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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. See, this is what will happen now. We've waited a year and a half for a new striker but now they've got a ready made excuse not to get once since we're even more desperate elsewhere. We should be buying a striker and defenders, ffs. We still might be, man. Calm down, it's not even January yet
  2. His own doctor and agent are hardly going to say that he's fucked, like.
  3. They were all free transfers. Sochaux want £7m for Maiga. Much bigger risk if there is an injury concern.
  4. Hasn't he been injured for a while now? There must be something wrong with him if we wont sign him Fuck it, lets see what January brings. We're not really doing too bad up front anyway. Defenders are much more important.
  5. Team I expect to see Krul Raylor - Simpson - Colo - Santon Obertan - Cabaye - Abied - Jonas Ba - Shola
  6. :lol: Must say i find Sunderland as a club, and their supporters quite enjoyable. Most the supporters, they are special. On the Sunday the Lord created Sunderland and Mackems, so his greatest achievement the Geordie could always be happy. Where did the line on classy club come from? was it printed on the Label of Quinnys magic carpet? or were they brain washed into accepting it as compensation for showing no ambition for 30 years by the likes of Bob Murray? I dunno, it seemed to come about after the 5-1. I imagine they finally reasoned they were never really going to beat us on the pitch so looked for other ways to justify their smug sense of superiority. Unfortunately this desperation to better us, even if it was simply on a moral level, has resulted in a selective memory and they've basically forgotten all the horrendous stuff their club has done in the recent past or came up with reasons why it was okay.
  7. Coming from someone whose links to the club don't extend beyond a computer screen? Hold on, aren't you from the south east? ...and what does that have to do with anything? It means that you probably shouldn't play the "you live too far away to have proper links to the club" card as it makes you look a bit daft.
  8. Coming from someone whose links to the club don't extend beyond a computer screen? Hold on, aren't you from the south east?
  9. As it happened on Stowell Street is it safe to claim it was a hate crime against the Chinese community? http://ichlugebullets.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/father-ted-racist1.jpg
  10. Cheeky cunt. I imagine the conversation went something like... MA: "So all, when are you going to sign a new centre back?" AP: "Well, I was thi-" MA: "I'll tell you when! Never! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!" Or something.
  11. Definitely I'm afraid. Was always going to be a high risk signing and has lost a season of his career here all ready after playing about a game and a half in anger. Not his fault mind and hopefully he'll turn it around. He is 25 years-old and has started 65 league games in his career (33 of which were the season before last). Massive gamble, that won't pay off, imo. Fucking hell, I'd hate to go Anywhere with you Surely?
  12. Definitely I'm afraid. Was always going to be a high risk signing and has lost a season of his career here all ready after playing about a game and a half in anger. Not his fault mind and hopefully he'll turn it around. He is 25 years-old and has started 65 league games in his career (33 of which were the season before last). Massive gamble, that won't pay off, imo. Fucking hell, I'd hate to go to Aspers with you
  13. There used to be a big advertisement in arrivals but they pulled that down a few months ago because none of the players on it played for them anymore
  14. No way dont, its an airport that happens to be in the newcastle area. f***ing hell, i dont know a single mag who thinks the airport belongs to NUFC fans. MASSIVE f***ing CHIP ON THE SHOULDER HALF A HEED c***s DOOON THE ROAD MONGS can't believe anyone could have that mackem's point of view. a sign begging people just to notice sunderland - in another city's massive international airport - and they think its some victory. what the hell is wrong with them? Apparently seeing that sign will put nufc fans in a right mood before they go on holiday http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showpost.php?p=11408793&postcount=65 I'd be livid. I mean how could I jet off to Tenerife knowing they've ruined out airport by putting up an advert that paints us as their bigger, better rivals. Would destroy my holiday. Exactly. How dare their football club pay for an advertisement in an airport which their council partially own.
  15. I've came up with some pretty stringent criteria which I'm going to use to assess all over our defensive targets over the coming transfer window. Should they pass they'll be suitable for Newcastle United. I'll demonstrate below: Is James Tomkins better than James Perch? Yes (x) No ( ) Not sure ( ) Conclusive. Welcome aboard Jimmy!
  16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/history/img/themes/society/industry/arthur_scargill_446.jpg
  17. Too good to turn down and all of that s****. If Ba keeps on banging them in the way he has, how long before the Tiote rumours change to him btw? It's f***ing horrible that we're even talking about this, but with those in charge, it's something that will always be at the back of our minds. If we want to get anywhere, we need to entertain any ideas that these offers are too good to turn down. Spurs have proven that with Modric - who I think is a class little player, but he's not worth £40 million pound, yet they knew he was more valuable to them than that. That's what we need to start doing. Absolutely. Easier said than done though, surely? Not many teams would have hung on to Modric like Spurs did, and even they might still lose him next summer. i'd argue it's actually almost as easy to do it as say it, considering doing it just involves saying 'no' to the clubs who want to buy him and to the player who's still under contract it involves valuing the football team over the balance sheet for a little bit though, in the hope that the former will naturally improve the latter. we have trouble with this bit. Even Spurs have only just got to the stage of saying no though. Until very recently they were a selling club and they've only really felt confident enough to turn down big money bods once they were on a footing to compete for Champions League football. granted, you have to take that step at some point though. are we waiting until we qualify for the champions league before we stop selling our best players? if that's the case i can see a flaw in the logic. We do, but Spurs aren't the best example.
  18. http://gifsoup.com/view/100077/partridge-shrug-o.gif
  19. Too good to turn down and all of that s****. If Ba keeps on banging them in the way he has, how long before the Tiote rumours change to him btw? It's f***ing horrible that we're even talking about this, but with those in charge, it's something that will always be at the back of our minds. If we want to get anywhere, we need to entertain any ideas that these offers are too good to turn down. Spurs have proven that with Modric - who I think is a class little player, but he's not worth £40 million pound, yet they knew he was more valuable to them than that. That's what we need to start doing. Absolutely. Easier said than done though, surely? Not many teams would have hung on to Modric like Spurs did, and even they might still lose him next summer. i'd argue it's actually almost as easy to do it as say it, considering doing it just involves saying 'no' to the clubs who want to buy him and to the player who's still under contract it involves valuing the football team over the balance sheet for a little bit though, in the hope that the former will naturally improve the latter. we have trouble with this bit. Even Spurs have only just got to the stage of saying no though. Until very recently they were a selling club and they've only really felt confident enough to turn down big money bods once they were on a footing to compete for Champions League football.
  20. I'd assume so, considering we're on course to break even without taking the Carroll fee into consideration.
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