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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. All that proves is that hiring the wrong manager can come back and bite you on the arse. In fact that could be said of most of the players in this thread. Disgree with Milner, never did a bad job in a B&W shirt, just happens to be setting the world alight at Villa now He's setting the world alight due to being played for two reasons: 1) He's being played through the middle, something he wasn't given much opportunity to do here despite the fact we've had cack central midfielders for five years now. 2) He's playing in a team with balance, pace and power, not with a bunch of knackered cast offs from other clubs. Yes MON has spent money, but Milner was here when Souness and Allardyce were doling out big notes on players. He's also older now. His potential is now coming through. He'd have stayed if the club had ambition. The owner didn't, so he left. This is something I've mentioned many times before because it's happened many times pre-John Hall and Fat Fred when the club was run by a shite Board. It's happened again with Milner.
  2. If you stick to Celtic players you might have a chance of getting closer to the mark. No idea what you're talking about re. Celtic players. I suppose everyone who's taken a contrary position to you in the past is the same person to you. You've no idea what you're talking about so how would you understand what I'm on about? I don't give a toss whether people take a contrary position to me or not.
  3. No, players who were s**** for us but would be TOO good for us now and wouldn't talk to the club. It's in the first post. Just read it. Even mandiarse managed it. according to popular opinion at the time....duff,parker,emre. I couldn't have made the point better myself. (Not that I said Emre was crap like, just the other 2) Thank you.
  4. Maybe if he hadn't wanted to make a profit in the xfer window last Jan we wouldn't have been relegated by 1 point and he may not be supposedly stumping up this £20m. I have to say, I'm surprised you continue to support this joker. Even for you, it's barely believable. So you'd favour the club getting back into debt? Not while Fat Ash is running the show obviously, his degree of ineptitude is beyond belief, but generally my answer would be yes. A club trying to achieve success on the field and has a debt that is managed is better than a club with no debt and going nowhere. I note you don't deny your full and continued support for this joker turning the club into a pile of dogshit. Why on earth should you expect a response to your cack-handed attempts to put words into my mouth? Ashley has proved inept on various levels, and he's even worse at managerial appointments than Shepherd. Incredible but true. That said, he's doing broadly the right thing by trying to get the club's finances under control, as watchers of recent developments at Man U, Liverpool, West Ham and Portsmouth will understand. It's not long ago that the dear departed NE5 was trumpeting Portsmouth as the very model of how an ambitious football club should be run. Well, they'll be paying a long time for that FA Cup, just as we're now also paying for the extravagances of old. It's obvious you support him and believe he's better than the previous lot. By trying as hard as you are to justify why you support this moron you are attempting to justify the impossible. You said the other lot were shit. Where does that leave Fat Ash?
  5. We're probably still paying for half of them. You're just grumpy 'cos you prefer a board that doesn't sign players at all. You're just grumpy because you're always fucking grumpy. Now now. No need for a tantrum.
  6. Maybe if he hadn't wanted to make a profit in the xfer window last Jan we wouldn't have been relegated by 1 point and he may not be supposedly stumping up this £20m. I have to say, I'm surprised you continue to support this joker. Even for you, it's barely believable. So you'd favour the club getting back into debt? Not while Fat Ash is running the show obviously, his degree of ineptitude is beyond belief, but generally my answer would be yes. A club trying to achieve success on the field and has a debt that is managed is better than a club with no debt and going nowhere. I note you don't deny your full and continued support for this joker turning the club into a pile of dogshit.
  7. No, players who were shite for us but would be TOO good for us now and wouldn't talk to the club. It's in the first post. Just read it. Even mandiarse managed it. Sorry, grumpy arse, post amended. Nah, not edited enough. We signed a lot of very good players before Fat Ash.
  8. Maybe if he hadn't wanted to make a profit in the xfer window last Jan we wouldn't have been relegated by 1 point and he may not be supposedly stumping up this £20m. I have to say, I'm surprised you continue to support this joker. Even for you, it's barely believable.
  9. We're probably still paying for half of them. You're just grumpy 'cos you prefer a board that doesn't sign players at all. I'd prefer this board to sign no players at all if the ones we are signing are anything to go by. You have a point... I said that when Souness was manager but was shouted down for it by his rentboys.
  10. No, players who were shite for us but would be TOO good for us now and wouldn't talk to the club. It's in the first post. Just read it. Even mandiarse managed it.
  11. We're probably still paying for half of them. You're just grumpy 'cos you prefer a board that doesn't sign players at all.
  12. If you stick to Celtic players you might have a chance of getting closer to the mark.
  13. ... who turned out to be shite at the time, but who would be far too good for us now and who probably wouldn't even talk to the club since Fat Ash showed (most people) what shit really is. The list is endless of course. We even have a player apparently turning us down in favour of the one-eyed retards down the road at the Village of the Damned. How often did that happen before Fat Ash?
  14. I'm shit though mate. Well you'll be cheap then...
  15. Are you realising how wrong you were yet? Plenty for you to boo anyway... a small bid ? how much should we pay for a player with no experience at this level let alone where we hope to be headed in the last few months of his contract ? You talking to me?
  16. Are you realising how wrong you were yet? Plenty for you to boo anyway...
  17. Fryatt sounds close to fry-up and so reminds me of sausage, bacon and egg. Beckford reminds me of a shite pub I've been to in the Midlands called The Beckford Inn. I'd go for Fryatt.
  18. Surely nobody judges a footballer on statistics...
  19. Maybe if you stick to what has been posted it'll save you replying to stuff that hasn't actually been said.
  20. The kind of numpty who moans about the former regime being "ousted" when in reality they sold the club to Ashley as quickly as possible, took the money, and ran to the bank, laughing. To be fair Fat Freddie was in hospital when it all went down and by the time he launched his own little salvage mission it was too late. Still hardly ousted by Ashley, was he? If anyone "ousted" Shepherd, it was Sir John Hall. Is this supposed to be news? I haven't moaned about Shepherd being ousted, as you call it. I've been well aware of what happened since it happened and I've already blamed SJH. I'm surprised it took you so long to catch on. Then again, maybe not... Err...yes? SJH sold his shares to Ashley and that kicked off the takeover. What's the news about that, or is this your feeble attempt at trying to make out you weren't in support of it, believing 4th, 3rd and 5th in the PL was rubbish? Whatever must you "think" now... OK chum, feel free to contradict yourself while calling everyone else stupid. Just don't be surprised if some think the one with his head up his arse is you. What's the view like in there? Everyone else? Chum, what I said in the first place is that I won't be surprised if Ashley sells ANY of the players. There's nowt wrong with that comment except in the minds of those with their head up their arse, who support Ashley or would be surprised by such a stupid action by the fat man. People like you and a few others, for example. Just read the thread and stop looking for where you can have a daft snipe, if that's possible for you.
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