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Everything posted by Tom_NUFC

  1. Did anyone see what happened with the lad in the Leazes just before half time? There was a big thud, and all of us in the NE corner looked over and there was a bloke sprawled out in the aisle between the 1st and second tier of the Leazes - out cold for a couple of minutes until the Paramedics brought him round. They carted him off on a stretcher, but he was back out just as the second half was starting, so I asume he's OK. I'm just wondering if anyone saw how it happened?
  2. They will have talked to the parents/family and asked how they would like it marked. And if a minute's applause is the way that the family would best like to mark it, then people should respect that.
  3. Apparently, he had a scan yesterday as a precaution, but the club reckon the result of it was that he's fine and he'll be involved at the weekend.
  4. The govt have now said they will guarantee all NR savings if NR were to go bust.
  5. that took ages. I got Given, Lee and Solano easily. Then bit by bit, I got Ketsbaia, and the midfield. Charvet and Maric took ages to get.
  6. Tom_NUFC

    10 Years Ago

    Aye, quality game, class night.
  7. FA Cup First Qualifying Round Newcastle Benfield 2-1 Newcastle Blue Star. Decent game, though the first half was better than the second.
  8. Going to watch Benfield v Blue Star in the FA Cup shortly
  9. This, but taking it purely on face value. London - Charlton Birmingham - Villa Liverpool - Tranmere (I have many relatives down there and they are big Tranmere fans, so I've actually seen them play a number of times down the years) Manchester - Man City Sheffield - Dunno. No preference towards either, but probably Wednesday as Sheff U wear Red and White stripes - and I automatically find red and white stripes repulsive Glasgow - Partick, can't be doing with the Old Firm b*llocks Wild Card - Hibs
  10. BBCi and internet - go to BBC Football
  11. Anyone watching Germany v Argentina. Argentina are being murdered, 8-0 at the minute.
  12. NUFC always. That's not to say I don't care about England or want them to do well, just I always put club before country, I suppose it's an extention of regarding my regional identity as being stronger than my national identity, and sometimes I feel that breaks for internationals just get in the way of club football. I can never be truly devasted, gutted or plain angry over England's results like I can with Newcastle's. I don't think about England every day, where as I think about NUFC frequently over the course of a day - every day.
  13. I thought we played well, and it was a decent game. To come away with a draw would have been completely unjust, as we swarmed all over them, and had a couple of goals ruled incorrectly off-side. Had the Viduka one been given, I think we could have scored a bucketful. As the game actually panned out, naturally everyone was getting a bit frustrated - players and fans alike, and there was a little bit of hit and hope. With Kilbane getting sent off, they bolted down their defence for the draw, and credit to them as I've just said they got us a bit frustrated and defended well. You could feel the relief when the goal came, because it was deserved on the day, it also broke the long home league goal drought, and I'm pleased that it was Owen that got it because it takes the pressure off him a bit. I thought that our defence was rock - Taylor did well deputising at Right Back, N'Zogbia the same at left back and was always going forward, and Cacapa and Rozehnal in the centre - brilliant. Harper had a really good game as well, and made a couple of decent saves from Wigan's tiny number of opportunities. Not the finished article by a long shot though. The midfield is still the weak spot, and the team as a whole still needs to gel together - but this is all understandable, as there have been big changes on the player front. It will take a bit of time for everyone to settle in together, and that can only really be resolved in competative games. But overall, I think things are looking very positive.
  14. What he did was disgraceful, but his punishment was that he was sent to prison. He's been released, and seems to be remorseful and eager to speak to kids and urge them not to make the same mistakes. Now that he's done his time, he deserves a second chance.
  15. Could be a heart condition. There's a condition which some fit, active people in their late teens and early 20s have, and it can bring on a heart attack during or after exercise/sport, and the first time people know about it is when it happens. There was a York player in the 80s/early 90s had a heart attack and died on the pitch from that very condition.
  16. Chim chimeney Chim chimeney Chim chim churoo Dyer went to Bristol Got his leg snapped in two will I get wrong for that one?
  17. I'm flicking between the two.
  18. It's because he acted like an utter cock when he was here. Had it been an ex-player that hadn't behaved like a twat - Scott Parker for instance, I'd have felt sorry for him. I don't wish death on the lad or anything like that, but as he's broken his leg, I can't help but have a bit of a chuckle over the incident.
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