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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Thought Obertan has done quite a few good things today. Lax defensively despite a couple of good interceptions.
  2. Im feeling strangely positive. Got to lay off the coffee me thinks.
  3. Amazing photo. Love the east stand, its arguably better than it is today . Imagine the capacity increase and atmosphere if we were allowed to fill that today.
  4. pedro111

    Alan Shearer

    You're right but considering that Shearers goals were in the last few years before the Premier League started they should make a special dispensation!
  5. pedro111

    Alan Shearer

    Slightly annoying that the 23 goals he scored for Southampton in the old First Division are not included in his 260 total of 'Premier League' goals. It was only a fucking name change man. Still, if someone ever does manage to break his record he can come out and say 'nah man you still have another 23 to go!'
  6. pedro111

    Alan Shearer

    Weird isn't it? That a testimonial can produce statements like this? But its true, I imagine winning a trophy eventually will feel something like this. What a night.
  7. pedro111

    Alan Shearer

    Anyone remember the buzz they got after his testimonial? Mine lasted for days, I couldnt wipe the smile off my face. It was so unexpectedly brilliant. One for the fanboys.
  8. pedro111

    Steve McClaren

    Think BigMac is as good as we can get under this regime. I don't really dislike him to be honest but just thinking about how much we are going to despise him in six months to a year. This club man.
  9. Plus mackems are spawny cunts and will probably fluke a result.
  10. If there is any justice in this world then we go down next week.
  11. The worst thing is that we will probably stay up because of hull and Ashley and co will see it as vindication for their decisions and a job well done.
  12. Spot on. The amount of people who criticise our fans without realising this. We are breaking new ground here surely.
  13. Yes. The club is completely fucked in every possible way. There is no point to us being in the Premier League under Ashley's ownership. None, its fucking shit, even when we win its shit. Staying up will only drag this shit out for years. There are no buyers for us now so I don't see what difference it makes getting relegated so who gives a fuck? Any buyer worth his salt should not be detered by our league standing. At this point, total implosion seems the quickest way of reclaiming our club back so bring it on.
  14. pedro111

    John Carver

    At this stage in the game I'm fucking relishing relegation and if need be relegation again and again till the club is burned to ashes and the fat cunt either fucks off or dies and we can start again from scratch. Rather that than another decade of this fucking leech.
  15. pedro111


    I still think that people need to realise just how much power the fans hold. If we were united and protested in huge numbers and boycotted game after game he'd be gone before next season in my opinion.
  16. pedro111


    Another few defeats and another boycott organised will hopefully see the sheep turn and lead to at least double the empty seats of today.
  17. pedro111


    Absolutely cannot understand the mentality of some toward this already. Even one of my mates was like what's the point it won't work. I don't know what will be harder, getting Ashley to sell up or getting our fanbase to unite. Make no mistake, if our fanbase united and made every game a nightmare for him he'd be gone in a matter of months. I genuinely believe that.
  18. I am at rock bottom but like others have said I can never be completely finished with the club as it has been such a big part of my life but I haven't gone or spent a penny on them in ages but deep down there is a little flame still flickering away in the breeze, refusing to go out. We as a fan base are like a beaten dog. Taking the blows day after day cowering and then coming back to lick the owners hand. But one day, one day we as a collective will have had enough and he will hit us one too many times and we will bite back. This point should have come years ago but at some point in the future it will.
  19. Hope its 200 - 0, send us down. At this point whats the harm?
  20. We don't have that luck, unfortunately.
  21. Seriously when do we hit rock bottom with this cunt? This is a nightmare of unimaginable proportions.
  22. Just so pathetic this like. We literally have nothing, nothing in our arsenal to change this.
  23. Keep forgetting this is even on tomorrow. Never been so apathetic in all my life. Not even going out to watch it. How did things ever get this bad?
  24. I only remembered we were playing at 23:16 tonight, checked the score and made a face and then went back to watching the telly. 10 to 15 years ago I lived and breathed this football club. Now I couldnt give a flying fuck. Back then I could never have envisaged this happening. How grim.
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