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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Someone on Skunkers started that as a piss take.
  2. Glazer is 81 Gillett is early 71 Al-Fayed is 76 Whelan is 72
  3. We can scoff at City but they're probably going to win something major as a result of this spending eventually. Chelsea were in a very similar position and got a tonne of derision heaped on them but the minute they started winning they became part of the furniture. Their fans are quite happy not only because they're the richest club in the world but because the people who run them aren't complete wankers. Their reps have met with the fans and actually made changes at the club based on the feedback.
  4. I don't think there is any pride to be had in 'doing it the hard way' in modern football, especially as i'm not entirely convinced you can do it the hard way now. Maybe half a decade ago when it was still possible to make a dent on the league without huge funding it was but now it seems suicidal to shun the idea of a rich owner. Nowadays teams are capable of being rich and not instantly being the spawn of the devil - take Villa for example. I'm not excusing it as I think it's an awful way for football to be ran but for success it's the only way. I ideally want to see Newcastle win something as soon as possible and if stupid amounts of cash are needed to do that then so be it. It certainly wouldn't take the shine of success. The Robson era was nice, but you've got to remember we were one of the better funded sides in the league at a time when the top three or four was breakable and prices weren't as high.
  5. The quality of the other manager isn't specified, just the fact it isn't Shearer. Think of it as a roll of the dice by the new owners - could be better, could be worse.
  6. Would you rather a stupidly rich owner who would allow us to bounce back from relegation pretty quickly but wouldn't appoint Shearer, or an owner who was moderately rich and would appoint Big Al but wouldn't set us apart from the crowd when it comes to Championship spending?
  7. Funnily enough I did hear a certain energy drink manufacturer from that particular Germanic country were interested in us but it was from the most unreliable source going. He was the type of kid who came into school and said he stayed with his uncle in America and played on Sega Mega Drive 2. Nice to see the Guardian setting the bar high for journalism.
  8. Yes. Fuck it, it wouldn't bother me if we went out of business if I was conkers deep in her every night.
  9. Generally how helicopters stay in the air.
  10. I've voted for the Malaysians, since it's becoming increasingly likely it's Krishnan and he sounds like such a lovely bloke.
  11. A lot are being too downbeat IMO. People seem to only indulge in either unbridled delerium or suicidal levels of pessimism on here. Personally I think we can approach this with some degree of caution. It's patently obvious something is happening after the two stadium/training ground tours by flush foreigners and various rumours, I just think we can't get too excited as it could drag on for another week or two.
  12. No Lets remember, for all their faults Ashley and co were very, very good at keeping their cards close to their chest/very, very poor at communicating. I'll probably be in the middle of a weary, post-midnight posh wank and jump on here to have a quick browse of the next days news only to find out we've been sold.
  13. Lets remember Llambias isn't the most confident person when it comes to the media (his Aston Villa/Arsenal muddle for example). It's very probable he muddled his words slightly and the Ronny have quoted him directly.
  14. Are those the initial decisions of allowing Allardyce taking the funds from the sale of Kieron Dyer and bringing in Alan Smith being taken into acount there? You can say what you want about the conspiracy theorists, but EVERY decision that he has been involved in has fucked us over, from not going through due diligence to where we are today and will still do into next season. He's not trying to fuck us over but the bloke is a pig shit thick chancer who has been as lucky as fuck up until two years ago, but now luck is biting him on the arse. You're right. The bloke is thick as fuck but every decision has been a bad one? Hardly. Ashley was widely praised until a slow summer on the transfer front and Keegan walking. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, however I can remember supporters being quite happy with the sale of Dyer and the signing of Smith. I can remember thinking that the squad Allardyce had put together was one of the strongest in recent history and I know that optimism was indulged by many other fans.
  15. The worst thing is it does look like the consipacry theorists could be right. You cannot take over a company and make so many bad decisions and look back end EVERY SINGLE DECISON that you have made in two years has been the wrong fucking one. Statisicly it should have been 60 /40 but this guy has been 100% pig shit thick on descision making since he took over you would have to look and wonder how he made ten bob not nigh on two billion. Not strictly true. His initial running of the club, especially on the financial side was fairly sound. It was only when it came to making proper footballing decisions that the arse fell out (Keegan? Wise? JFK? Even Shearer to a certain extent?). He surrounded himself with his mates rather than footballing people and that was when the major problems arose. Anyone who thinks he is fucking us over on purpose needs their head checking and then stoving in with a shovel.
  16. I'd bet my house on the Grauniad simply lifting that from .COM. Their article effectively reads "It could be this week, could be in a month. We know nowt." Some people need to seriously get a grip. There is no way MA would keep the club out of spite. He simply can't afford to. As his bank balance lurches ever closer to the red this club becomes even more of a burden. Okay, he may not be paying the players but the longer he keeps it the higher the overdraft and the smaller the sale price will be. We all know he needs tha £60-100 million to plug a rather large hole in his personal wealth. My own gut feeling is that a sale is probably closer than we think. It may not be this week or even next week but i'm confident we'll go into the season with a new owner and in better shape than we expect. Keith Harris isn't shouting from the rooftops how good this club is, which is his usual tactic when he's trying to peddle a completely unsalable asset, so he may actually be quite busy.
  17. He's good mates with Kenneth IIRC. I can remember him posting details of the Siberski, Bernard and Rossi transfers hours before they were even in the media conscious and getting derided for it.
  18. He hasn't got the cash to drag things out simply to annoy us. If it pulls on for another month our overdraft will have yet again increased lowering the value of the club. The longer he clings on the less desirable it'll be. Methinks .COM are talking utter shite.
  19. Why would a billionaire with multiple other top real business concerns respond to reports of this nature. He has been noted to be reclusive and he will likely stay in the background and appoint a representative/s as this investment is not substantial in his books. Didn't Ambani's spokesperson deny any links to an NUFC buyout some time ago? He's a bit richer than AK.
  20. There could be two reasons why Krishnan is silent. Either he is so ridiculously reclusive to the point where confirmation and denials aren't made or, as I am beginning to suspect, he's one of the interested parties and he's signed the confidentiality agreement. There was a brief hint of the fact AirAsia may be involved and they were straight onto the press whereas the AK link is being widely reported both here and in KL by the looks of it. I wouldn't get too hung up about .COM either. They used to have their ear very much to the ground but over the past few years the quality of their ITK info has took a nosedive (Deco anyone?). They've changed their mind about Krishnan so much they've no idea whether they're coming or going.
  21. Rod Liddle - Jack of all trades, master of none. Apart from knocking around pregnant women. Straight out of the Talksport school of journalism. Say something moronic loud enough and you'll get a response.
  22. Is this a worry or nothing? Nothing. Both are hopelessly shite yet their completely unfounded reputation means we could probably get some decent cash for them.
  23. Stop linking to websites which clearly make up their content.
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