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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Club is being quiet for once, I'm more than happy with that. If come the start of the season we have signed nobody that's a different matter but until then I can cope with silence it makes a pleasant change than having the whole world know our business before it's done.
  2. Hopefully I'll have it all ready for the first friendly of the season. I'll try and get it up a few days before hand.
  3. If in fact that did actually happen which nobody knows. Please be careful what you post.
  4. Need to see if Dabo turns up first cause apparently it will be thrown out if he doesn't.
  5. Took just over a week for the whole lot including pin to come through. My problem at the minute is getting them to send out a Direct Debit mandate, they keep sending the letter saying enclosed is the mandate but there isn't anything but a pre paid envelope there. I might start sending them the pre paid envelopes back So I have pretty much no chance of sorting one before Sunday then? You would possibly have got the card before then if you had got it before the weekend, now I don't think so though.
  6. HAHA you think the telephone support with my bank is any better than the telephone support with Barclays credit card Nah I'll probably end up setting it up online as a standing order or something.
  7. Took just over a week for the whole lot including pin to come through. My problem at the minute is getting them to send out a Direct Debit mandate, they keep sending the letter saying enclosed is the mandate but there isn't anything but a pre paid envelope there. I might start sending them the pre paid envelopes back
  8. Think the bigger question is why do students get discount ?!?! I'll still end up paying far more than the price of a ticket with my trips back from Hull every other weekend to watch them. They want a younger average crowd in, it's not just the 18+ students this is offered to, it goes for the 16+ college sorts as well, which is fair enough if you ask me. It'd probably be better if they did just offer it to 16-18 year olds, actually. Why though, if you've left school get a job it's simple really. Still a big ask for 17 year olds like my brother to pay £543 for a ticket, he's in full-time education at Newcastle College, even if he did have a part-time job. Not many kids of that age are going to be sensible enough to save money specifically for season tickets every summer, unfortunately. It looks as though he won't be able to renew, which is a real pity seeing how he's been a season ticket holder since he was about 13. When I was at college I did a Saturday (or Sunday) job that earnt me £25 a week, which was very good money at the time for somebody my age. Even at that rate it would have been 22 weeks (almost half a f***ing year) of saving it to pay for a season ticket in the Gallowgate End for next year. Are you arguing that people shouldn't go to college/university here? Or that if they do, they should work as well? I think the student discount is fair craic, personally, especially for the likes of my brother to whom £543 is a huge chunk of cash - I'm not one of these who'll use student discount whenever the opportunity arises (i.e. don't ask for it in shops, etc. unless it's offered) but I am quite pleasantly surprised that NUFC are now offering it - loads of other clubs already do as far as I'm aware. As it stands, I can't get it anyway with sitting where I do, but I don't begrudge others who can get it simply for that reason. I believe the increase in student discount has increased the cost for the other fans which I feel to be massivly unfair for someone who has chose to take up a specific role in life. I've chosen that roll myself I was a student through college and Uni both full time but I also had a job as it happens at Sports Soccer. I was able to work weekends and bring home £35 a day from the age of 16 and I wanted a season ticket which I paid for myself and like most people on here didn't get the discount. I worked extra over the holidays to get extra cash that I wanted for other things. The whole hard time with cash for students is bollocks basically, if your crap with money you'll struggle thats the whole thing. I managed holidays plenty of nights out and a season ticket while I was there so yes I feel if you want that specific seat then you can pay the cash like everyone else sat around you. I have no problem at all with extending the family enclosure this is a great idea but the students discount I feel is crap and always have done.
  9. Think the bigger question is why do students get discount ?!?! I'll still end up paying far more than the price of a ticket with my trips back from Hull every other weekend to watch them. They want a younger average crowd in, it's not just the 18+ students this is offered to, it goes for the 16+ college sorts as well, which is fair enough if you ask me. It'd probably be better if they did just offer it to 16-18 year olds, actually. Why though, if you've left school get a job it's simple really.
  10. Think the bigger question is why do students get discount ?!?!
  11. Plymouth Goalie BBC have just announced on TV though they said they believe it is him not certain think they would get wrong if it wasnt though.
  12. Ahh didn't go on the site have now, least they admit they have took them "To celebrate the end of the 2007/2008 season, the website bbc.co.uk has compiled a list of its favourite terrace chants."
  13. Don't think they were posted on here just good to see the sun coming up with original material
  14. Sounds like an exact copy of that which was posted on bbc.co.uk last week or the week before
  15. Here it is http://www.footballtransferleague.co.uk/football_club.aspx?football_club=Newcastle
  16. Wullie (I think) had a link to show how many of the stories they got write when writing rumours about Newcastle transfers. It was something like 148 wrong with 28 right or something like that. Never believe a paper ever.
  17. Just thought this might interest some people looking for a 0% deal. Just remember and cut it up once you've bought the season ticket. I assume this would word on the 3 season, season ticket as well just depends if your credit limit is high enough http://www.barclaycard.co.uk/personal-home/cards/football/index.html
  18. By the sounds of things you can do both. If you do the 3 years in 1 bulk payment you get a 10% discount. If you do the 3 years over 1 year plus 20 monthly payments you just get the fixed season ticket price for the next 3 years.
  19. SJP tbh. Moar seats. Something not quite right about playing a friendly at home to lower league oppo plus with two more glamourous friendlies it isn't likely to sell out whereas prob get a 30K full house down at Ipswich. If it was for Bobby, was a select 11 for both teams and was a one off it would sell out easy just like Shearers.
  20. Sounds like he's been behind bars for a month now just the press haven't been allowed to mention it till today. That means he's got 2 months min left of his sentence 5 if he serves the full whack. However he has the other problem of the next sentencing come up at the end of June for the man city fight thing. If he's found innocent fine he'll be out by pre season training probably and he comes back, if he's found guilty he's out on his end and will probably be behind bars till Xmas. Either way can't see the club paying his wages while he's banged up.
  21. Why all my emails are still that so didn't want to change it. Don't mind that Craig and Gol use it, was a bit bothered to start with but I was never going to use it again so don't care at all lol To be fair, you never owned the domain name Not that one no
  22. ahh shucks you'll make me blush. Hopefully next year I won't forget to update it as often as I did this year lol
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