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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. His family have released a statement through Durham Police it was posted in the chronicle.
  2. Looks to be a north east fund now, its bloody brilliant how much has been raised.
  3. Didn't think it was going to be possible to replace Ameobi, I was wrong.
  4. Aye it was, but i remember at the time our pitch was awful and KK asked if we could play the 6 (i think that was the number you had to play) compulsory reserve games away from St. James' Park, to give the pitch a rest. That and KK had been given assurances it wouldn't just be him protesting, unfortunately other clubs didn't follow through, that's why he said he regretted going through with it. Turns out next season the rules changed though.
  5. Who didn't actually scrap the system. Yes he disbanded the reserve team and yes he said he regretted doing it but his reasons for doing it were correct and the team would have started again whether Dalglish came to the club or not. Forcing us to play reserve games at St James was wrong, it should be club choice and was having a detrimental effect on the club at the time as the pitch wasn't as good as now.
  6. Come on he might be playing in the World Cup tonight, deserves to be bumped up again
  7. Fake thank god. www.tsbcreative.co.uk/?portfolio=newcastle-united-f-c-kit-concept
  8. Did the group of fans who speak with the club get to see these shirts and have a say. If so what the hell did they say about that!
  9. If there has been anything there's no link to it prominently placed on any of their front pages. Only TF has a link to join NUST. Not sure what joining them is supposed to achieve though. I'm still waiting for NUST to show where the money given to them goes, it's more secretive than NUFC that place.
  10. Believe myself that it's down to the way our fans are mocked by the national press and in turn fellow fans for previous action take. The sack the board marches and chants outside of the ground when KK left under Ashley is a huge part of this. One person makes a spelling error on a giant bed sheet and that then classifies all future protesters as the bedsheet brigade.
  11. I believe Dummett's problem at the minute is he's being asked to do an awful lot for a young player just starting out in the PL. He's being asked to not just be a steady left back against World Class players, he's also then being asked to bomb forward and support Gouf who doesn't even overlap him making Dummett then the furthest man up field. He then has to track back again without much support. And to add to that he's being asked to take our set pieces which is awful at. Get the lad to focus on being a good left back and getting his positioning and mind sorted against World Class players and progress to the rest later surely ?
  12. ToonTastic

    Adam Armstrong

    Same will be said of the other young players if they play 8-10 games in a poor side, playing an 80s style of football and don't somehow look like world beaters.
  13. ToonTastic

    Adam Armstrong

    Crazy all this talk of playing him in last few games when people are already giving Dummett grief and saying hes not good enough and never will be. If fans aren't willing to expect poor games from the young players they cannot be brought into the squad for an extended period of games, they can only make sub appearances which aren't long or make loan appearances elsewhere. I'd love to see all the young players get a try now we have noubt to play for with a strong middle of the likes of Colo, Tiote to support them. As for De Jong showed noubt at all since he signed on loan, think we're wasting giving our players a try by playing him when he obviously can't adapt to the PL in such a short period of time.
  14. Yeah the wall of the stand does, but people would have to queue somewhere which would be pretty tricky if the land is taken up by a building.
  15. Read somewhere he has a chance for Villa. Yeah I've seen that not sure why though Pardew said March. Unless he's planning on rushing him back early.
  16. I still think an empty stadium for a tv match this season would be a massive protest. It may not hit him in his pocket but I still think it would have the desired effect, but again we're not great as fans at organising stuff like this. To many people will have their excuses for not refusing turning up for one game. I'd happily do it despite being a continuing paying season ticket holder.
  17. I'm assuming he's paid for the year rather than monthly
  18. And that's great, wish I could as well but I can't.
  19. It's not about winning anything or qualifying for anything, if it was I'd be a Man U supporter and not have supported Newcastle all these years. Newcastle were in a rotten position with a rotten chairman when I first went to see a game. Like I said the enjoyment is still in being at the game, not all games are like yesterday. We may not play great football but I still enjoy being their and would rather be in the stadium than watching it on some crappy internet stream or in the pub or worst of all not watching the games at all and being stuck shopping or whatever.
  20. I've not bought merchandise, food, drink or programmes for years now, can't say I've missed out on anything.
  21. I wish I could follow what some of you guys have done but I can't. It's a drug and I'm hooked, there's noubt better than being in the stadium watching newcastle win, sitting at home or in the pub watching the same just doesn't have the same buzz if you like. As for Ashley, I simply don't think enough fans will leave. Too many are daft like myself and will keep going, at worst I can see there still being 45k fans there next season. Those numbers will increase again if the team goes on a good run and again we'll have a stadium with 52k in it after a decent run and a good offer on half season tickets. I love the premiss of everyone jacking it in and forcing his hand but as a set of fans we're crap at organising anything. Protests are met by the mad folk who claim it has a detrimental effect of player performances (it doesn't). We couldn't get everyone to walk out at a certain time as was planned a little while back because the team we're playing well on the pitch and to that point people are still trying to organise for fans to stop outside the ground during a TV game but people won't do it claiming I've already paid my cash so it won't make a difference even though they know deep down it will as the focus on the fans discontent would be there for all to see. So if we can't organise minor events like these which effect fans for one match, there isn't a hope in hell of organising for people not to buy season tickets therefore we get stuck in a loop. Yes we're getting shafted by Ashley and co but frankly I'm waiting for my next fix against Spurs already.
  22. You think he commits fraud? It was in the last set of accounts how much he had taken out and planned to take out. Depends how you count the non payment of sponsorship around the stadium, that's money we now no longer get which benefits him but doesn't appear on any accounts.
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