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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. For tax reasons they have to don't they otherwise I guess the auditors would go in?
  2. I'm protesting. Season ticket holder but this means more to me than the Spurs game.
  3. They don't do refunds
  4. In what sense? Are they behind the campaign and the boycotting of the Tottenham game?. Basically is the Ashley out campaign a feeling that's localised to this community or are other fans feeling like we are. Ah right I see, don't know. Its not just on here its all over Facebook and twitter, couple of nationals have mentioned it and BTsport are talking about it on twitter at the minute.
  5. No problem from me. I want it to succeed, obviously, despite what certain bullshit merchants on here would have you believe. All I said was if the same people behind Ashley Out are the people who organised SackPardew, then I had very little hope of success (the reasons why can be found elsewhere). Not a popular opinion by all accounts. Don't agree with that side of things but each to their own. It is by the same people though of which I'm hopeful it gets in as much national press as before and makes SD hate being associated with newcastle united.
  6. Who am I ignoring? I can't follow who you mean. Just paste the post here and I'll answer whatever it is I apparently ignored. I believe he's ignoring you, you can still see his posts he'll get a message saying the user has posted who he's ignoring.
  7. So you agree with a lot of fans by not having a season ticket and you want Ashley out to succeed but don't think it will. Seen as you don't go to games then I guess you just have to hope. I'm failing to see the problem here.
  8. Another lie. Never said it. Never thought it. Spotting these blatant lies about me on here is like shooting fish in a barrell. I've read your posts but must have missed it. What is your plan to do either personally or working with others to change the situation? What will you be doing on match day (in the stadium or not or haven't been for ages?) im curious as much from you as others who are critics of AshleyOut as to what you are going to do or do you just accept everything is shit but will just keep going and be happy with it?
  9. First time I've seen a planned single game boycott, let's hope the fans stand up and be counted and don't enter the ground. Makes no sense at all to enter the ground for the Spurs game.
  10. He'd be screwing himself over doing that, kinda guarantees relegation next season which you'd imagine would cost him a few quid.
  11. So surely that starts with one match? You're defeated before anything has happened. I see more stupidity in stepping foot inside the stadium this season during a protest than standing outside with the rest of the fans trying to make a difference. Whether it works or not who knows but surely if the ground was as empty as AC Milan's then it shows a but of power from the supporters? As for looking fickle I really couldn't give a shit what other fans think or say about us, they'll always have something derogatory to say. Man U used to love that other fans hated them as it meant they were successful.
  12. Yeah but the national hacks have ignored stating we're never happy so this makes a nice change.
  13. With it being government and it being a bank holiday guess it could be next week before it appears.
  14. For those who know better than me. If the club have messed with the books to remove £25m from the tax man through player values or whatever, could the club essentially spend that £25m extra as it hasn't physically left or am I just being stupid?
  15. Is that the bit where they say he hasn't took any money out ?
  16. if anything, the opposite is the case How? Surely having others opposed to him who are shareholders makes it easier to take back control. If he owns 100% you feel like there is nothing can be done and apathy sets in like us.
  17. Easier target when he doesn't own all the club
  18. This is true and I'd certainly start him over Sammy, Gouf and Obertan.
  19. Need shot of both was my point.
  20. Keep buying cheap eventually you'll have a problem with point B. We are essentially trying to "beat the market" with our transfer policy. It's a gamble. And when we need to just buy a player to improve our team we'll buy the cheapest decent option we can find. That's how you end up with Riviere. Cisse has finally returned to form but otherwise we would be relying on Perez to keep us up ffs. For his record Riviera wasn't that cheap. Pretty expensive to be fair.
  21. Very good point, this is spot on.
  22. Three reasons 1. Aarons are f***ing injury prone 2. Sammy over Gouffran anyday 3. If we let Sammy leave, we may have to play a random player from U18. One thing with this Gouf last few games has been made to look like Pele in comparison to Sammy. Nah Your opinion. You're wrong
  23. basically this, besides who knows he may find some consistent form. Not much point in getting rid of the likes of Sammy and Dummett atm People can't complain when we play them and they play like they do then really. Only way to improve even if we buy from the bargain bin is to remove the deadwood who won't make it as top players. there is also a need for a squad beneath the first team, in an ideal world sure the guys behind will be just as or nearly as good as the first team but even competently run clubs find that difficult never mind ashleys newcastle united and I'd sooner give a real go to homegrown guys than the kind of bargain basement crap we'd reach for to replace them (if they even bother) Which is fair enough if you think they'll add that bit more fight but Sammy doesn't. He dawdles round the field. Watching him walk up the field from defence when we were attacking their goal (arsenal) was so infuriating I'd have got shot of him there and then.
  24. optimistic Crazy I know I do believe we will bring a fair few in though and spend a good few quid. Probably not enough so we'll still be short but I expect big changes.
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