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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. ToonTastic

    Joe Kinnear

    "The fans will be disappointed, I understand that, but I can't do anything about. I will just be doing my very best because I am desperate to get back into the game. " Lets hope he can, he's got my support
  2. Yeah thats the point I was making as well. We don't get any free.
  3. Don't think we're getting stick as such they are saying the fans are showing there disgust at the minute by not turning up. You have to wait for the Sunday papers for the wind up merchants to have a go.
  4. Isn't it the sports lawyer who has advised the government not Peter Lee.
  5. Why would it have to be a public ltd company. Why can't it be a privately owned company just the fans own it ? The idea is nobody has a larger share than others so every vote is worth one, this doesn't happen with a public limited company.
  6. Didn't he consider it but was put off straight away said it was to tricky a club to run or something ?
  7. Wow did we make that much on transfers, I'd have thought the £134m buying the club and the £110m paying off SOME of the debts would have probably meant he hasn't made a penny even if he was taking a wage from the club.
  8. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcpredictionleague
  9. Don't forget your predictions for the Hull game, might be a bit tougher to predict this one.
  10. Only if fans are daft enough to fall for it. Remember the fans decide who takes over. The manager holds all the cards on who comes in or at least does if thats how the fans decide the club should be run when electing a chairman.
  11. Why is that fella? Corporate finance, top level professional sport, marketing - professionals don't always get things right, but you'd back them to do so more often than inexperienced amateurs. Also, the way you approach decisions when you're on the inside and your job and livelihood depends on it is a bit different from how you see things from the luxury of an outside position. The club can't be run by a bunch of Monday morning quarterbacks. To turn it round, I'd be interested to know why people think we'd generate more income and produce better decisions with a fans' collective. The amaeturs own the club Bobby they don't run it. What's the point of them owning the club, if they're not going to influence the decisions that are made? They do things like vote for a president etc who then chooses a manager and delegates downward. It's insanity that fans who own shares in a club would actually be hands on. The beauty of course is that the president can be changed if they are doing a bad job, not so our current owner. Membership of course could be reigion wide and infact international as the club grows through its ethics, philosophy and playing style. Different to a PLC in what significant way? Majority shareholders get the biggest say and basically control the club ie FFS and the shareholders payouts. There would be no payouts to any of the fan owners ever. The role of chairman would come up for renewal every four years and the man in charge can continue to run for it or a new man could come in. Fans can get on the board and even if they are not voted in the board will meet with fans at regular terms to put there point across. So very different really.
  12. Among other reasons, because we'd not be able to compete financially with the big boys any more. Why ? Not as if any of our past 2 chairman have put their hands in their pockets to help us compete.
  13. There is one good point made on the Liverpool share dealings site (http://www.shareliverpoolfc.co.uk if you've not seen it before). Many people have asked about debts and how we will make money if the fans own the club. The fact is the club gets us the fans pay so surely it makes sense that we own the club outright since we're paying for all the debts and transfers anyway ? http://www.shareliverpoolfc.co.uk/index.php/faqs this might answer a lot of the problems people are putting forward. Sounds very good to me the more I read about it.
  14. Surely it's not a case of buying the club and needing loads of extra cash it's like I said a case of running it like Barca. The fans own the club and are as someone said in here members. As members they get to vote on who runs the club as in the chairman of the club. The club still employes people to look after all aspects of the club and the fans have no say in anything else it's left to the chairman to make the choices. The club then simply is run as it has been for so many years hopefully making a profit however which should be possible with no debts and with a much smaller wage bill now. In fact I have no doubts the club is now running at a profit.
  15. How does it work with barca ? Don't the fans own the club there ?
  16. What exactly did you expect them to do when there were hundreds on the steps, etc? Let them be on the steps. I love it how SSN reported that fans "scaled the walls of the stadium and ended up outside the boardroom." In reality, they walked up the stairs next to the box office and hung around on the landing. Yeah I saw that last night then this morning they had the video footage of them walking up the stairs instead LOL
  17. Right so you want to make his position unbearable for him which is fine but the fact is he owns the club and doesn't even have to show his face. If he wanted to he could very easily disappear and leave the current crop to look after things. He knows it will all die down like it did under FFS so why any difference with this ? And then what exactly. He says fine I'll not run this club I'll sell. He'll not get his money back cause people know he wants out yet he'll probably hang on or try and get his money back through the club meaning selling more of our players. I just don't understand how this is all meant to work as we have nobody lined up to the buy the club who we know anything about. We have no manager and we have nobody who anyone seems to want in place. If you run Ashley out and we have no replacement it means we're running the club with next to no funds and a board room who the fans don't want, surely this is the worst outcome possible ?
  18. So what do you want the result of the protests to be ?
  19. I really don't get this hatred of Poyet. Cause he would be a puppet for the club and it would basically be Wise in charge.
  20. Always good for transfers that people know how much cash you have to spend ?!?!?!? Meaning what exactly. I don't think True faith want Ashley to say he has x amount of money to spend, but I do think its unfair to lead the fans into believing that significant amounts will be there to strengthen the squad which then never materialises. Ashley should either say, ok I am going to back the manager financially in the way he needs to take the club forward, or say We need to sell players to buy players. The truth would be nice! He said there was money for players and by the sounds of things there was we just didn't get them.
  21. Always good for transfers that people know how much cash you have to spend ?!?!?!?
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