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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 it can only be.................the return of THE MESSIAH!!!!!
  2. I bought one of their jackets when I was at school and Ive still got it now 10 years later which I still use occasionally when its freezing as an extra layer. Class build quality tbh.
  3. Who's making our tops now? http://www.kitmeout.com/fashion/ellesse.gif Made good products them, like.
  4. Same here, I've enjoyed the winning feeling and all that, but vast tracts of the season were a complete borefest.
  5. So, did we wear the new shirt today?
  6. I saw a few punches flying about. Went back and watched the 5mins after the final whistle and saw 2 people pushed over, and one player running off the pitch throwing a stray punch. NOWT compared to the comments on here suggesting a riot was happening! A riot was nearly happening though. Thats enough for us to suggest that it was!
  7. I saw a few punches flying about.
  8. Thought this kicked off at 3!, shows how much we've got riding on the game.
  9. Haha I was thinking the same thing about FIFA 94. I thought they were a made up country.
  10. I wonder if we're going to get a new kit maker any time soon? I mean, we've been with Adidas for donkeys years now. Maybe Nike or someone?, possibly Hummel?.
  11. Shit, forgot to get this today!! How much does the price go up now?
  12. So are we wearing the new top against QPR? Cant wait to finally see it.
  13. I think the one of Gordon Brown when he was played the recording of calling that woman a bigot the other day should replace the Captain Luke Picard one. Anyway get ready for the images to be launched on Monday. I agree, The Gordon Brown one is the greatest facepalm ever!
  14. So, we've had 48 pages of bluster over the new shirt and now we hear that its going to be another two and a half months till we see it? Well that's just fucking swell.
  15. It'd be tough to balance Toon/Heed/Scum, if Heed get more fans, police wise. Toon Scum already alternate home/away, not sure what would happen with a third team in the mix, probably Monday Night home games for someone. I thought about this but surely Northumbria Police should be able to cope with the Scum and Gateshead playing on the same day? If not then they could draft in officers from Cleveland Police or somewhere.
  16. Would love to see it happen. Given the size of Tyneside I'm sure they could draw a pretty decent support aslong as their home games were scheduled for when Newcastle are away. The exposure would bring in many more people. I'm sure of it. I would like the clubs to work really closely with each other like we send a lot of our young talent there on loan and things like that. Plus, Gateshead being in the FL would stop people throwing the 'one club one city' thing at us when trying to dismiss our good support. Hope it happens.
  17. For those with ESPN have any of you seen the programme 'football funnies'? I'm sure one of the clips where the ball is spinning round like some kind of magic infront of a Spurs player that the Spurs player is actually Chris Hughton. Can anyone confirm? Thankinyou.
  18. So how good is this kid? Messi good or Shola good?
  19. How bout this one to the tune of 'Squeeze Box' by The Who. "Nolans got a bait box he wears on his chest, When Hughton comes home he never gets no rest, Because he's eating all night, And those burgers taste right, Nolans got a bait box Hughton never sleeps at night...... He says eat meeee, Come on and eat meeee, Come on and eat me like you dooo The mags they all love you, Nolans got a bait box Hughton never sleeps at night!"
  20. You'll only be disappointed, it'll be Far Cry 2 all over again. you remember that??!! I was just thinking the other day how dissapointed I was with that game. The only other game I had been looking forward to but was dissapointed with more than that one was OFP2.
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