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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Why all my emails are still that so didn't want to change it. Don't mind that Craig and Gol use it, was a bit bothered to start with but I was never going to use it again so don't care at all lol
  2. And the winner is Sparks !!! Loads of changes at the top of the table but Sparks won it in the end. Well done!
  3. People stop reading sticky posts bumps are better.
  4. No quotes, not facts, no nothing.
  5. To be honest I think this was all part of building up confidence, if he came out and said we need a whole new team the players would be like screw this why should I play for him when he's going to get shot of me. It's happened before at this club with managers saying what positions they are going to buy players in mid way in to the season. Sort of shits all over the player in that position really.
  6. I can except we're not a good side I can't except your ratings though. I'd love to know what you give the Birmingham players.
  7. ToonTastic


    Not to bothered about tonight as results went for us over the weekend. Like you say next week is the bigger of the two games.
  8. I think the mail was also the paper who created the story that if KK doesn't win our next two games he'll get sacked. Just seems very funny that they are suddenly throwing loads of shit at us as if someone at the club has said something/refused to do something for them.
  9. Just been reading the Sports page of the Sunday Mail at a mates house. Why do they hate us so much ? Or has KK had a falling out with them at some time. They have a 2 page rant about us including having a pop at Wise for going to see the Lion King whilst we were losing 3-0 to Liverpool ?
  10. All up to date again. Top 5 now looks like this: 1 0 Dr. Richard Kimble 39 6 14 19 29 71 -42 171 2 0 Sparks 38 3 13 22 28 74 -46 159 3 0 twickmag 37 5 13 19 31 63 -32 154 4 0 ANIMAL 38 3 18 17 33 77 -44 148 5 +2 scottp 37 5 18 14 28 87 -59 146 Don't forget and make your predictions for the match against Birmingham http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcpredictionleague/
  11. right so, Mort has appointed a manager who you think should be sacked come summer and you dont think his tenure as chairman thus far has been a joke? If you don't get the results you deserved to be sacked. At least allardyce got some points! SA should not have been sacked till summer anyway. Allardyce would not have picked up any points in this period of games either.
  12. Not worried about 2nd bottom it's 3rd bottom we need to avoid. Fulham and Derby are as good as down we need City to win today and Bolton to lose the rest of theres all season which isn't impossible.
  13. times like this it's all you can do hope Mort gets pissed on, the way he's run this football club thus far is a f****** joke why, he only sacked one man who he didn't hire yet was the person who got us into this mess.
  14. If Taylor wants to double his wages he's going to have to learn to follow the runner every once in a while.
  15. Wasn't his fault, Harper didn't want the ball past back and told Enrique to hit it away, he did but it hit the bloke he didn't know anything about. Second goal was typical Newcastle defending.
  16. Not at all, Sports Direct as a company has an advertising fund he can take money out of Sports Direct (not his pocket) and pump it into Newcastle United, a totally different company.
  17. Just remember though one we lose the Northern Rock ads from our shirts we'll be getting the same logos on there.
  18. That's the old logo I think ? New one really doesn't bother me though, the whole stadium looks pretty damn ugly anyway (as a whole not as a structure if you know what I mean) so it's hardly going to ruin the horrible old roof by having a new logo on it.
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