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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. I think this is ok to post: At 0:14 "I need a scarf man, I need a scarf!!!!"
  2. Definitely a lot of this. Fact that Shearer wasn't going to really be playing was pretty sad, but it turned out to be absolutely brilliant occasion. Still peeved that we played Celtic though... very typical of this f***ing club of the last few years: can't do anything right. Even for Shearer's send off. We could have anyone had and it would have been just as class atmosphere wise, but why wasn't it an England XI with lots of ex players he'd played with from England or Blackburn I don't know But credit to the celtic fans though, they certainly made a racket all night long.
  3. The greatest most unexpectedly enjoyable night ive ever had supporting NUFC. Off the back of a turgid season I think the collective feeling before the 'match' was that we were just turning up because we had to. But man, what a night it turned out to be, fuckin immense. I doubt there's ever been another testimonial like that in the UK ever. When that fit lass was singing 'time to say goodbye' at the end and the whole ground had their scarves up, it was a sea of black and white everywhere that was one of those special moment that only come along once in a blue moon. My mate who thinks hes a bit of a hard man who never shows any soppy emotion was fighting back the tears. We still take the piss out of him for it but thats what it was like, everyone was getting carried away. Overall it was just one of those special nights that remind you just what a great club this is to support. I can still remember that I was buzzing for days afterwards about it.
  4. I am shitting a brick here about tonight tbh. The thought that if we dont win means we will be in the championshit next season has suddenly hit me in the face like a Tyson uppercut this morning. I am hitting the bottle hard already.
  5. Cracking stuff from Gateshead. Long may it continue.
  6. Ive been saying for years now that every team should have a level playing field in which to become the best. Your Wigans should have the exact same opportunity to win the league as your Man U's. All clubs should be on an equal footing no matter how big or small. Then it would really come down to good management, coaching and the running of a club within strict rules whether that be salary cap or whatever to determine who wins things. If the top 4 are still the top for after this change then so be it. But at least it will give other clubs the change to compete given shrewd planning. I realise this is jealousy on my part because Newcastle are s***, but do we really want to be sitting here in 20 or 30 years time with the exact same top 4 winning everything as they do now? We as Newcastle and 95% of the other clubs who will never win nowt might as well not bother going on tbh because whats the point?
  7. Nothing more European than red speedos surrounded by pasty white. Racist.
  8. So how manys going down?, the ronnie gill reckons 10,000.
  9. Parry talks bollocks but he know he does. Adrian Durham takes the opposite stance on anything but does seem to dislike us having taken the media view that we think we're great and should win everything as we're a big club. He genuinely doesn't have a good word to say about us. Durham used to live in Newcastle aswell during the 90's. I think he went to one of the Uni's or something.
  10. Howay the bay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T&G Allans has shut down in the recession..............bad times.....................but Whiltey Bay FC have painted the boards on the shop windows blue & white!!!........Good times!!!!! http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3601/3504614242_5bfd5d5fd5_b.jpg
  11. For me, the biggest revelation on Talksport this year is finding out that Andy Townsend is not infact a cunt but a pretty decent bloke! The Porkmiester Parry is hilarious when somone calls up to challenge him and then he starts stuttering and then comes out with some complete bollocks! The biggest cunts on that station are in no particular order............Hawkesby & Jacobs and that Ginger twat Adrian Durham. He is a complete spanner him like.
  12. Yet every time I've seen them play at Newcastle they haven't conveyed anything of the sort. And a fair few times I've heard Noel and Liam Gallagher say complimentary things about us. This, they love playing up here. The Arena gigs are nearly always some of the best ones on their tours. Next month they play stadium of shite, sure its not SJP but you can bet they'll be staying and drinking in Newcastle.
  13. I have to say that I actually like Porky Parry. I dont always agree with him but he is good for a laugh now and again. Interesting fact.....He used to work for the Evening Chronicle. Re Noel Gallagher, I listened to the show and what he said was just a stupid off the cuff comment. He doesnt hate us at all. Man City wouldnt have been playing Newcastle in The Masterplan video if he hated us that much!
  14. A complete spanner of the highest order. A complete muppet who shouldnt have been let within a million miles of the job in the first place. So overall, fond memories.
  15. You know, I was convinced this bloke was gonna be the new Robert. If he hadnt done his hammy in his first game it could have all been different.
  16. Aye 2,500 of the empty seats at the Pompey game were down to them.
  17. I kind of expected this to be the case. Was just waiting for a thread about it.
  18. To be fair, they have. Usually one of the better supports up here. EH??????? They haven't sold more than 1800 tickets up here for donkeys years, their support for supposedly their biggest away day of the season is pathetic. Agree. This guyb bloke has surely got it wrong. In a stadium of our size isnt the full allocation more than 2,800? Sure it is. Anyhow, I cant recall Boro bringing that many at any point in the last 10 years.
  19. I too am sick of the fat bloke. 101% cringeworthy.
  20. http://www.mfc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/ComingUp/0,,1~57236,00.html Bullshit Doesnt mean you took the full allocation though. Probably means you have sold out the 1500 or 2000 tickets that you didnt send back.
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