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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. The noise after the second and third goals man.
  2. I knew my good feeling about this lad was right. Just what we need.
  3. I'm racking my brains but cannot remember his name but I'm sure it wasn't Cecil. He had curly hair iirc. Can still remember my confusion one time when he asked me if I was "working tomorrow?" I was thinking why's he asking me if I'm walking for? He knaas I always ride me bike! He was a canny bloke though. He chipped me PS1 and sold us games for the price of a blank cd.
  4. I was born in North Shields and grew up in Monkseaton/Whitley Bay. The bloke who ran the Newsagents where I did my paper round was from Ashington. We used to piss ourselves laughing at him whenever he spoke. Class days. The northeast man, what a mint place it is really.
  5. Seems like such a normal lad. Not what you'd expect a Premier League footballer to be like. I like him, I hope he does well for us.
  6. I think it looked better with the boxes on the east stand an aarl.
  7. I'm not from here but I live in Thornley. It's not that bad. Certainly not as bad as Wheatley Hill or god forbid.... Shotton Colliery. That place makes the ridges look like Beverly Hills.
  8. Fwiw, I know 2 people from Stanley. Not related and both are mackems.
  9. Honestly, most of them haven't stood the test of time. They are pretty dated. Most can be found on YouTube. The last one I did "NUFC feeling a moment" is pretty good I think and stirs the blood after the takeover but if I could take the Owen goal out of it I would!
  10. Thanks lads it must be knocking on 20 year since I started doing those vids. Initially I just made one for something to do as a bored teenager then before you know it I was making one after the other and after a while they were being played on the concourses before the games. Was an epic feeling at the time! ?
  11. pedro111


    Another gem from Exile.... "Still trying to convince themselves Beheddie is the man to do the job when deep inside they're crushed they ended up with an out of work relegation winner with the personality of a doughnut and the morals of whore. I can't wait for Mandy to go Bankrupt, them to get relegated and the Mags trying to rewrite history. Prior to this they were the most hated club in the UK, very quickly becoming the world and the blood money will run out soon. Hopefully Big Mike has his stake back soon. He's never going away. FTM"
  12. Sinclair has defended us loads lately on Talksport. Fair play to him.
  13. Spot on! just ordered three shirts, including my little girls first strip! ? What a time to be alive!
  14. Most talented player I have ever seen play for us. No question.
  15. Hope people hate us more to be honest. Better that than being irrelevant.
  16. Breathtaking that like. Will the team ever match the fans?
  17. pedro111


    He also said Trippiers going to be a massive flop and that we won't tear them a new arsehole next season because of 6 in a row.
  18. pedro111


    His reasoning was that the standards in the championship and league 1 have massively improved recently what with all the big clubs down there now!
  19. pedro111


    I watched 5 mins of that Fans TV thing and the bloke on there when asked the question do you think the mags will go down? He replied with " Yes and I hope they do, they think they will piss the league and come straight back up but I believe this is the start of their tumble down the divisions!"
  20. I think we have a severe mental block at the minute. Ever since Howe took over it just seems too much of a struggle to win a game. You could see it today almost from the off. We need to get rid of it, somehow.
  21. Need 2 strikers as no doubt first one will get injured
  22. If we had played a genuine striker that would have been a comfortable win.
  23. Probably been said a million times but the lack of a proper striker as a focal point is costing us Trippier looks good.
  24. pedro111


    You have found a couple of outliers by the looks of it. All the mackems I know are sound but from time to time the guard slips and I get an insight into the levels of hatred they have for us and honestly the transformation in those normally sound blokes is a bit scary to be honest!
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