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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. pedro111


    If any team in the world can fluke a win here its Sunderland. They are the jammiest bastards going.
  2. Had a 25p bet on an 8 fold tonight. Won £125 from it!! IsThIsReAlLiFe!!!
  3. I emailed them on the 1st of Feb telling them that I wish to cancel for next season. I also immediately cancelled my DD with the bank. I received no confirmation from NUFC however and today I have received a letter asking me to authorise my Direct Debit again as they have tried to take a payment twice and have been unsuccessful. The thing that puzzles me is that the letter states that the payment is for the season 2013-14 ticket and has no mention of next season the 2014-15 ticket. I thought this season was already payed for ?
  4. Totally agree. I'm at the point of wanting us to get beat every single game now. Last night I found myself wanting Spurs to get a 5th and 6th toward the end. Its the only way any sort of positive change is going to happen at the club. This is great, we can look even worse and stll have Pardew stinking up the place safe in his job. Aye sounds fucking ace that logic Any other ideas for getting Pardew and Ashley out? Sustained defeats and fans not turning up are the only two things that would eventually force any form of positive change at the club. Its shit but that's the point we are at. To go to last nights match cost me a shift at work, petrol money and a horrendous journey in shitty weather. I've had it tbh. The sooner these cunts are in a mess they can't get out of without fucking off the better. At least then we can start rebuilding the club and enjoying ourselves again.
  5. Totally agree. I'm at the point of wanting us to get beat every single game now. Last night I found myself wanting Spurs to get a 5th and 6th toward the end. Its the only way any sort of positive change is going to happen at the club.
  6. Debuchy and Gouff only ones who looked like they gave a fuck. Cisse wasn't that bad actually. Grim as fuck overall the place was dead there was no fight no anger in the fans. Game set and match Ashley.
  7. I exaggerate man howay but personally at this point I wouldn't care one jot and I care deeply for this club; certainly more than any owner or director or manager or player currently involved with NUFC. I care more than any of them. That's what Ashley has done to me. I wouldn't be arsed if we didn't win another game this season. The mere fact that I have typed that is sickening but its the truth and it fucking stinks.
  8. So you keep posting. I bet we do. Yeah we probably will but it wouldn't surprise me if we didn't and nobody at the club would give the first flying fuck if we failed to do so and at this point neither would I tbh.
  9. And this is why we will be lucky to see another win this season. Shocking state of affairs but like John Anderson says "We're in eighth place, what do people want?" Fucking muppets, the lot of them.
  10. Anderson boils my piss. " Yeah but we're eighth in the league for gods sake, and after the drubbing off Man City in the opening game I bet most people would have bit my hand off for eighth place. " Yeah John but what you fail to realise is that the way this club is going we will not see eighth place again for a very very fucking long time. The way he defends Pardew is sickening. The clueless callers they let on don't help mind.
  11. Honestly couldn't give a fuck. Hope it ends 7 nil. Anything that cranks up the pressure on the regime.
  12. I have a free Saturday afternoon and I am not even going to watch this.
  13. Just seen this cunt on the box saying that we are going to be signing loads of players in the summer. Nearly smashed me fucking telly. ffs.
  14. Morning lads. Reasons to be cheerful, we're a day closer to this cunt selling up or dying which ever comes first.
  15. Aye but even he would spend more on transfers tbh.
  16. We could lose all but two of the remaining games this season and not be that low. we won't finish as low as that probably between 10th and 12th Ok lads fair enough.
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