuss then? Like most of us they thought we couldn't at the start. Nobody knows Ashley's plans yet so don't know.
  15. It's claimed by all parties involved before any development would still allow for the ground to be extended on that side.
  16. "HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE YOU TO DELIVER MY SHIRT? After receiving payment we will aim to deliver your shirt within 28 days. We realise this may not be as fast as some large, specialised companies so we ask for some patience. See the legal page for more information."
  17. Site says 28 days doesn't it?
  18. And the logo was created before the council
  19. I'll just enjoy this one for now
  20. Hardly being precious, just not one for sticking names and numbers on the back. For me it's not an alternative to buying a new one as I haven't for a fair few years (the last 2 shirts I've bought have been a Toffs one and an old 95/97 shirt). Happy to support certain supporter groups, but not going to buy a shirt just for the sake of it. Someone from them on twitter said it was difficult for them to source a striped version for such numbers quick enough. Guess it means could happen in the future though ?
  21. This: Contrary to reports in Italy, Mitrovic is training with the Anderlecht squad. No medical at #nufc today. #rsca http://t.co/PPKYzXs0Ep
  22. This thread has been based on an article in a foreign newspaper on the day another paper from same country claims no medical has been done with a photo of him in training there and not in Newcastle at all.
  23. Even if you have spare time, makes little to no sense to bother with a season ticket. You'd end up better off buying on a match by match basis.
  24. BBC confirm its linked to his son.
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