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Scottish Mag

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Everything posted by Scottish Mag

  1. I think the everything must go sale in January will see to that one..
  2. Akabusi over on TT who always just appears with the odd ITK bit of info (generally correct too) then not seen for months..
  3. Taylor looks like hes been to the same sunbeds as Phil Brown...
  4. Where's Lee Ryder Redheugh with todays Chronicle news?
  5. He's given Nyff over on TT some info...
  6. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2009/08/26/toon-bid-hopefuls-backed-by-new-york-firm-72703-24535407/ THE group behind the latest takeover bid for Newcastle United claim to have backing from a multi-billion pound New York-based company. United confirmed yesterday in our later editions that Seymour Pierce were in talks with Geoff Sheard, who last year attempted to take over Sheffield Wednesday. And United’s financial controller John Irving has visited the solicitors’ offices in London in order to push through the paperwork surrounding the bid. However, while it is understood that Sheard is spearheading a bid for Newcastle, he does not have the required funds to run the football club. And he is merely the deal maker between United, Seymour Pierce and a mystery American consortium which say it is trying to complete a takeover before the end of Mike Ashley’s recently imposed one-week deadline. Sheard told the Chronicle today: "It's not me who is buying the club - that should be made very clear. "I've put together a package for a group who want to come in and take over the club. "That's what they want to do given the opportunity to do so. "Talks have been going on for a couple of weeks now." The Chronicle understands the group behind Sheard’s approach is led by a wealthy American backer who already has big links in US Sports. And the group who claim they intend to purchase the club will then aim to deploy the strategic holding company the Omnicom Group to rebrand the Magpies on a global scale. A source close to the deal claimed today: “It’s all still ongoing, while Geoff is keen to be involved, the money is coming from across the Atlantic. “It would be American money that pays for the club and the day-to-day running of it should they be successful, but they have plans in place to make sure Newcastle live up to their potential as a worldwide brand. “It wasn’t too long ago that Newcastle were above Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool in the table during the Sir Bobby Robson era, and there is no reason why that potential can’t be lived up to again.” Omincom will also look to public relations firm Fleishman-Hillard International Communications in order to improve the relations between Toon fans and the club with the Mike Ashley era being a PR disaster since he purchased the club two summers ago. Omincom have headquarters in both New York and London and are regarded as one of the world giants in advertising and marketing communications. They are listed on the New York stock exchange with a market value of £11.62bn. United managing director Derek Llambias yesterday claimed that Sheard’s party were yet to show “proof of funds” but talks were today understood to be ongoing between the two parties. Local businessman Barry Moat is also hoping to stay in the running for the takeover of the club. But with time against him and next Monday’s deadline fast approaching, there is still a strong possibility no deal will be done and Ashley will take United back off the market next week. That would leave the current regime facing a mad scramble on the transfer deadline day with the depleted squad at St James’s Park facing another 43 Championship fixtures and at least two cup games, one of which takes place tonight. Caretaker boss Chris Hughton could give no guarantee that United wouldn’t be stripped of any more players after 10 departures this summer have left the Toon squad looking thin on the ground.
  7. So Geoff Sheard is not the man, it's a third-party? I really wanted more "Shear brilliant" puns etc as well Spot on Is it the American/Canadian group you were hinting at on TT the other week?
  8. My subscription renewed too and whilst its my own fault I am emailing them to tell them I want refunded due to the service being shite and the audio commentary (the only reason I signed up for away games) not working.
  9. Fat Ashley is staying. Llambias mouthing off to the press over the last few days is a clear sign of this IMO. Llambias going on that BBC Total Sport programme last night etc for me is a clear sign. They have never been bothered about communicating with us over the last couple of years so why now? If they were on the verge of selling up surely the would just take the usual stance and not even bother saying anything after all what would it matter if they were going to be out the door within the next few days.
  10. From Del Pede over on TT Theres a yootoob video kicking about but I don't think we are allowed to post them on here??
  11. They would both do a job in the Fizzy Pop League..
  12. Hull to put a bid in is a stick on..
  13. Left with Colo the clown and weans. There goes the optimism and good start to the season. Fuckers the lot of them...
  14. Not that I believe anything I read regarding the takeover anymore but I thought I would share this with you from Toontastic...
  15. Hung up! Has it left you shaking with rage?
  16. Peterborough just had a third ruled out. It really sinks in where we are at when you are sitting hoping for a Peterborough goal to help our campaign...
  17. Sol would not sign for Ashley, yet I can't see Shearer, if he's behind it, getting rid of Taylor even though signs looks like he is off. Fuck knows what's happening...
  18. From the Watford Observer. Would be quite happy with him in if Duff goes...
  19. Team for next weeks match with the new revolutionary 2-7-1 system Harper Colo Enrique Geremi Barton Butt Smith Nolan Guthrie Jonas Carroll The following week I would be surprised to see Colo and Enrique even here...
  20. Its a right fucking pain in the arse. We can't afford to let him go as we not Fat Ashley won't spend the money but 4 million is good money for an injury prone 30 year old thats on 65k a week. The thing is if we had been taken over or even Shearer backed a little by Ashley seeing the figures Duff, Beye, Bassong and Martins have went for as well as the others who have left and cut the wage bill down with the addition of a few players we could have actually had the books balanced quite a bit and still had a decent little team.
  21. He'll go to Reading as soon as they get the money from Hull for Hunt...
  22. Those of you thinking we will go up, I assume that is based on the current squad of players? I agree that with one or two additions, especially a striker with a bit of pace and a no nonsense defender who would be more suited to the Fizzy Pop League coming in for Colo we would still arguably have the best squad. However I cannot believe for one minute that if Ashley remains in charge we will not see more players going out the door. As speculated on .com we already have people sniffing about Jonas, Colo, Enrique, Duff, Geremi and Butt and other rumours surround the likes of Smith and Barton. Given the salaries these command I do not for one minute believe that Ashley will bankroll the salaries these guys are on and unfortunatley whilst we all know that if he lets another 3, 4 or even 5 go that we will be in an awful state numbers wise I have no faith whatsoever that he will not continue to strip the team of the majority of its assets to claw back the money he has invested...
  23. So yes we are still in limbo with the same old stories being churned out day after day but the longer it goes on the more it is looking likely that Fat Ashley is going to remain in charge. We have a squad that currently has only 3 (experienced) defenders in Enrique, Taylor and Colo. We have already lost Beye, Bassong, Cacapa and Edgar and its more or less common knowledge that Enrique and Colo are just waiting for the call to move on and I would not be surprised to see Moyes sniffing about Taylor should they lose their battle to hold on to Lescott. Up front we have lost Owen, Viduka, Martins and Lovenkrands leaving us with only two strikers in Shola (don't think I need to cover opinion on how useful he is) and Carroll, who in my opinion is far from the player many on these forums think he is. He throws himself about and gives us a good physical prescence but he is very inexperienced having only had 23 starts for us and 3 goals to date (11 starts/1 goal for Preston) The big irony is that our biggest weakness last season, our midfield, is currently our strongest part of the team. Again though Jonas is just waiting on a move and the likes of Smith, Butt, Geremi, Nolan, Guthrie are all similar type of players and along with Barton an Duff are eating up the majority of our wage bill. Yes we have young players on the fringe such as Kadar, Ranger, Vuckic, Lua Lua but they have little or no experience at first team level and we cannot go pinning our hopes on these youngsters. We have a game moved for TV now being played on the evening of 31st August, that evening where we normally sit glued to SSN waiting to see some last minute moves, usually leaving us bitterly disappointed as we sign no one or the likes of Sibierski. This year however if Ashley is still in charge it could be so much more than being disappointed, this year we could see the tight bastard still in charge, the likes of O'Leary in charge at the club, little or more likely no signings brought in to a tiny squad and lets be honest several of those currently in the squad in present will be gone if any offers come in. We think things are bad right now but should Ashley not go I think we all know its going to get a whole lot worse, but whilst there are arguments currently if protesting is the right or wrong thing to do I think come August 31st, the typically manic deadline today where supporters lose all rational thoughts in the hope that their club sign Etos, Messis and Kakas, putting together an even weakened squad, some beers before the game and god help them if we get a poor result this may cause an uproar in the stands and all hell to break loose. Heres hoping a takeover happens soon (wishful thinking) but if any of the above comes about its certainly going to make the Leicester match one hell of a night. *I missed out Xisco, the forgotten man, but I think that says it all when it comes to him.*
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