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Cheshire Mag

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Everything posted by Cheshire Mag

  1. Cheshire Mag

    Steven Taylor

    Thats fantastic news. It means he doesn't need to be registered. Not that hard to figure out. Cant play if he doesnt have a squad number though can he. Are you serious? No im just joking you tool.
  2. Cheshire Mag

    Steven Taylor

    Thats fantastic news. It means he doesn't need to be registered. Not that hard to figure out. Cant play if he doesnt have a squad number though can he.
  3. Cheshire Mag

    Steven Taylor

    Its alright, Kadar is 21.
  4. Cheshire Mag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    We were the same when he was on the pitch, tbh.
  5. He has alot of pace. Why the hell doesnt he use it and skip past players instead and fucking about with the ball and then giving it away. Alien headed fucker.
  6. Cheshire Mag

    Ryan Taylor

    Shirley has to be dropped after today. What an absoloute bag of shit he was, forgot how many times I counted him out of position.
  7. Obertan needs shooting, absoloute garbage.
  8. Cheshire Mag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Was very very poor today. Seems to always want that extra touch which he cant afford in the PL. He needs to learn this and quick if he is going to be a success with us.
  9. Cheshire Mag

    Steven Taylor

    Thats fantastic news.
  10. Cheshire Mag

    Steven Taylor

    We are knackered here like, Perch will get smashed up against Holt at Norwich, who is going to partner him is the question. Reckon Pardew will regret not registering Kadar for his PL squad list.
  11. Mine was working up until around 4 minutes in then it just stops playing.
  12. http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/318430_283537371687992_195359140505816_822154_177526204_n.jpg
  13. Should we open a book as to how long he has left?
  14. Oh well it was always coming wasnt it? Just hope we can come out with our confidence still high ready for Old Trafford next weekend.
  15. Cheshire Mag

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Should have had a pop instead of threading it through to Ba but a very encouraging half from him.
  16. By who?! Starforth covers NUFC for the Shields Gazette, that comment was on his twitter. So if you want an answer you know where to go. He's quite reliable too. Trust him more than Ryder anyway. Id trust Billy Liar more than that tool Ryder, tbh.
  17. Think the French national team doctors want to check it out.
  18. Was just about to post the same thing. New U18's coach. Got a good reputation as a coach from what ive heard.
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