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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Must admit I never fail to be shocked at the prices these days. I managed to get last season's home and away for £35 each on offer which is really what you should be paying full whack. They know what they are doing like.
  2. I love stuff like that! Would love a mooch about under the stands like.
  3. So does this mean potentially cheaper shirts if we order from noom or not?
  4. Love the lad, me. An absolute boss on the pitch but seemingly with the personality of someone who would have got bullied at school. Couldn't be happier for him.
  5. The shirt itself is an improvement from last year.
  6. I find myself being a bit gutted that we still have fun88 as sponsor. Look how far we have come when this is all we have to be disappointed about! Need to give mesell a slap tbh.
  7. I'm pushing 40 and since the takeover I've been rocking all 3 of this season's tops on a recent holiday to Spain. Honestly been embarrassed to wear one for a decade minimum. It feels so good to be proud of the club again and get into conversations with people out and about. Don't care if Its an awful look for a 40 year old, yuz can aaal gan an sod off!
  8. Fuck me I'm sold on his YouTube vids. The kids different class. Exceptional feet and natural finisher. Going to link up lovely with Bruno.
  9. Cheers lads, you bellends
  10. Forgive me but how do you pronounce his name?
  11. Superb video that like! Goosebumps.
  12. He makes the game look so fucking easy. I like how he shows the opposition players the ball but you can see already that they are reluctant to commit against him for fear of being mugged off. Word has got round.
  13. Anyone else had moving on up on repeat this morning?
  14. No sorry. Gold number 10 and a maxi flag of him posing arms wide. Looked class.
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he knock it round the full back then out pace him yesterday?
  16. All 3 Brazilian flags and the BMX 4 sale!
  17. One for the all time EPIC NUFC photos that!
  18. Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the winner go in on my stream. It was like my brain stopped for a split second. Was insane!
  19. What I love about him is his attitude and how he is all in and embracing the club and the city. Instead of the bitching and moaning about living in the 'wastelands' of the North East that we are so used to, he has the passion of a young lad who bleeds black and white from Wallsend or Walker or somewhere. It is so refreshing. He is tailor made for our club.
  20. That noticeable lack of pace, I didn't see it last night. He was up and down that pitch like a boss. Some of his passing was outrageous, and his little touches, the lads next level.
  21. pedro111


    After years of struggling to find it on YouTube it seem like the hounds of love video has been put back up.
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