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Everything posted by Menace

  1. Last updated: 6th December 2007
  2. Will be the end of Lennon, yes please for the right price.
  3. Menace

    Mario Gomez

    He's a very much reversed Podolski. Podolski plays well at International level, but is shite for Bayern. He's shite at international but class for Stuttgart.
  4. £4mill from who ? looks like maybe Roma.. fkin hope so
  5. Make a sub forum called NE5 VS The world where people can go in there if they feel like debating about a subject that's been talked about in at least 1325325435 topics.
  6. Over rated, but bargain at that price. Also, not topic worthy.
  7. So really we should be looking at 6+ to come in.
  8. This is Fulham VS Newcastle but international level.
  9. Menace

    Aaron Spear

    So ugly and over rated yeah?
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deivson_Rogerio_Da_Silva could be worth a bid surely.
  11. He can play just behind the strikers as well as left wing, so selling Duff/Smith and bring in Reyes would be top notch.
  12. Chelsea next! Man Utd have higher debts than Chelsea, I think.
  13. I'd love Fernandes here, straight replacement for Butt.
  14. Perfect replacement for Emre. One can't play 5 games back to back, so we bring in another, similar age and with similar injury record.
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