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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. In the same way Thomson House have changed their tune since the Sunday Sun was banned from SJP? Is that ban still in place? Aye. A national daily has been banned too but I'm barred from divulging which one. It's not a News Corp paper either.
  2. It wouldn't surprise me if he had but since he threatened legal action the NotW have opted for pro-Ashley angles. I'm taking it with a pinch of salt.
  3. I don't think Saylor should be shoved straight back in if Williamson is in form. He's earned his place. As an aside I think Hall has been decent too. Certainly not as impressive as Williamson but he's able back up. We've got four good centre backs at the minute which is refreshing.
  4. What was the point made on SSN about Newcastle? Your team isn't capable of stepping up, as it is. Even Stevie Wonder can see that.
  5. Probably the highlight of the game. "Get your tits oot" "you've got chlamydia" etc. Oh and Hughton gave us a wave. I was really happy to see a bit of Hughton love. He's never going to be the next SAF but he deserves a modicum of credit. That said I was cursing the bugger when I saw Smith back in for Routledge before I found out he was injured
  6. I was convinced we were about 10 minutes in when Lovenkrands scored. I nearly shat when I checked the clock and there was only three minutes gone Nice to see Lily Savage turn up in the Preston end too.
  7. I saw him in town once going up Northumberland street hat and jacket on looking rather scared and walking incredibly fast. He looked rather paranoid. I saw Stewey Downing on Northumberland Street the other day. http://www.aboutaball.co.uk/footballnews/NewsImages/damien%20duff.jpg http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/03_03/SoccerDuff_468x363.jpg http://images.icnetwork.co.uk/upl/nechronical/feb2008/7/1/0816AE97-9D30-2B8A-4D81148F8A2B5F0C.jpg The many faces of a man with serious mental issues. That said he's nowt on Scott Parker, who looks like he's smuggling an extra chromosome. http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/05_01/ScottParkerGETTY_468x618.jpg
  8. http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/07MYa6Q4UV6Tf/610x.jpg Glad to see Captain Fantastic standing Saylors corner I had a tenner on us 4-0, Owen first goalscorer. I nearly cried when Lawrence scored
  9. Agree with this. Pretty good summing up of the game We desperately need to get our act together away from home, thats for sure though. Well TELL the dirty inconsiderate moron ! Nothing more embarrasing than being told such by a woman. He was told by several people last night including me and has been before. It truly is vile and it must have been about 10 times last night. Awful. You must sit right in front of me and my mates up in the leazes corner. Its rank, so thick you can just about chew it. I shouted about it at least five times last night but no one seemed to own up. There's a group of about five lads two rows down from us who look rather sheepish every time one goes off but i cant work out which one it is yet. Its absolutely rank and who ever it is needs to get to the doctors asap. Are you the lad in the glasses who got hit in the face by his mate when we scored against cardiff? You two must be pretty close to me because at least half a dozen times during the match the smell of fart will woft across the corner and reduce wor kid and I to gagging.
  10. I just don't like to see a lone striker at all in this division, there's no call for us to play that way. Indeed, although Hughton is going to stick with it. If he is we need a player capable of bringing others into the game and not a lad who is primarily a big man winning flick ons to non-existant players.
  11. "Your support is decent as you're travelling approximately 200 miles on a week night against a side with quite a good home record. Okay, you may not have filled your home allocation but we understand the situation you are in, especially as your recent results have been quite poor!"
  12. Are you trying to put the lad off? If you go to Shearer's be warned, you'll be charged an arm and a leg for some average beer but you'll be able to hang around and watch DVDs of Titus Bramble's greatest fuck ups. The Strawberry is an alternative and it's a nice pub but it makes the Leppings Lane End mid April '89 seem spacious. If you really are desperate to see borderline boilers get their tits out then go to Idols. It has the slightly better quality of blart and it's not rammed with Lyle & Scott clad cunts like Sam Jacks is although it is a fucking dive, you will stick to the carpet and if the DJ hears your accent you'll probably get dragged up on the bar to do daft drinking games.
  13. He's not strong enough to hold the ball up so we need to get out of this mindset that he's a good option as a lone striker. If we're going one up top I'd argue Ranger is a better option.
  14. Canny We need some Lionel Ritchie numbers for Leon Best. One, Twice, Three times a Geordie is the only one I can think up so far.
  15. Chainrai making a last ditch bid to recoup his investment. Sell the players, take the money and allow the club to be wound up.
  16. I get the feeling he's got a similar mentality to Jenas - if he's not 100% happy then his performances will nosedive.
  17. Does this mean we're going to get fined every time Nicky Butt makes an appearance?
  18. I get the feeling that if Shearer had come in and done exactly as Hughton has people would be wanking in their Shredded Wheat.
  19. I'm sure we had the conversation when the fixtures were released about why we were playing on a Wednesday when most other matches were being played on a Tuesday. Wasn't it something to do with TV?
  20. http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00765/SNN26TV2C-380_765295a.jpg Paolo Sousa http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00659/Paulo_Sousa_280x390_659023a.jpg Superhans
  21. I'm not an expert on insolvency (thank God) but as I understand it the claim from HMRC cannot result in an administrator being appointed because only a creditor who has a floating charge can petition for an administrator to be appointed. And HMRC does not have such a charge on money owed, it is simply a preferred creditor (top of the list I think) that can call for a winding up so that assets are liquidated to settle its debt. So yes your image of the players being auctioned off to generate cash for HMRC isn't far off. Another serious point here is the fact that the club is without doubt trading whilst insolvent, which can be a criminal act. Pompey spokesman has denied they are insolvent.
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